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RE: Question about reference check/background check

Dear guys,

I have a question about the reference check or called background check.

I'm currently living in China and hope to have a job-seeker visa. I provided the contact info of my previous line managers in reference letter. But all my previous employers are in China and some of my managers are not good at both English and German - The reference letter were originally written by Chinese and translated into German. So I doubt how can he answer the questions in German/English if there will be any call from embassy or my potential employer.

Something I need to clarify is:
1. What's the general way German companies do the reference check if they're going to issue offer to me? Will they call the referrer I provided or have mail?
2. May I help translate during the background check or my referrer can ask them to help find a translator?
0 (0 Votos)

RE: Question about reference check/background check
5/04/15 17:58 en respuesta a Kang Liu.

I do not believe that anybody will check your references. If you meet the prerequisites for the job seeker visa you should get it without references.

If you are talking about a job offer, it is the same. The interested company will do a phone interview with  you ahead of anything else. And this will be improtant!

But if somebody will check, he will find a way to communicate.

Do not worry!

Good luck

+1 (1 Voto)

RE: Question about reference check/background check
6/04/15 16:25 en respuesta a trust7.
Thanks Detlef!
0 (0 Votos)

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