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Visa Questions

RE: Who can apply for German Citizenship?

Who can apply for German Citizenship?
4/08/13 0:00

Can someone tell me who is eligible to apply for a German Citizenship? What are the requirements and are there situation in which one can apply earlier than the normal period of staying in Germany (which is 8 years?).

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RE: Who can apply for German Citizenship?
4/08/13 13:29 en respuesta a Sara.

Exceptions to the normal residence requirements include:
  • persons who have completed an integration course may have the residence requirement reduced to 7 years
  • If a person shows that he/she is especially well integrated and has a higher level of command of the German language than the basic requirement for the German citizenship (i.e., higher than B1) may have the residence requirement reduced to 6 years


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RE: Who can apply for German Citizenship?
4/08/13 22:44 en respuesta a ram kumar.
Thanks a lot for the information. 
I had never heard that German skills higher than B1 can shorten the time requirement to 6 years. Does anyone here have the experience (or heard of such cases) that they really consider this and provide German Citizenship only after 6 years if the person has for example B2?

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RE: Who can apply for German Citizenship?
5/08/13 14:53 en respuesta a Sara.
A foreigner with only B2 German is not well integrated.

Most EBH will consider applicants with C2 German after 6 years residence and (occasionally) also those with only C1 if they are active in the community.
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RE: Who can apply for German Citizenship?
6/08/13 11:25 en respuesta a Arianne.
A foreigner with only B2 German is not well integrated.

Most EBH will consider applicants with C2 German after 6 years residence and (occasionally) also those with only C1 if they are active in the community.
i don't know how and why you pollute these alll info (müll) in the forum.

Where do you get  all these info's.......

Do you work at EBH/LRA/BundesTag/Bundesrat etc.......  or some other  office..... ??
Can you prove all that  crap with any FACT ? if yes then post them here......
where do you get alll these..... strange. ?????????? grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

@Sara :: After 6 or 7  or 8 years (Discretionary Citizenship) is decided by the local govt. It's all relative and there is no hard and fast rule.

I know lot of people with B1 and some 6+  or 6 - years  they have got citizepship.

Remember Application can you submit anytime , even if the Beamter is not ready. Your app will be accepted /rejected, is another issue. Submitting an app is your basic right ....
All the best
-1 (1 Voto)

RE: Who can apply for German Citizenship?
7/08/13 16:19 en respuesta a Vishal Lakhanpal.

i don't know how and why you pollute these alll info (müll) in the forum.

What the hell are you talking about??!?!?!? From what I’ve noticed, most people who post here give their opinions without having any idea of the relevant laws. I don’t see why you are criticising me for not supplying sources when posting correct information.


Do you work at EBH/LRA/BundesTag/Bundesrat etc.......  or some other  office..... ??

Although I don’t work at a Ministry, I am in frequent contact with those who do. I am also very familiar with the laws of importance to highly qualified foreigners.


Can you prove all that  crap with any FACT ? if yes then post them here......
where do you get alll these..... strange. ?????????? grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Yes, I can provide sources. Have you ever heard the saying “People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”? Well, you should have made sure you actually read the law before you started criticising me.


@Sara :: After 6 or 7  or 8 years (Discretionary Citizenship) is decided by the local govt. It's all relative and there is no hard and fast rule.


Just because you are not familiar with the rules, does not mean that there are not any. Contrary to your statement, it is not a black box.

Residence Requirements for an Anspruchseinbürgerung:

- the standard residence requirement as stated in §10 Abs. 1 StAG is 8 years

- foreigners with an Integration Course Certificate from the BAMF only need 7 years (this is the law according to §10 Abs. 3 Satz 1 and is not discretionary).

- it is possible for Foreigners who are well integrated (besonderer Integrationsleistungen) to apply after 6 years (this is discretionary). For example, the foreigner can use excellent German language skills, volunteering in the community and/or being an active member of a community organisation to demonstrate his integration.

I know lot of people with B1 and some 6+  or 6 - years  they have got citizepship.

Which EBH? What other proof did these applicants provide?

Remember Application can you submit anytime , even if the Beamter is not ready. Your app will be accepted /rejected, is another issue. Submitting an app is your basic right ....

Do you actually bother to read the requirements before you file an application? Or do you just apply for anything you want regardless of whether or not you meet the criteria?
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RE: Who can apply for German Citizenship?
7/08/13 18:05 en respuesta a Arianne.
Dear Arianne,

just to make it very clear...

I really appreciate that you take the time to answer so many questions and I am happy, that you give such detailed and well documented answers!


Detlef emoticon
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RE: Who can apply for German Citizenship?
7/08/13 21:27 en respuesta a trust7.

you don't provide any info or help, rather provide all the maximum negative vibes in the forum. this has been noticed not by me , rather have been posted by other members . If u have good memory u have insulted a lot in the past for this negativity  by other memebers . search your previous  posts u will find them.

You have lot of contact with them ??? what does it mean? you know laws better or  make laws with them ..... ich lache mich kaputt.......

I can provide sources. Have you ever heard the saying “People in glass
houses shouldn’t throw stones”? Well, you should have made sure you
actually read the law before you started criticising me. -

just stop that empty barking....... provide sources in written and post themmmm.

i have a stable house and don't need your crapy proverbss....keep them for your self......

i know very well about einbürgerung gesetz ... Anspruch/ ermessensss... does not need your postssss

i talked this case only about sara. When beamter is not ready to accept the application under Para 8/10...
she has the right to apply under para 8 that i meant by 6 or 7 or 8 years.....
für ermessenseinbürgerung
Her application has problem due to her study time . gewöhnlicher aufenthalt is not considered for her study /P.hd as per her post. so she has the right to apply after Para 8 as she has lived with the rechtmäßig aufenthalt i.e. her study time is 100% rechtmäßig aufenthatlt and hence per law she can apply for the discrenationary application under 8
Hope all is clear and else take some from your contacts to clear you that...
She has the way to give an app.

Which EBH? What other proof did these applicants provide?

@EBH :münchen
Forum user:: supersid

his post as follows. read with both open eyes and open mind.Search forum you may find more....or collect the data from your contacts......may be they provide....

Coming back to the real topic of the thread and telling you my story

Place of application Munich

1. Came in 2003 and did my masters degree in economics in Berlin. Worked from 2004 to 2006 parallel to my studies in student job paying social security contributions

2. 2006 started by first job in Munich

3. 2008 recieved Niederlassungerlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte (PR for highly qualified) based on my salary and job profile (working as consultant in a well known company)

4. Active in social work in Germany through a German Indian Association(head of organization) and member of Bayerischer Integrationsrat since 2008, 2009 respectively

5. Submitted application for citizenship after 6.5 of staying in Germany with all relevant documents including active voluntary work certificates and recommendation from the company. Language certificate C1 (only an informal online test) + B1 certificate(full score) + integrationskurs certificate (full score in orientation test) + citizenship test (full score)

6. Application was submitted under discretionary citizenship (Ermessenseinbürgerung §8 StAg) quoting exceptional integration skills + company's statement that I represent their interests and need to travel abroad often (my case actually)

7. After submission, 1 month security check + 2.5 weeks for the positive decision.Today I got citizenship certificate (Einbürgerungsurkunde) in a festive ceremony.

So it was a big effort on my side which paid off. So all those guys who are disheartened by the fact that BaWü, Bayern, Sachsen dont count education time in Germany needed for getting citizenship, see my case and just apply. Prove you are highly qualified and an asset for Germany and you can get through.

i read the laws very very wellll  and completely updated whats going on with ausländer gesetz.

Just Post with facts the way i did.........

if you feel Arianne  is doing a tremendous job ...with all her negative vibes in this forum ....please delete or ban me in this forum , i will be very thankfull to you.

Remember sara you can hand your applicatrion under 8. if it is rejected by the local officers without going to the govt. level ,,you can got to the verwaltung gericht to challenge... Para 8 for citizenship is open for you...all the best again.
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RE: Who can apply for German Citizenship?
7/08/13 23:00 en respuesta a Vishal Lakhanpal.
@ dervish

I will not ban you or delete your messages. As long as somebody posts his messages without using rude words or try to spread racsim or hate, I do accept it.

Honestly, I do not know why you have such a personal problem with Arianne, but everybody can have his own opinion.

Good night

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RE: Who can apply for German Citizenship?
19/08/13 17:53 en respuesta a trust7.
Dear Detlef,

Thank you for you post. I was starting to wonder whether only personal observations without an understanding of the underlying laws were acceptable here.

I also don’t understand why Dervish seems to have a personal vendetta against me, however, I also don’t have the time to waste trying to decipher his posts.
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