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Help needed!

how to get Uneingeschränkte Arbeitserlaubnis

Hello Friends,

I have been employed in Germany since July 2010 which means I have completed 2 years of employment in germany and paid 24 months of rente. My last visa expired on 30.06.2012. I went to Ausländerbehörde to extend it. They should have given me the unrestricted Uneingeschränkte Arbeitserlaubnis (BE). But they didnt.  Do I have to request them explicitly to give me company independent visa? If yes, could anyone give me the link to the appropriate gesetz document and the clause, which I can show them as a proof?  If not, what should i do to get it?

Please help.
Thanks a lot in advance!
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RE: how to get Uneingeschränkte Arbeitserlaubnis
10/08/12 11:26 en respuesta a maddy Thombare.
If i am not mistaken you need to pay atleast 5 years in taxes for getting the NE.
In my case they counted half of my time as student because i paid taxes even then
as i had worked as a student.

If there have been any new changes then i am not aware of.
Wait a couple more years and then you can ask them
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RE: how to get Uneingeschränkte Arbeitserlaubnis
10/08/12 11:35 en respuesta a Kinshuk Srivastava.

I am asking about BE and not NE. BE means getting the name of the employer removed from the visa, so that i can change the job whenever I want without having to get a permission from arbeitsamt. Please suggest if you know something in this regard.

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RE: how to get Uneingeschränkte Arbeitserlaubnis
10/08/12 12:52 en respuesta a maddy Thombare.

May be you are looking for :

You can also find the same info on Wikipedia:
Ausnahmen von der Arbeitsmarktprüfung und damit ein unbeschränkter Zugang zur Beschäftigung ohne Arbeitsmarktprüfung sind laut Beschäftigungsverfahrensverordnung (BeschVerfV) in folgenden Fällen vorgesehen:
  • für Ausländer, die sich mindestens drei Jahre in Deutschland erlaubt oder geduldet aufgehalten oder zwei Jahre rechtmäßig eine versicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung im Bundesgebiet ausgeübt haben, wenn sie in Besitz einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis sind (§ 3b BeschVerfV),

You can get "Renteninfo"  document from Deutsche Rentenversicherung office in your city.
You can book appointment online at:
Go to Rentenversicherung office and you will get the Renteninfo document immediately.

+2 (2 Votos)

RE: how to get Uneingeschränkte Arbeitserlaubnis
10/08/12 14:09 en respuesta a max leo.

Thats exactly the clause I was looking for. Thank you very much for the link.

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RE: how to get Uneingeschränkte Arbeitserlaubnis
10/08/12 23:25 en respuesta a maddy Thombare.

I got Uneingeschränkte Arbeitserlaubnis after completion of 24 months, please approach ausländerbehörde with 3 months salary
slip, rentenversicherung paid proof for 24 months.

Based on the document, ausländerbehörde will refer with arbeitsamt and get their approval for issuing Unrestricted work permit, this process will
take 4 to 6 weeks time., if you have completed 36 months, arbeitsamt approval is not required.

Usually employer will deduct the " rentenversicherung " from Salary for every financial year and crediting to Pension Fund Account  will be
done only in subsequent year (Feb or March) in that case  not possible to get Pension Fund statement, alternate is  employer confirmation about the deduction
of PF that letter is sufficient for rentenversicherung paid proof.

All the best.
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