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Visa Questions

RE: help needed regarding permanent residence

Hi everyone,

I just need a small suggestion from experts. I am residing in germany from the last 5years 3 months. I have paid taxes for al these years and I still have contract untill end of 2014 . I have also a residence permit untill the end of 2014. I would like to apply for permanent residence. I have few questions

1) Am I eligible for applying to PR ?

2) My wife is also residing along with me from the last 5 years. My son was also born here and he is 2 years old. Are they eligible for applying to PR along with me. My wife also paid taxes from the last 3.5 years. 

3) Are there different categories of PR ? I heard that one is eleigible for only working in germany and one is for for whole EU. Am I right ?

4) What about blue card ? Is it a good option form for me as I have a residence permit untill the end of 2014 ?

I request you please suggest me and reply to my questions. Thanks in advance
0 (0 Votos)

RE: help needed regarding permanent residence
13/07/12 20:33 en respuesta a nanee.
Hi everyone,

*** Hi, I try to answer and I hope that someone else will confirm, because I am not 100% sure regarding your family... ***

I just need a small suggestion from experts. I am residing in germany from the last 5years 3 months. I have paid taxes for al these years and I still have contract untill end of 2014 . I have also a residence permit untill the end of 2014. I would like to apply for permanent residence. I have few questions

1) Am I eligible for applying to PR ?  

*** Yes, you are eligible 100% ***

2) My wife is also residing along with me from the last 5 years. My son was also born here and he is 2 years old. Are they eligible for applying to PR along with me. My wife also paid taxes from the last 3.5 years. 

*** I guess she will also get PR, only 75% sure ***

3) Are there different categories of PR ? I heard that one is eleigible for only working in germany and one is for for whole EU. Am I right ?

*** Yes, this is true. When you apply for PR you have to tell the officers that you will apply for PR - EU, that's it. 75% sure ***

4) What about blue card ? Is it a good option form for me as I have a residence permit untill the end of 2014 ?

*** Blue Crad is not important for you. Your status is already perfect 100% sure ***

I request you please suggest me and reply to my questions. Thanks in advance

** Good luck **
Detlef emoticon
+2 (2 Votos)

RE: help needed regarding permanent residence
24/07/12 16:08 en respuesta a trust7.
Thanks a lot Detlef. I have got the application form for Niederlassungserlaubnis from Auslanderbehorde. I guess this is enough for applying to Permanent Residence Europe:
0 (0 Votos)

RE: help needed regarding permanent residence
25/07/12 8:39 en respuesta a nanee.
If you want to apply for EU Resident permint then you should apply Daueraufenthalf-EG. It has advantages over Niederlassungserlaubnis
0 (0 Votos)

RE: help needed regarding permanent residence
6/08/12 14:22 en respuesta a Ans Sargana.
Thanks a lot sargana. Today I and my wife have applied for the EU- permanent residence permit. They have taken our application form, fee and documents. 

I have a question here. Do I have to wait for their decision again or accepting the documents by my case worker is the final decision ? By the way my son who is born here in germany will not ba able to apply for PR. I still did not understand the logic. He is eligible to apply after 18 years it seems ?

Experts please reply to my message. Once again thanks to detlef and sargana for their valuable advice. In future if I have any experiences I will definitely
share in this forum. 
0 (0 Votos)

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