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Visa Questions

RE: Will be loosing Work contract if no action would be taken

RE: Will be loosing Work contract if no action would be taken
30/06/16 7:33 en respuesta a Jas Kaur.
You might try explaining your problem clearly.  

I don't understand why you are applying for a new permit in India when you are living in Germany.
0 (0 Votos)

RE: Will be loosing Work contract if no action would be taken
30/06/16 15:51 en respuesta a Arianne.
Thanks for your reply.
Right now I am in India. Actually my Current work permit is based on Personalaustausch program and is associated with my current company. Its not a normal work permit / Blue card. I need to apply for a new one for the new company. Please guide me.
Thanks in advance.
+1 (1 Voto)

RE: Will be loosing Work contract if no action would be taken
30/06/16 16:47 en respuesta a Jas Kaur.
You were previously seconded (entsendet) to Germany on an intercompany transfer and the equivalency of your educational certificates has not yet been made? 

Then I would recommend contacting the ZAB ASAP and filing an express application: https://www.kmk.org/service/anerkennung-auslaendischer-abschluesse/zeugnisbewertung-fuer-auslaendische-hochschulqualifikationen/bewertungszweck-blue-card.html 

Make sure you submit all docs they want and try to have the company in Germany transfer the fees tomorrow (transfers from India could take longer).
0 (0 Votos)

RE: Will be loosing Work contract if no action would be taken
1/07/16 15:44 en respuesta a Arianne.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
I sent the documents to ZAB, paid the fees and then got this reply :
Leider müssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass für Ihren Abschluss keine Zeugnisbewertung ausgestellt werden kann, da er nicht dem Hochschulbereich zuzuordnen ist. Die Lissabon-Konvention findet daher in Ihrem Fall keine Anwendung.
Die Prüfungen und Bescheinigungen der Institution on Engineers (India) stellen (berufsqualifizierende) Berufsverbandsprüfungen, jedoch kein Hochschulstudium dar. Sie sind daher für eine Hochschulzulassung nicht von Relevanz. Zwar werden die Prüfungen von "Section A" und "B" in Indien offenbar den dortigen Bachelorabschlüssen gleichgestellt; diese Bewertung wird hier jedoch nicht nachvollzogen. Das Ablehnungsschreiben werden wir Ihnen nebst den eingereichten Unterlagen postalisch zuzkommen lassen.

Basically Passing of Section A and B from the Institute is equivalent to Bachelor's degree but I don't know why it does not come under Lisbon Convention yet. Its a high Institution. Now I don't know what to do next. Please guide.. Also please let me know what are the points that needs to be checked under Lisbon Convention.   Thanks
0 (0 Votos)

RE: Will be loosing Work contract if no action would be taken
2/07/16 6:04 en respuesta a Jas Kaur.
The ZAB considers your qualifications to be vocational rather than academic. You can try to appeal and convince them otherwise, however,  I'm not sure whether they'll even be willing to reconsider. Considering how quickly they replied I suspect that you are not the first person to submit these qualifications for evaluation. 

Without a recognised academic degree, you are not eligible for a Blue Card.

You can try to apply for a regular work permit subject to a complete Vorrangprűfung. 
0 (0 Votos)

RE: Will be loosing Work contract if no action would be taken
2/07/16 6:39 en respuesta a Arianne.
Thanks for your reply.
Actually I got the reply as per their normal timeline (within 2 weeks) as my Bewerbungszweck was Blue Card. I have discussed with them and they have told to resend the Certificates with additional supporting documents but I don't know what will be the outcome. I am looking to hire a lawyer/ consultant in Munich who could help me in this.
Regarding the normal work permit, what recognition needs to be done? ZAB approval needed in that case or not?
Thanks in advance.
0 (0 Votos)

RE: Will be loosing Work contract if no action would be taken
3/07/16 17:13 en respuesta a Jas Kaur.
You can find information on the Lisbon Convention here: http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/highereducation/recognition/lrc_EN.asp

I'm not sure whether it is possible for you to have your certificates recognised quickly,  ZAB usually takes months to process appeals.

Jas Kaur:
I have discussed with them and they have told to resend the Certificates with additional supporting documents but I don't know what will be the outcome. I am looking to hire a lawyer/ consultant in Munich who could help me in this.
Thanks in advance.
It might be difficult to find someone good. Try looking for someone specialising in Bildungsrecht and foreign degrees.
0 (0 Votos)

RE: Will be loosing Work contract if no action would be taken
4/07/16 16:44 en respuesta a Arianne.
Thanks a lot for your inputs.
It will really help me.

I am looking to hire Lawyer from vpmk Rechtsanwaelte Berlin for ZAB topic.
Does anybody have experience with them?
+1 (1 Voto)

RE: Will be loosing Work contract if no action would be taken
2/12/16 6:50 en respuesta a Jas Kaur.
Hi Jas,

I've the same issue. Somebody told me if take VDi membership & apply for EngineerIng card , then it should work out. But this have to be confirmed.
Taking a memebership of VDI is not much issue as IEI(India) has an agreement with them. But whether this will eventually work out in getting visa ia a question to ponder upon.
Can anybody throw some insight on this.

+1 (1 Voto)

RE: Will be loosing Work contract if no action would be taken
29/03/18 10:52 en respuesta a MANISH SHARMA.
I have leter from MHRD India that this certificate is recognised

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RE: Will be loosing Work contract if no action would be taken
1/03/22 14:48 en respuesta a Jas Kaur.
Hi Jas,
Its an old thread.. but if you see this please reply, its urgent.
Were you able to get the recognition for AMIE degree?
I am having the same issue. Did the legal route work, could you share the lawyer's contact who handled your case?
0 (0 Votos)

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