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Re: Freelancer: To be or Not to be ?

Freelancer: To be or Not to be ?
25/01/09 14:58
Hi All,

need experienced advice on freelance status.

Currently i have opportunity/option(no forcing) with my existing company to get freelance opportunity. For that i have to quit my exisiting permanant contract. I have never done freelancing, but amount of rate they are offering is very tempting which is more than double as compared to what i earned currently as brutto.

1-Can someone suggest if i utilize this option?
2- How much tax i have to pay, currently i am tax class III.
3- would it be easy to get a regular employment lets say after one year, will there be problem to find permanat employment after doing 1-2 years as freelancer.

I think i have the best option to taste the fruit of freelancer working with same people/company/place and i know that current project goes on for atleat one year.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Freelancer: To be or Not to be ?
25/01/09 15:11 en respuesta a subir subir.
1-Can someone suggest if i utilize this option?

What are ur expectations in ur life? do u want some stableness or just run for munny which involve stress,finding new project,sitting home for few days and always have a fear if i get project again and where i have to relocate.

Or u want to do someother things in life besides stable job with no tension( or less tension than freelancer)sure in both job u can afford a car or send some munny at home.

After talking to many people who did freelancing and now in permanent job ,they all prefer stable job with a bit less munny.

in short word .Stick to stableness ratherness some extra munny. because stableness gives peace in mind ,not munny.
------for other question someother can better answer.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Freelancer: To be or Not to be ?
25/01/09 15:35 en respuesta a subir subir.

Thanks for your time and honest answer.

"What are ur expectations in ur life? do u want some stableness or just run for munny which involve stress,finding new project,sitting home for few days and always have a fear if i get project again and where i have to relocate."

-At my current age, i think i have energy and time to be able to switch between projects and relocate for another 3-5 years. BUT at this stage i cant estimate as how it will shape my future status ? any further comments as welcom!

"Or u want to do someother things in life besides stable job with no tension( or less tension than freelancer)sure in both job u can afford a car or send some munny at home.".

- You may be true, there is nothing more than stable life. BUT currently i see even people on permanant jobs get easily fired. We are in recession, So isnt good to use current recession to our own benefit becuase currently everybody is at risk may it be permanant or freelancer.

"After talking to many people who did freelancing and now in permanent job ,they all prefer stable job with a bit less munny."

- 100% agree, perhaps after 3-5 years of freelancing and then get settled ? Not sure if everything can be as i think.

Thanks again
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Re: Freelancer: To be or Not to be ?
25/01/09 21:55 en respuesta a subir subir.
Hi subir79
I have the feeling that you have already made your decision but looking for posts here that confirm your decision.. as you seem to oppose the answers which advice you not to take the freelancer way..
If that is the case, I don't see the point of seeking advice here..


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Re: Freelancer: To be or Not to be ?
25/01/09 23:17 en respuesta a subir subir.
Hi Lacrima,

thanks for your comment.

may be its temptation which pulling me towards being freelancer. I am trying to discover if i am right becuase temptation leads to illusion.

I am looking for forum comments who/were in freelancing and have better idea of both sides and if they regret embracing freelance.

Perhaps "Nobody" and "raj" can pitch in, else if i get some insight from "Detlef".

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Re: Freelancer: To be or Not to be ?
26/01/09 2:07 en respuesta a subir subir.
I am a freelancer.
Here is my quick note for you.

Just take some key points and think where you stand. Of course those points differs from one to the other.

Here are some points for you from my side,
- Family status,Age, gender
- Health issues,
- Quickly adopt to new company cultures,
- Technical grip (if u r a techy..)
- Positive approach to job loss
- Think worst case scenarios
- Willingness to move around
- How you expose yourself to job market,
- Mainly current job market.
- Communication strengths
- In all, your confidence

Good luck,
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Freelancer: To be or Not to be ?
26/01/09 13:47 en respuesta a subir subir.
Hallo Jelda,

i am going to be a Freelancer from 1st of Feb. can you tell me in which Health insurance company you are ?? and what the other things to be noted??

cheers !!!
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Freelancer: To be or Not to be ?
26/01/09 16:05 en respuesta a subir subir.
>>can you tell me in which Health insurance company you are ??

>> and what the other things to be noted??
Do you mean related to Health Insurance or in general?

if so, here it is related to Health Insurance:
Just go to your nearest Agent (Markler) and get all the information. I personally advice it. Then at least you know how big business it is. Of course they don't charge you even a cent for the beratung.

There are hundreds of private insurance companies & types.
some key points which may help you to take your decision,
- Gender,Age, Marital status
- Primary artz prinzip
- Dentist
- Selbstbeteiligung (Max. self contribution)
- Any known health issues

My personal advice,:
- don't think of paying 20bucks more, if you going to get a good insurance.
-Usually you will be reluctant to move to a different insurance once you committed with one, like any other decisions you take.

Good luck,
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Freelancer: To be or Not to be ?
26/01/09 16:24 en respuesta a subir subir.
Hallo Jelda,

Thanks for the quick response..i am looking for Central too..it cost me 210€(with selb.beteilung 250)...got couple of questions more

1)my steuer berater is charging me 45€ per month..in that he will be taking care of my Rechung to the company and as well as other things with finanz amt..is it a fair price?

2)The other points to be noted ----> should i take care of Rente vers., Arbeitlos vers. ? i am not much interested in Rente:-) do u still suggest me to take? or any other insurance ?

3)My expenses are not more..do u have any idea how much will be the einkomm steuer by the end of year ?

4) any other advices are most welcome

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Re: Freelancer: To be or Not to be ?
26/01/09 17:29 en respuesta a subir subir.

I think Detlef(Trust7 founder) had plans to offer a complete service for Freelancers, but you can enquire him if he has started offering this service.

and please modify your gif so that it does not occupy so much space. Its wasting lot of space
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Freelancer: To be or Not to be ?
26/01/09 19:13 en respuesta a subir subir.
@ raj
gif is changed...happy ;-)


are you offering any services for freelancer ??
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Freelancer: To be or Not to be ?
26/01/09 19:46 en respuesta a subir subir.
thnks for changing the gif. No offence, was just stating the obvious.

1)my steuer berater is charging me 45€ per month..in that he will be taking care of my Rechung to the company and as well as other things with finanz amt..is it a fair price?

I think so.

2)The other points to be noted ----> should i take care of Rente vers., Arbeitlos vers. ? i am not much interested in Rente do u still suggest me to take? or any other insurance ?

You have to take a Betriebs Haftpflichtversicherung which is like compulsory for Freelancers. Other things consider are Arbeitünfahigkeit, Lebenversicherung, Rürup rente etc.

3)My expenses are not more..do u have any idea how much will be the einkomm steuer by the end of year ?

It depends on your family status and income. Looke at Einkommensteuer table in wikipedia
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Re: Freelancer: To be or Not to be ?
26/01/09 20:08 en respuesta a subir subir.

first of all... I think it is a good idea to become a freelancer/self dependent.

Sure, there are many traps to step in for example this one:

If you have only one client, in your case your former employer, the authorities can say, that you only pretend to be self dependent but because you only have 1 client you are depend completely on this client, which means your are only 'Scheinselbständig' and try to avoid the social contributions.

The problem is that they can check your status after a longer period and they can ask you to pay all the social contributions (at least the one for the pension) backwards.

But your tax adviser should explain this to you.

Just an example, but as I said at the beginning from my point of view the advantages are beating the disadvantages ;-)

As Ray mentioned (thanks Ray) I am going to offer some services for freelancers. I started the new year with a serious influenza so I am a bit behind my time shedule, but I will present my ideas very soon.

This is one of the reasons that I founded an international group at XING, only for trust7 members, to discuss ideas and change even more detailed information:


Every trust7 member is welcome to join the group, there are already some of the 'most famous old members' :-)

What ever you will do... good luck!
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