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Visa Questions

RE: Visa process for new born kid

Visa process for new born kid
8/10/13 14:33
I am an Indian citizen living in Germany. I have a new born kid in Germany for whom we have applied an Indian passport in Germany.

I have a question :- Upon receiving the passport of my new born kid, what is the process of applying Germany visa for the kid so that I can take my family to India and return Germany.
Also what kind of visa is normally issued to new born kid in Germany.

How long does it take normally to issue german visa to a new born kid who is below 1 year.

I have a permanent job and unlimited visa status in Germany.

Looking forward to suggestions.

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RE: Visa process for new born kid
8/10/13 20:55 en respuesta a Lee Rosy.

I have seen quite a lot of informaiton on this subject on the internet, you just need to google a bit.

Here is one example.


e are also expecting a kid early next year. I believe the visa status for the kid is immaterial. As long as the parents have valid status the kid will have the residency too. Concerning a visit to India however, please be aware that you might not be allowed to live more than 6 months outside Germany or else the resident permit could become invalid. This information has been posted on several forums and if your German is good enough you can also read the official Ausländergesetz in order to receive up to date information.
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RE: Visa process for new born kid
9/10/13 10:50 en respuesta a Lee Rosy.
hello IRosy
Firstly Congrats.
i made the same for my kid this year. Firstly you need to visit the Ausländerbehörde and get the Application form for Visa Application. The other documents you would need :
- copies of your and your wife's Passport and Visa
- 60Euros
- your Meldebescheinigung
- Birth certificate of the child
The Visa issued for the child would depend on the Visa Status of the Parents, if you have been in Germany for more than 3 years with the Niederlassungserlaubnis then your child could get a German passport too. Else the Child would get a Visa for 18years, but as the Indian issused Passport is valid for 5years, hence the issued Visa is also for 5years.But you can get it extended when the child gets an extended Indian passort.
As the new Visa is issued as a Card it could take about 3 to 4weeks so do plan you visit accordingly.
The child can stay in India for anything less than 6 months without problem, else you should inform the behörde the reasons why the child should stay longer.
My experince at Baden Wüttenburg.

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RE: Visa process for new born kid
9/10/13 11:06 en respuesta a hari krishnan.
Thanks for the detailed information.
I would follow the steps as you have written.

I and my wife do have NE visa status. However I do guess my kid will have Visa and not Deutshe Passport as we have not completed NE status for more than 3 years.

Is there any time limit when visa should be applied for a new born kid. My kid is now 8 months old.

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RE: Visa process for new born kid
9/10/13 14:01 en respuesta a Lee Rosy.
Actally i had received a letter from the behörde asking to apply for the Visa of my newborn(probably in the 3rd month). But i hadnt applied for the Passport till then, i informed the same to the behörde. The lady told me that i could rightaway fillup the Application form and submit the documents i have and later on having the Child's Passport submit the same(but this could be differnt for differnt Stadt & Länder).
I filled up my Child's Application in the 4month and submitted the passport deatils in the 6th. and got the  Card in 3 1/2 weeks.
Please remember that filling up the Application doesnt speedup the process as the behörde waits for the Passport to start for processing the Card.

I am not sure but i had read that one should apply within 5 years of the birth of the child
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RE: Visa process for new born kid
9/10/13 14:51 en respuesta a hari krishnan.
Thanks for your reply. I had not received any letter from Ausländerbehörde Duisburg. However I have all papers ready now for my kid except the Indian passport which I have applied recently. Once the passort arrives, I apply for Deutsche Visa soon.

I hope you meant 5 years in your last sentence. My kid is only 8 months old and hope that I can still apply for the Deutsche visa once passport arrives.

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RE: Visa process for new born kid
2/01/18 16:54 en respuesta a hari krishnan.

I have a similar query & did not get any relevant information on any other forum. I have been living in Germany since 5 years along with my wife, though its not unlimited resident permit. My wife is pregnant & her due date is in February 2018 & within two months of delivery, she has to fly to India due to some family committments. I  am not sure if 2 months is good enough time period to get all the documents i.e. the birth certificate, Indian passport, health insurance & German visa/resident permit. My querstion is that if I am only able to furnish birth certificate & Indian passport for the new born, would my wife along with new born, still be allowed to travel out of Germany to India  & then return from India to Germany after couple of months without the German visa / resident permit ? As the new born would not have German visa/ resident permit, in that case would the passport of new born baby sufficient enough document to travel out of Germany & then enter back into Germany ? I can apply for the visa/resident permit for the baby after they are back in Germany. Any help in this regard would be appreciated.
+1 (1 Voto)

RE: Visa process for new born kid
12/02/18 12:18 en respuesta a Hrishikesh Jha.
Hello Hrishikesh and Experts in this Forum,

I am also into the same problem. 
My wife has to go back to India in another 3 weeks for an unavoidable reason.
Already flight tickets are booked for my wife and Baby.

We do not know, when will we receive Aufenthaltstitel for Baby? 
If we do not receive it before the travel date. c
annot they travel? 
I need your advice.

We have Baby's
1. Birth Certificate from Germany,
2. Indian Passport and
3. Birth Registartion certificate from Indian Consulate.

To bring them back to Germany, anyway i am travelling on next month. I can carry my baby's Aufenthaltstitel on that time. I am sure i will get that before next month.

Thank you.
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