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Integration course????

Integration course????
3/08/05 13:13
Hallo everybody!!!

My name is Maria and I am from Peru. I am married with a German guy and living in Munich since the end of January this year. When I went to the inmigration service to register myself (when I just came to Germany), they gave me a paper for taking an `integration course` in the school. I need somebody to inform me about that. I am taking an intensive German course and I am in Grundstuffe 3. One week ago, I went to another school to ask about this integration course and they told me I can not do it anymore because I am going already to finish the Grundstuffe. But, in the inmigration Service they told me it is a course to learn more about Germany like its History, Culture, Politics, etc...
Can anybody please help me??
Thank you so much in advance,

Mariy :-)
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Re: Integration Course
21/11/10 18:47 en respuesta a Sonia Garcia.
There wont be any problems ( I assume) if you follow my advice.First of all people with university degrees do not have to do the integration course. Infact it is not the integration course but language skills which might be neccessary.

Write a nice letter to them in german saying that your wife already has a university dagreee from India or whereever so she has 'geringerer Integrationsbedarf da sie bereits einen qualifizierten Beruf als XYZ nachgehen kann'.
You need to quote § 30 Aufenthaltsgesetz (http://bundesrecht.juris.de/aufenthg_2004/__30.html). Some where at point 3 at the bottom it says that in case less integration skills are required.

Additionally she has now taken admission to a Masters Degree at University XYZ. After doing this degree she would be able to contribute better to the job market blah blah blah.

Then quote: http://bundesrecht.juris.de/aufenthg_2004/__44a.html

Here §44a point 3 last line it says that if someone cannot do the integration course due to his/her Erwerbstätigkeit/Profession (and profession of a student is to study) then the obligation to do integration course has to be removed.

So now prepare a letter in German based on this (take help of a ntiave speaker). And then take two ccopies of it with the letter they sent and then ask them to give you a written reply and counter sign your letter as recieved ;) It should work.
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Re: Integration Course
22/11/10 15:36 en respuesta a Sonia Garcia.
May be the authorities are convinced for a while, but during the visa extension, they will defnitely ask her again for Intergration course or may be atleasst language skills.

I know a friend who's wife was working after 3months she came to germany, because of that she could only complete 2 levels of integration course, the next visa extension was tought, as beamter asked for integration course. She spoke little german and said bcos of profession she could not complete the course and finally had to wait for a week to get visa extension. The beamter still insisted that she should atleast start completing the course now.

So the point is either education or profession Integration(at least language skills) are must as per the beamter. It may vary other places and other beamters, depends on luck.

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Re: Integration Course
22/11/10 15:58 en respuesta a Sonia Garcia.
Recently one of my friend was in similiar position. He first argued with Behorde. Later he did not want to take chance and somehow wife managed to do both study and course.
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Re: Integration Course
22/11/10 18:04 en respuesta a Sonia Garcia.
Once again - authorities MAY ask you for language course but cannot force you to do an integration course.

In general integration courses have a clause that they are not neccessary for people with university degree as they assume these people dont have integration problems. However many beamters either dont know this or ignore this.

I would argue with them only based on hard facts like the one stated in my previous message.

Had I personally had a choice, I would have preffered a degree to an integration course emoticon
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