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One's brain drain is other's brain gain.

Well, it's an age old phenomenon, and there is no stopping to it. Time and again, the best brains have left behind their own homelands in a bid to serve, and to be served in other enticing lands. This lucrative movement is termed as' brain drain'. It has been a concern for all those countries that fail to retain their intelligentsia, and hence, suffer exceedingly in their prospective growths.


The bright minds, which could actually be a boon to the development of their own country, hit out hardest through their migration. Keep aside the developing world, today countries like Germany, are struggling hard to hold back their best minds. Since the 1990's, there has been a constant debate across Germany over the emigration of the highly skilled professionals in multitude. This rapid outflow is posing dire consequences to the already ailing EU financial head, Germany.


The determinants that lead to the movement of brightest minds from Germany, thereby bringing about a potential loss to the country are-

  1. little economic growth,

  2. unemployment hovering around 11%,

  3. wage and social security tax amounting upto 47%.


They act as deterrents to the best brains, and force them to leave the country, in the hope of finding better compensation, in return for their meritorious work, elsewhere. The European Economic Advisory Group took focus of the question ' Should we worry about the brain drain?' in its annual report. The subject has become a matter of big concern for the German government, and is being given extra coverage in the media. Recently, the opposition demanded an answer from the government about what measures has it taken to impede the worrisome process?


The need of the hour is, to somehow hinder 'brain drain', and instead, secure the process of 'brain gain'. Today, Germany finds it hard to compete in the global race for talent, as it is unable to retain its own talent.


Der Spiegel magazine reports that the government Commission for Research and Innovation, found out that the best German trained researchers , academics and scientists, are preferring other destinations. Although, Germany does attract a plethora of big brains from other countries, specifically Asia (after US and UK have restricted employment visas to many Asians,including India) but the void left behind by its own professionals can't be filled in terms of quality.


According to the latest research, nearly 4000 more scientists left Germany between 1996-2011, which definitely sets alarm bells ringing in Merkel's office. It's been said, nearly half of the German scientists have found a new abode in Switzerland and the U.S. Talk about countries like- Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland or Australia, they have actually gained from the influx of brains, rather than, suffering any losses. But what remains a substantial concern about the future,why is Germany in such a dilapidated state of affairs that it can't support it's own bred brains? The answer has to be sought,so as to retain the best of the lot, and win a big round of applause (for devising a cure for brain drain.)


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