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To be or not to be

As we come to the end of 2015, and eagerly await 2016, let's take a quick look at all the pleasant, not so pleasant and rather harsh chapters read explicitly aloud this year. Since, we are in Germany I would focus primarily on the German side of even and odd developments and touch on a few global issues here and there. Controversy, crisis and commendation are the three C's Germany garnered this year.


Controversy- The Volkswagen 'name and shame' scandal, which needs no briefing, has put Germany not just in an embarrassing position on the international front but has also tarnished the 'made in Germany' image. This tag which the country has carried for so long as an indisputable trademark of quality and efficiency has suffered a serious blow as Germany's leading car maker faces deep probes for compromising with the environment. Has an auto maker ever been so dramatically caught red handed cheating on diesel engine emissions? Audi engines, the luxurious Volkswagen car too have been implicated. To come out clean and win back the lost trust will be an excruciating task for Volkswagen group, which saw a period of unprecedented growth and now seeing its unprecedented fall. The scandal has not only hit VW shares but also dented its reputation globally. I fail to understand why would a brand of this repute and immense fan following could ever imagine manipulating with environment, and leave aside environment, what about the trust of its huge clientele? What were they thinking when they installed an engine managed software to alter emissions to pass US emissions test, that they would never be caught? After all, who expected Volkswagen; the group that had surpassed Toyota in the first half of 2015 as the world's largest auto maker to be convicted of an offence of this magnitude. Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, who has built a reputation of an environment good Samaritan during a decade as chancellor by pitching in renewable resources in place of nuclear energy now suffers blemishes caused by Volkswagen scam. Her drive 'to go green' may have sounded a little hypocritical in recent Global climate summit in Paris in Dec. Her vision to outpace other EU members in seeking to cut carbon emissions by 40% of 1990 levels by year 2020 may have been temporarily blurred by the grim reality she now faces. Clearly, a big disappointment followed by an even bigger criticism. Lesson to learn -Volkswagen go clean, go green; earn back your lost sheen but without cheating.


Crisis- Ahh!! die Flüchtlingskrise or the worrisome refugee crisis. It's not just any crisis but a catastrophe that has taken into its grip many nations and has indirectly affected the world at large. With IS making headlines in media and inflicting most barbaric atrocities in the history of mankind which has led to mass migration from countries like Syria and Iraq, all we can as humans do is to empathize with those fleeing their homelands in quest for survival. Undoubtedly, the soaring emotions, the heart wrenching stories of survival, the dilapidated state in which immigrants have somehow managed to cross over to Europe only to meet the hostility of European countries which are unwilling and unrelenting to welcome them bruise our conscience. Drenched, sick, tired and stranded, they were homeless with nowhere to go. Under such gruelling conditions, when other EU countries where still debating on what to do with this fresh trouble, Germany opened its gateways to the time afflicted refugees, an outstanding gesture least expected from a country that has always been criticised for its ugly past. Overnight Germany became a saviour of refugees, and the master stroke played by Angela Merkel won her global praise. But lets go deeper into the problem. Though Merkel was lauded internationally for her refugee welcoming stand but back home her 'open the doors' policy met with mixed response. Though, many openly acknowledged her but many also rebuked her decision including some in her own party. The latter believe that this refugee policy has gone too far on the humanity index and it's very likely going to backfire if its not controlled in time. The resentment against refugees is simmering and might explode any day. The anti refugee camp within Germany feels that the uncontrolled migration can lead to system collapse and that Germany can't cope with the unrestricted entry. I think to an extent their fears are valid, but at the same time as humans we can't let these war torn, unfortunate people die; many among them are young children. But from practical point of view, Germany is indeed amid a big crisis. The assimilation of such a vast number of refugees requires logistics more than emotions. More houses, more hospitals, more schools, more teachers and more jobs have to be procured and off course, to settle them more space is required. The government doesn't have a magical wand to expand Germany's geographical area. According to Merkel, “we are willing to tackle the responsibility of integration and I appeal for us not to reject it. There's no point in that but for us to take it on board and then to shape it so that it grows into something that is of benefit to us all.” The ulterior motive behind welcoming refugees seems quite clear that the government is betting on migrants for a steady supply of skilled workers in the wake of growing deficit in this area owing to its ageing population and ridiculously low birth rate. The average immigrant in Germany is a surprisingly 29 years younger than the average German, who is 46. The question of refugees has sparked up quite a stir between the good guys who want to embrace refugees with open arms against the xenophobes who are spreading hatred among people against refugees and want them expelled from German territory at any cost. However, the legitimate questions that German government needs to ponder over are-how many refugees are coming next year? Is Germany prepared to handle such a mass immigration? And can Germany cope up with it? Lesson to learn- the key to success lies in not biting off more than you can chew.


Commendation- All is well that ends well. This looks straight out of some fairytale. Germany may have faced some tough challenges knocking on its doors in 2015 but what a surprise it unrolled towards the end. Time Magazine has named Angela Merkel as the 'Person of the Year'. She has become the first woman to be awarded the prestigious title by herself since 1986. Merkel is only the fourth woman to be ever named Person of the Year, after Time magazine decided to include women in 1936. No one has stood the test of time more than Merkel in 2015, her resolve in leading Europe through Greek debt crisis, encouragement to open borders to migrants and refugees, firm handling of Vladimir Putin-Ukraine conflict, the carnage in Paris and the backlash she faced for letting in refugees, only a person of immense character and exceptional mettle could stand firm and tall under such adversities. She deserved this rank like nobody else. In the words of Nancy Gibbs, The Time editor “For asking more of her country than most politicians would dare, for standing firm against tyranny as well as expedience and for providing steadfast moral leadership in a world where it is in short supply, Angela Merkel is Times Person of the Year.” Her transition from a young girl who grew up in East Germany to the most powerful woman in the world is nothing short of an inspiration for all the women in the world. She has changed the course of history by becoming the Chancellor of the free world; the de facto leader of the entire continent. The true spirit of Germany lies in owning up its mistakes, rectifying them and learning from them to emerge as an even better and bigger name. “ The heart and soul of Europe is tolerance. It has taken us centuries to understand this. We have persecuted and annihilated one another. We have laid our own country to waste. The worst period of hatred, devastation and destruction happened not even a generation ago. It was done in the name of my people.” Perhaps Merkel knows the definition of pain and sufferings better than anyone in the modern and greedy world. Her action to allow refugees in Germany when the rest of the continent was slamming doors on them, leaving them dying, wandering and homeless, has restored our faith in humanity. Whatever be the hidden agenda, at least she took them in when they were denied entry everywhere else. Her move could be amends for the gory crimes committed by Germany in the past, which had deeply stained its image in the world. By opening borders to refugees Germany has signalled generosity in the current tyrannical times. As a well wisher, I hope someday a new chapter in history be written where Germany would be remembered for its generous role in saving the lives of so many fleeing persecution in their homelands. Lesson to learn- no matter how high the waves are, if you are resolute to sail through them, you will reach your destination. The rise of Merkel is one such reminder.


The year 2015 has overall been an uneasy year plagued by the widespread epidemic of Ebola, incidents of floods, earthquakes, aeroplane crashes and much more casualty being reported daily in some part or the other. At the same time, it also witnessed some remarkable moments like coming to power of Justin Trudeau, the Liberal Canadian Prime Minister who has become an epitome of ideal man, someone who is modern, kind and very relatable and whose popularity graph is growing by leaps and bounds. By personally greeting refugees at the airport he has also shown that he is man with a golden heart. Our world needs many more Justin Trudeaus. In the end, I would wrap up by saying I sincerely hope the remaining days of 2015 be peaceful, and may the coming year bring much more stability in the world, may the rain of joy,prosperity and unity wet our earth. May peace prevail. To be or not to be is not the question, we should collectively strive to serve humanity, to be tolerable to one another, and to do away with all the social evils and injustice that divide us.


Wishing all my readers 'Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year' in advance. Stay healthy, wealthy and wise. Cheers. 

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