Indians do not get einbügerungszusicheurng as far as i know. They vow before the staatsangehörigkeitsbehörde and loose their citizenship after recieving einbürgerungsurkunde.
I have received the mail that my Einbürgerungsurkunde is ready and can collect it from the Bürgeramt. But during the allocated date, I am planning to be in India. My question are:
1. What will be the content of Einbürgerungsurkunde - that (a) I am eligible for German citizenship and the citizenship will be granted after cancelling the current one OR t(b) hat I already received German citizenship?
2. In the case of (b), whether my Indian citizenship has already become void as I already got citizenship from a different country i.e. Germany. Will this create any issues when I am traveling to or coming back from India.
Thanks in advance,