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Visa Questions

About Blue Card

About Blue Card
20.02.12 18:39

Could you please give some information upon the Blue Card?

I am in Germany since 2007 December and studied Master in Informatik. Currently working as IT consultant fulltime from last 1 and 1/2 year.

I went to Munich Visa office and visa officer told me that Blue Card is now closed in Germany, however as per the link below its still not closed.


Could you also answer few queries regarding blue card.

1.How can I apply for blue card?
2.I want to apply for niderlassung permit, at the moment i have company depeendent visa.
3. Also please suggest me a bank in which i can open my wife account free of cost and which also gives me a credit card or debit card.
4. My wife has just arrived in Germany, is she eligible to do part time job in Germany once she has tax card.

Thanks in advance.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
22.02.12 11:36 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Could you please give some information upon the Blue Card?

- The blue card and new immigration law is under discussion(in bundesamt).i think it will take one or two month.if its passed from bundesamt then your wife will get work permit directly and you will get PR if you have completed master in Germany and worked for two years in Germany.

this link will help you and other people.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
25.02.12 18:07 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Hi t7 members,

I set up a new website with some information about the so called 'Bluecard'.


I will update the site when there are news and I find the time ;-)

Have a nice weekend!

All of you :-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
25.02.12 20:51 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Dear Detlef,
thanks for update and making an interesting site with all the details in simple language,
keep up the good work,
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
28.02.12 23:33 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Thank you for providing that useful link. I have some questions, could you be so kind to put some light on them:
- The salary requirement you mentioned in that link: where did you get that information? Do you know the official website that states the salary requirement and other requirements? I need it for my own reference, and also to show it to my naive potential employers.
- Sorry for being naive myself, but can you or anyone please tell me, are Niederlassung-serlaubnis and blue card the same thing?
- I believe few EU countries including Germany have recently made it easier for non-EU skilled people to get work eligibility (visa/permit), by reducing the salary requirement and also by reducing the amount of things an employer has to do to give employment to non-EU person. But I am unable to find the official website that describes this. Does anyone know such weblink? Or even unofficial websites? It would be useful for me for convincing potential german employers that things have changed, so that they don't just reject me because I require visas. (I've been losing opportunites on daily basis solely because I am from non-EU).

Many thanks for your kind help mates
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
29.02.12 00:10 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Well you are not naive but you prefer others answering rather than you googling emoticon

Still I will give you some tips.

Bluecard is limited time period.
Niederlassungserlaubnis is a permanent residence.

You need a salary between 33 and 44K to get a BC.
For NE you either need to live and work in Germany for 5 yrs or have a job as specialist with salary above 66K now (48K after law changes)

More details

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
29.02.12 02:40 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Thanks for your kind reply mate. One more thing if I may ask: I am an IT engineer. For me, do you think these two options (Blue Card and NE) are the best or is there any other kind of work permit/visa also that I should look at? How about the ordinary work permit? What are the requirements for that? Mostly recruiters want one to join asap. So, it would be really kind of you if you could also share your knowledge about the processing time taken for each type, I mean BC and NE and the ordinary work permit (if there is any such).

Thanks a lot mate. Really, I owe you
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
29.02.12 12:25 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.

As per my understanding for getting any of the permit in the Germany (NE, Work Permit or others) you need to have a Job offer. Unfortunately it does not work other way, but if you have required skills and company need you, it should be possible to get a job contract and based on that contract you can apply for visa.

All the best
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
29.02.12 23:54 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Dear Worker,

Google is one of the best things of this century - I think you will find a lot of information if you search.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
01.03.12 00:49 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
@punar80: Hi mate. Really appreciate your trying to help. I understand that all kinds of options require a work offer. Can you possibly tell me whether Blue Card and NE are the best options or is there any other kind of work permit/visa also that I should look at? How about the ordinary work permit? And what are the processing times for each type (NE, Blue card, ordinary work permit & any other)?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
02.03.12 19:48 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Thought might be helpful for Detlef and others :


As scheduled for 1st March 13:00 bis 14:00 in Bundestag.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
02.03.12 20:07 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Hi Maverick,


I followed this yesterday and I planned to update the bluecard website tomorrow.

Now I am disapointed, bcause you already told everybody ;-)

I hope you undertsand that this is just a joke!?

Have a nice weekend, all of you!

Detlef :-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
03.03.12 15:20 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Hi everbody,

I updated http://www.bluecard-germany.com

Have a nice weekend!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
05.03.12 10:40 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Hey Detlef,

Of course I know that was just a joke emoticonHave a nice day.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
17.04.12 15:14 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Hey Detlef,

Any new info on this?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
17.04.12 17:07 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.

no news as far as I know.

It is still expacted that the Bluecard will come into effect this summer, maybe 1st of July.

If anybody knows more... let us know!

Viele Grüße
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
17.04.12 23:48 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
The proposed law is going to be discussed on 23rd April in the Bundestag.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
18.04.12 11:55 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.

I appreciate the way you reply to the posts in this forum and always follow your posts very closely. Keep it up and thanks for helping everyone.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
27.04.12 17:50 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Hi t7 members,

I have very good news!


The 'Bundestag' said yes to the Bluecard!!

Now there is only one hurdle left. The 'Bundesrat' has to confirm the law. But this should not be a problem so we can expact that the law will come into effect before summer :-)

Have a nice weekend
und viele Grüße aus Berlin

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
27.04.12 17:57 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Yes I was about to reply on this thread. Here is the link from Deutscher Bundestag website :


Let's see when it will start.

@ Detlef, @supersid

Questions on this thread should start now, so here it is emoticon:

1) For those already living in Germany with §18 Aufent. work permit and working, if they apply for it then is it that the calculation of number of years for the settlement permit/permanent residence will start afresh?

2) What about direct Niederlassungserlaubnis §19 with less salary threshold now?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
28.04.12 00:41 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
1. No your time will not be counted afresh. If you have lived and worked here already since three years, are qualified and do a job with salary higher than about 45K/33K, you will get a Niederlassung according to §19a already now

2. Law §19 2.3 where specialists or managers could get a Niederlassung by earning 67K or more, will be cancelled now.

See my post.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
29.04.12 02:30 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
how would you interpret below?
Is B1 a requirement for getting NE after 3 years as well ?

– Inhaber einer befristeten Blauen Karte EU erhalten grundsätzlich nach drei Jahren
eine Niederlassungserlaubnis; soweit ein Arbeitsvertrag fortbesteht und soweit
deutsche Sprachkenntnisse der Stufe B1 nachgewiesen werden, wird die
Niederlassungserlaubnis bereits nach zwei Jahren erteilt (§ 19a Absatz 6 des

Kind Regards,
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
11.05.12 17:00 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Hi t7 members,

today the 'Bundesrat' will decide about the Bluecard...


This will be the last step before it comes into effect.

So let us all hope the best!

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
11.05.12 17:10 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Hi All,

Its approved by Bundesrat:

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
11.05.12 18:04 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Hi maverick,

you have been faster :-)


I wish all of you a nice weekend

Detlef :-)

P.S.: Don't forget...

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
11.05.12 18:18 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
This is great news! When will it come to effect exactly?

Also, how is it possible to know exactly which professions are eligible for applying with a 34.944 yearly income?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
12.05.12 17:51 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Any chance of getting the citizenship faster than 6/7/8 years with the new law? I already have the NL for Highly qualified with pension contributions of more than 60 months but not continuos stay of that period
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
12.05.12 22:55 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
and what happens to the family visa after 3 years after the main visa holder gets a NE. Does the family also get the NE after 3 years instead of normal 5 years? Has the law changed in this respect as well?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
16.05.12 17:00 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.

I just updated the Bluecard website:


Viele Grüße
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
27.05.12 02:15 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Hi Detlef,

I know you have been active in this topic, I just have a quick question that could not figure out of the new law:

- is a current work permit holder ( say employer independent) working here for 2-3 years, would be elligeble for getting the NE also with suffisant german skills ? or does this applies only to the new folks applying for Blue card only?( which means, for a current WP holder, he needs to wait till completing 5 years and then apply for NE ?)

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
27.05.12 11:13 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
Hi Alex,

the new Bluecard law has not come into effect yet. So everything is unsafe. Even the involved people at the alien offices do not know yet.

If and how the Bluecard will help people who are already in Germany... we will learn this later.

Good luck
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: About Blue Card
27.05.12 13:50 als Antwort auf Hello Germany.
let see then!

0 (0 Stimmen)

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