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Meeting the World!

Just a brief story

Just a brief story
25.02.05 14:18
Hi all

Yes Detlef. You are right. Sometimes you are alone in the forum but not today.

I like to write. Sometimes I have no time, and maybe in the future have lesser time. So, I´d like to relate a short story.

This happened to me not in my home country but in the USA.

Some people travel a lot, sometimes boringly but I don´t know why, almost ever, things happens to me elsewhere but thanks God always histories with happy ending.

This happened to me after a "mission" to Honduras. I was working as external consultant in the National Agriculture Secretary for two months, with all kind of troubles of software, hardware and people.

I was alone, no family at all and was supposed to went back home middle of november but all have to be delayed till all were ready, that was ends of november.

Then, my boss had the nice idea of organize a big event in a five star hotel to present to the comunity the results. Ministers, Secretarys and so on all invited to a working session + lunch + presentation ON 5th December!!!.

I was really very tired, stressed and in addition more to prepare. Is not nice to look like an idiot in front of authorities isn´t it?

I changed my fly tickets for the third time and I´ve fixed my departure to 6th december, the day after the presentation.

All was ready on time, we did the presentation, people looked what I showed, I could ask the questions they did an showed what they´ve asked me for and at 16 hr of the 5th december I was a free man.

Dinner early, went bed early and at 5 o´clock of 6th december I got up and went to the airport. Finally I will see my family, eat home cooked meal and drive my own car (no possible for normal humans to drive in Tegucigalpa!)

I was dead. I slept all the three hours to Miami (I even skip the cofee and meals on board - bad symptom for me!) and arrive to Miami International Airport with another million of people. As you know, all people arriving to Miami have to do customs/immigration even if they are in transit.

After just 30 minuts waiting time with my luggage, I arrived to the Immigration Ofices Line. The man at the end of the line looked terrible but I had nothing to declare so I keep in this line. I saw the man fighting with three people before me because the immigration form was incorrectly filled ("Are you a serial killer?" "Have you killed your mother once?" "Are you friend of Osama?" and questions like that).

I gave him my pass waiting the worst. I think all living man/woman have a little dosis of fear in front of those authorities (or I´m paranoid?).

"Good morning!" I told him, "brbrbr" told me in any kind of strange slang. "Passport!" asked me, in a kind of hard and mandatory english. I gave him all the stuff, of course he returned me the paper of customs. "This later" told me. He opened my pass, saw my photo, he looked at me very bad and I put my best effort in look innocent.

He scanned the pass and stared at the monitor. A second later he reised his head, looked at me again, turned around and shouted very loud "Mary I have another!!" "S..t what I did??" I thought. Then he raised his right hand showing three fingers, then two then one and then four immigration employers started at the same time "HAPPY BIRHTDAY TO YOUUUUUU!!!" Yes. It was my birhtday. I started laughing and I thanked very gratefully the employee stretching his hand.

Is really good to know that sometimes when you feel alone, you are not so alone even if you are not at home or if you have problems are always people elsewhere who cares and who do small things that are important for you.

I confess that I was near a heart attack but at least the story was happy ending.

From the worst winter in 20 years, from Bayern
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Just a brief story
25.02.05 14:26 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi YO,

great story and great, that you took the time to write it down!

Muchas gracias amigo :-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Just a brief story
25.02.05 14:34 als Antwort auf YO 1.
De nada Detlef! Gracias por lo de Amigo!

So, a stupid song from my country says "Even if we can´t see it, the sun always is there" and that´s my case.

I´m always behind the monitor, even if Freenet doesn´t want to.

Schönes Wochenende!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Just a brief story
25.02.05 14:54 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Short it is not but it is interesting story.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Just a brief story
27.02.05 13:43 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi YO1,

This was an interesting story @ interesting place.

But, I have to confess that one cannot stop reading it till end.

This contributes to your good communication and expressive skills.

0 (0 Stimmen)

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