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Cheapest Loan?

Cheapest Loan?
14.02.07 19:41
What is the chepeast loan that you can find in D?

I think at DTW it is 4,1%.
Anybody knows any cheaper loan?

BTW Eigenheimzulage should be changed with Wohn-Riester. It all should start with 1.1.2007 but nothing happenned.
Anybody knows when will it start?
Anybody knows what will it look like?
I think this Riesterrente thing is completely stupid. You pay all life and if you die before 65 NOBODY gets anything. If you die litle bit later, than you received few years Rente and your family COULD get money but without any subventions from state even without Zinsen and above all that they have to pay STEUER on it.
As if you kept money all the time in your pocket so you DO NOT GET ANY ZINSEN OR SUBVENTION, and even worse, cos YOU HAVE TO PAY STEUER ON THAT AMOUNT. AFAIK.
So I hope Wohn-Riester will be better than that.

Anybody knows when does this Wohn-Riester comes and what will it be like?

When CDU and SDP established the koalition they agreed to get rid of Eigenheimzulage in 2006 but only to intraduce it as a Wohn-Riester in 2007???
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Re: Cheapest Loan?
15.02.07 10:50 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
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