Dear Klenze,
I might hurt you but I will still be direct. Every once in a while I meet people like you who believe the case-workers from the Einbürgerungsbehörde/Ausländerbehörde (most of them without a university degree and many of them dont know the rules themselves) blindly without reading the laws. Then they give their half-knowledge to other people with 100% confidence. If they are corrected, they still hold on to their point because it is a matter of ego.
Then they divert the attention by telling their long story and that because they have written some items in a forum or they are active longer in the forum, they are automatically right. Unfortunately, you are one of them and I remember having an argument with you earlier as well.
If you can get me a written document on a letterhead from your EBH saying
"Wir bestätigen hiermit dass es für Einbürgerungsbewerber unter §8 StaG keine Möglichkeit gibt, vor Ablauf von 6 Jahren eingebürgert zu werden."
I will give you 100€. I will then use this document to sue them for wrong information and get 1000€ from them
Read §8
Now read § 10
You will notice that §8 has no reference to minimum time-period but §10 does.
I believe there would be no country which would not keep a door open for special cases and § 8 is one of them. I have been naturalized under this para and during the process I got ample insight into how this works. The problem is that most case-workers only know this paragraph half and probably if someone from a Drittland approaches them, they just ignore the fact that you could be highly qualified or of national interest.
Coming to the point, irrespective of which § your residence permit has (be it 19, 18), you CAN get naturalized under §8 (Ermessenseinbürgerung/discretionary citizenship). For this an application needs to be filed in the way I described in the message earlier and you need to meet high criterion.
No simple case-worker of the Einbürgerungsbehörde can decide on the application under §8 and needs to forward the application to Innenministerium/Innensenat and they decide based on the merits of the application if the person should be naturalized.
Here it is expected that your citizenship is of national interest - scientist, sportsmen, highly travelling job.
Here having §19 is just an added benefit to show that your presence could be of national interest. In my application, it helped me a lot to make a solid case.
Isa - Tell your EBH that you want to apply under §8 and make a solid case. You might get it or not, but atleast you tried.