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Is there any who knows?

Is there any who knows?
06.01.06 15:18
I have apply for more over 180 jobs in all Germany in last 3 months, searching job as Programmer and all that I have found in Internet.
I guess I am too old and they did not want me.
Only 37 years.
I have also search help from Arbeitsamt taking any kind of job, anywhere, whatever, in any condition.
I have one month left to find any kind of job or I loose my visum.
So please, ask your employer, ask anyone who can help or need some employer...
I just need a few months full job place so I can receive NE and afterward the employer can geve me quit, it is not important, as long as I receive NE.
I also posess Vermitlungsgutschein from Arbeitsamt for over 2500 € for the employer.
As I said I only need job for 2-3 Months any kind of job till I take visum.
Right know I have Funktionsbescheinigung valid till 25.02.2006 with any kind of job permit.
They only need from me a full time job and will give me NE otherwise who knows...
I know it is dificult for job know, but ....
Thanks a lot.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
06.01.06 16:52 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
try to find some startup - Arbeitsamt will pay them good for employing you ;)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
06.01.06 20:13 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
max, listen to me. Do not stick and struggle to find a job in germany any more. it will only waste your time and energy. I am searching job for two months, responses are always disappointment, I have absolutely no idea what companies in germany really want. Those companies who rejected my application don't even talk to me, how can they make a decision that I am not qualified for the job position? The funny thing is that they still keep posting their position day by day on some famous job-ad website. Some of the companies offer really low salary package, for instance, they will offer "senior system engineer" position up to 40k euro/pa, pls enlighten me who the hell will take such position! Moreover, most of companies are consultancy whose main focus is to hunt candidate for freelancer, those companies usually require candidate to be "EU" citizen. (why must i be a EU citizen if job location is in germany? confused!), at last let me tell you one more thing, no matter how good is your resume, they just ignore you somehow. I have tested that once, I wrote my resume exactly following the requirement in job description(i admit that i lie a little bit on my resume, just want to find out the truth, it happened once, never happen again i swear), i thought i would at least receive a call(or interview) to verify the qualification, unfortunately, it didn't happen. I was rejected after two weeks, no reason was given, just said that i was not qualified for that position. ???!!!
to be honest, I have already lost the confidence to job market in germany. Now it is time to think of moving to some other countries.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
07.01.06 01:32 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
I really do not know what so say.
In some job places are funny combinations asked for. Example ASP under LINUX or WIN SERVER conected with LINUX SERVER under JAVA WEB SERVER?
Bill Gates will kill me if I make connection of ASP and LINUX with WIN SERVER under JAVA WEB SERVER.
Oh Goad, I just need a job. I do not care what they want.
My Kindergeld is stopped because I do not have valid Aufenthaltsgenehmigung since 11.2005.
Ok, ok I know I have ask to much from all of you lately and I was scratching my problems in Forum too much and.....I will do it, I promisse I will do it as soon as I stand on my feet...just please look arround and ask you Bosses, your friends, your coulegues, if maybe, maybe they need someone for something?
Few months only, I have Vermitlungsgutscheing they do not need to pay versicherung, rente, krankenkasse, bonus, tax or what ever.
They can give me Kündigung after 2-3 months it is OK, just to get the stamp on my pass...that litle schining thing wich has a title NE...I am so close, so close. I can taste it.
I am nice and funny man, bit stuped but never mind I have sence for humor and I have best qualifications and ...I have all what man need.
So please, any...any?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
07.01.06 02:29 als Antwort auf Johnny English.

I have apply for more over 180 jobs in all Germany in last 3 months, searching job as Programmer and all that I have found in Internet.
I guess I am too old and they did not want me.
Only 37 years.

Max! Fight until your last drop of blood! Think about, as though you wouldn't have got any chance and you had to leave Germany. Apply as much as possible! And see below...

max, listen to me. Do not stick and struggle to find a job in germany any more.

You think that way because I feel you are getting more pessimitic, like max. See below...

just please look arround and ask you Bosses, your friends, your coulegues, if maybe, maybe they need someone for something?

I am hearing the same voices around here in my circle, too.

Please don't panic. Think first that you are healthy, which is the most important in the world. If you hadn't been healthy, even searching for a job in Germany would have been nonsense.

Change your strategy in job applications! Think about the style you use to describe yourself: eg. CV length/layout. It's how you "sell yourself". You know that. Even two different expressions of the same meaning produces quite different results. Play according to rules, even if you don't like!

Life is not easy, also here. Fight!
If you can't change the people, try to change your style!

I wish you good luck with your effort and please keep us informed.

Have a HEALTHY 2006 first and good luck about everything (love inclusive!)

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
07.01.06 11:00 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Just 3 months and you worried .... I know my best friend he is IT professional, he got Green card later he changed his visa due to his German wife..............but but but he is searching from the last two(2) years continously IT jobt but he still could not searched.Its market of Germany job.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
07.01.06 14:28 als Antwort auf Johnny English.

maybe you should read this:


There are also other interesting articles about job application.

And as a bonus, this could fit for you:



-Ask somebody (with IT-knowledge) to review both your cover letter (very important) and your CV.

-Put in your CV that you already has NE (yes, that's not true, but it would be if you get the job, so in the moment you begin probably you already will have it).

- Don't start to cry and ask for mercy in interviews to get a job. They want to see someone self-confident and sure about what he expects. Hide that you are in trouble. They won't care about it (unless you are aplying for the UNICEF :-) )

Good luck

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
07.01.06 14:57 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
"Those companies who rejected my application don't even talk to me, how can they make a decision that I am not qualified for the job position?"

I can tell you.They have software that searches your resume on the presence of certain pattern and informs them if you might be qualified for a job. everything is done automatically, time is money ;)

but most of the times your CV doesn't reach that step. for example, if company rules have something like Ausländer- or GC-stopp in them, your resume is going to be thrown in the trash can as soon as they see your family name

"The funny thing is that they still keep posting their position day by day on some famous job-ad website."

If they do that, you can get nothing but a refusal. in such a case the manager already chose the candidate, although corporation rules require to do that on competitive basis ...

"Some of the companies offer really low salary package, for instance, they will offer "senior system engineer" position up to 40k euro/pa, pls enlighten me who the hell will take such position!"

any jobless person who doesn't want to loose his Alg II will have to (unless he knows exactly what to say during interview in such a case, of course). or some foreigner who desperately wants to work in Germany and doesn't know how to sell himself ;)

"Moreover, most of companies are consultancy whose main focus is to hunt candidate for freelancer, those companies usually require candidate to be "EU" citizen. (why must i be a EU citizen if job location is in germany? confused!)"

They work not only in Germany and they want to keep their rules as simple as possible. in order to be able to minimize a possibility that their employee makes some mistake, they should do that ...

"Bill Gates will kill me if I make connection of ASP and LINUX with WIN SERVER under JAVA WEB SERVER."

Most surely he will not even learn about existence of such software, just because you do not have money to bring it to the market ...

"My Kindergeld is stopped because I do not have valid Aufenthaltsgenehmigung since 11.2005."

:o ??? but you told us that you have Funktionsbescheinigung valid till 25.02.2006?

"they do not need to pay versicherung, rente, krankenkasse, bonus, tax or what ever."

you can not free them from those responsibilities unless it will be a "Schwarzarbeit". but Schwarzarbeit will not help you get NE, it can only make your situation worse

i will give you one advice: if you really want to find a job AND do not want to be discriminated by your Bosses, do not show anybody that you desperately need it. it doesn't matter how bad your situation really is, in order to achieve anything you MUST show everybody that you do not have any problems and that you have everything you need ;)

"They can give me Kündigung after 2-3 months it is OK, just to get the stamp on my pass...that litle schining thing wich has a title NE..."

BTW about NE: immigration office can revoke it anytime, if it learns that your "unlimited job contract" was a fake one in fact. And internet forum in any case is not a place to make such proposals, if you do not want to play a role of a victim later on

"but but but he is searching from the last two(2) years continously IT jobt but he still could not searched.Its market of Germany job."

It's getting worse because german universities have started to supply lots of young, ambitious and well educated IT-professionals on the market
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
07.01.06 16:15 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Another tip from my side:

Update your CV on internet at least every 2 weeks. This will increase your chances.

The reason is, that companies are looking at the search results in CV sites, where CVs are shown that have been updated lastly.

I have confirmed that thru http://jobs.de/ (before they had been JobScout24). This site were storing info when your CV has been read (date/time). I started to save this data to text files and processed with scripts to generate statistics. I have found that when I update my CV, the number of hits increased. After 2-3 weeks passed, the number of hits decreased. Then I started to update my CV forever. "Update" means that when you saved your CV. Therefore I did knowingly ridiculuous saves, ie. deleting a letter then writing it and then save. Just to update the information on server. That way my CV had been probably always in the first page in their search results.

People looking for CVs are mostly HR people and most them are women. They don't know how to search the CVs which have been updated long ago. They just use the default settings in search pages in CV sites to search people.

If we cannot change the people, we must change. I therefore advise you to update more often.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
07.01.06 19:57 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
So...anybody got some place already?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Leaving Germany Permanently
07.01.06 20:29 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Hi Folks,

Finally, we have deicided to leave Germany and settle down in our motherland "India", after living for approx. 7 yrs. (already got the PR about 1.5 yrs ago).

Well I have Q. regarding the refund of my contribution towards Social Security/Pension. I know that it can only be refunded after 2 yrs of leaving Germany. However I am not sure about different steps to be taken to get that money back.

I am sure some of the us have already taken that decsion in the past. May be they can provide some tips

Your feedback will be quite helpful for us

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
08.01.06 00:27 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
"-Ask somebody (with IT-knowledge) to review both your cover letter (very important)"

cover letter should fit a particular offer, position in question and profile of the company. therefore it should not be the same for all cases

"Hide that you are in trouble. They won't care about it"

yes they will. they may employ him, make him work 14 hours per day and through him out on 24.02.2006 without paying any salary ;)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
08.01.06 02:03 als Antwort auf Johnny English.

Well, Anand your glorious post in this particular thread wasn't really a big help either to Max or us. WTF you wanna accomplish by mentioning that you already got PR about 1.5 years ago, you are abdicating the throne with all your glory, is that it?

Anyway, to get an A. to your Q. RTFF!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
08.01.06 02:59 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Akshay, it's too late to hear all your FFL
Go and get coffee to get that FT outta head and stop talking FS. Who the F are you to interpret it in a wrong manner. Could be that Anand was looking for a desperate answer on a hot topic. Lets stop talking FS!

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
08.01.06 12:27 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
My CV is OK. I have checked so many times and it is OK. Myabe my CV Photo ....I will cnange it today.
In there is nothing written about any problems, and no one would be interested about them.
Beside that, the process on the Court is on 21.02.2006 and I hope I will win the case.
I will write about it when the case is over.
But applying from mixing beton worker till IT software programmer or night ceaper in factory even for wasing person in hotel kitchen....
And I did not get ther job.

The cover letter....
Hier is the example:

Sehr geehrter,

Sie suchen eine ehrgeizige und umsichtige (job place) die nicht nur ein bestehender Mitarbeiter ist sondern darüber hinaus auch selbständig erarbeiten und in Abstimmung in dem Firma durchsetzen kann.

Der Schwerpunkt meiner Tätigkeiten sind PHP, ASP, JAVA, Flash, MySQL, SOAP, XML, CSS, CMS (or/and the exact nolidgmente/qualifications for that place)und darüber bin ich zuständig für perfekt Ergebnissen.

Teamorientiertes Verhalten und Arbeiten sind selbstverständlich für mich. Ich bin auf Grund meiner Ausbildung und Berufserfahrung auch in der Lage, Aufgaben selbständig durchzuführen. Überdurchschnittliche Einsatzbereitschaft und Flexibilität sehe ich als Beitrag zum Geschäftserfolg.

Da ich über sehr gute Kenntnisse verfüge, schätze ich ein Umfeld, in dem ich sie Möglichkeit oft einsetzen kann.

Sie können mich persönlich jede zeit telefonisch erreichen oder per Email schreiben.

Auf eine Einladung zu einem persönlichen Gespräch freue ich mich.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen,

Someone asked about pesion refound.I have ask also personaly and got the answer that refound is possible after 2 years living DE and can be retransfered in mother country in the pensions found.They do not pay off on hand.
More worst, my country is future member in EU, so will left in DE i.e. in EU found of pesion.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
08.01.06 13:09 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
I can see couple of errors and expression anomalies in your cover letter at a first glance and I am not a native German speaker.. Go and figure how that may sound to "german native ears".
Please get some professional help on CV and cover letter writing. Many consulting companies offer such services for free and have a german native speaker correct it after you finish them.


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
08.01.06 13:37 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
1. PHP/MySQL in the end of the list. Nobody needs an employer for that kind of stuff alone ... add Oracle, mention apllication servers and newest technologies

2. Ask some natives to check german of your letter. i can not say whether it contains any mistakes or anomalies, but i think it should be checked thoroughly, especially these places:

"die nicht nur ein bestehender Mitarbeiter ist sondern darüber hinaus auch selbständig erarbeiten und in Abstimmung in dem Firma durchsetzen kann."

"Der Schwerpunkt ... sind"

"und darüber bin ich zuständig für perfekt Ergebnissen."

"Ich bin auf Grund meiner Ausbildung und Berufserfahrung auch in der Lage, Aufgaben selbständig durchzuführen."

"in dem ich sie Möglichkeit oft einsetzen kann."

"Sie können mich ... jede zeit ... oder per Email schreiben."

"Auf eine Einladung ... freue ich mich."

3. Anschreiben MUST contain something that shows them clearly that you already worked in the same line of business, were involved in similar projects

4. It would not hurt to add some links to results of your work ;)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
08.01.06 16:29 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Thanks a lot.
I would gladly send to someone my CV to check if it is OK.
Please just drop me your email to mine:
I will send you my CV so you can check it.
Thanks in advance...I really need some tips to make it better.
I shoot today a new photo from me in CV.
Ok, maybe I am not so beautifule but...

This cover letter I found in Internet as best one recomendet from some work agency wich give best ruslts. It is checked from German native - grammatic and content was OK.
About tips for Oracle, NET...and bla,bla, I am adding that to the specific job place needed. This was the one where they need PHP/MySQL Entwickler.
Already yet I have update my CV in Jobpilot and Monster and send 15 vacancies per email.

Ah yes...for CV someone to check..it is to me very important....Any friend to see it?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
08.01.06 20:06 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
"This cover letter I found in Internet as best one recomendet from some work agency wich give best ruslts."

can you post here a link to their site please? so that i will know whom not to give an order in any case?

i am serious, the whole thing looks like somebody used a software to translate it from other language emoticon

"It is checked from German native - grammatic and content was OK."

show him again and don't forget to tell him that you downloaded it from some web site and that it's not your work ;) although this will not change anything as well if he does not want to waste his time changing your cover letter ...
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
08.01.06 22:05 als Antwort auf Johnny English.

you see? it seems that both your CV and cover letter have some mistakes that you need to fix.

I think that you need that a native speaker (with knowledge in IT) helps you to review them. Now is when your (former) colleges could be useful (you see now why was a bad idea to call them N*z*s :-) ).

Again, review the links that I provided in my last post. You might find tips useful for you there (including the job position).

Good luck,

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
09.01.06 02:33 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
"you see? it seems that both your CV and cover letter have some mistakes that you need to fix."

Ich bin zuständig für perfekte Ergebnisse - das ist Klasse! emoticon

Ich über sehr gute Kenntnisse verfüge - in welchem Bereich?

Auf eine Einladung freue ich mich - bist Du sicher dass Du eingeladen wirst?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
09.01.06 11:46 als Antwort auf Johnny English.

my German is far from perfect but yes there are several things that do not loog good in your letter. The secretery in the HR that will see it, will right away take it as very unprofessional and it will never arrive at the managers desk. If you continue applying with this letter just know that you are waisting your time. I belive that the biggest part of those 180 applications failed because of the letter. Get some german friend or go to a translation or recruitment office and pay for the help. Lots of people are innert to changes and that costs them a lot. Now go today with all the documents and let them make you a few general templates for you that are perfectly correct and that you can later customize depending on the job description.

Please do not save money on this type of help! The letter is the first impression for them.

Do not ignore the advices that previous member posts gave you (people do this in order to avoide/postpone the stress) but act instantly on them.

good luck
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
09.01.06 12:10 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Hi Max,

forgot it? You have a German friend! Just send me your cover letter as a mail, I will correct it and send it back to you :-)

To all the others: I am really proud, that there are so many of you who take care about Max!!!

Have a nice week
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Is there any who knows?
09.01.06 18:38 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Thaks for your effort...
0 (0 Stimmen)

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