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Visa Questions

aufenthaltstitel integration courses

aufenthaltstitel integration courses
29.06.05 15:13

I got my "aufenthaltstitel" as I joined my German wife in Germany. My aufenthaltstitel is valid for a year from now before I could apply for a permanent residence permit! To my knowledge the renewal might be refused in case I don't participate in the language / integration courses.

As I mentioned in an earlier post we'll be leaving germany in a little bit more than an month from now to accept a job offer abroad.

I'm being asked to take 600 hours or German classes and 30 hours of integration courses. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be doing 630 hours of courses within a year, especially that I won't be here and even if I was to be staying here I'm not sure where to find the time for that as I have quite some work to render. But anyways...

I'm really curious to know of the consequences of leaving Germany for a long period of time and not taking the courses I'm asked to take. In case in the future My wife and I decide to return to Germany, will I be able to re-apply for a family reunion visa and get a new aufenthaltstitel?

Anyone knows the procedures to that and what I should be doing? I'd really like to keep an option for return in case we're not able to stay abroad and in case my German wife wants to return and stay in Germany! What are the chances that they keep a married couple separated?
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Re: aufenthaltstitel integration courses
29.06.05 18:47 als Antwort auf karim noujaim.
You can always return to Germany, if you are married to a German citizen. That is no problem. (It could be the case that you may need to re-process some visa stuff to be able to enter germany again but it should be also no problem, as long as your spouse is German)

If you want to turn your residence status to permanent in Germany(or naturalize) then you should be living in Germany and you should be able to prove that. This process is also much faster for the foreigners with german spouses. You can get permanent residence after 2 years and citizenship after 3 years as a spouse of a german living in Germany.


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Re: aufenthaltstitel integration courses
29.06.05 19:08 als Antwort auf karim noujaim.
Thanks for your reply Lacrima,

But in your opinion or to your knowledge shall I inform Ausländeramt that we're leaving? What about not doing the integration course I'm asked to do?

"(3) If a foreigner breaches his or her obligation to duly attend an integration course
pursuant to Section 44a (1), sentence 1, no. 1, this shall be taken into account in the
decision on extension of the residence permit."

Will that make it more difficult for me to apply for a new residence permit at a later phase?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: aufenthaltstitel integration courses
30.06.05 18:26 als Antwort auf karim noujaim.
I think it is a good idea to take the opinion of the auslanderamt before taking such a decision. They may even let you to stay out of the germany for a specific period without losing your residence status.

Regarding the integration courses. They are basicly language courses(smt 600 Hours) + orientation courses(smt 30 Hours). If you already speak german, just go and take a "Zertifikat Deutsch" exam. (This exam takes just one day and this is the language exam they do after the integration course.)

BUT you still need the orientation course. 30 Hours is not that much and you can finish it in a week or so I guess. So with your Zertifikat Deutsch + 30 Hours orientation course, you are done with the Integration course and you can take advantage of everything which the integration course attendants can take advantage of.


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