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Jobs in Germany ?

Jobs in Germany ?
30.12.05 10:23

this is kiran from india,actually i'm looking for a job in germany.so i request if someone can give the information for getting a job in germany.

i have applied through websites but response from them.


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Jobs in Germany ?
30.12.05 12:48 als Antwort auf kiran prasad.

...i request if someone can give the information for getting a job in germany.....

sure buddy......RTFF!!!!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Jobs in Germany ?
30.12.05 20:39 als Antwort auf kiran prasad.
hello Kiran.
I am not discouraging u but searching a job in D while sitting in India seems to be impossible coz at present even people there r struggling to get the job.I think u hav some chance(still very less in present situation) if ur working here(in I) in a german company or compnies like(TCS,Infosys on a good position etc..
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Jobs in Germany ?
30.12.05 20:52 als Antwort auf kiran prasad.
deathnic is definitely right and "very good" german language knowledge is also crucial.


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Re: Jobs in Germany ?
31.12.05 02:38 als Antwort auf kiran prasad.

If you have some good experience then you have wonderful oppertunities in India,cos job market in India is better then any where else (if u are in IT)

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Jobs in Germany ?
01.01.06 21:00 als Antwort auf kiran prasad.
Ha if everything is so wonderful in I then Kiran shouldnt hav this thoughts to work in D.
And this in not the solution for Kiran's prob.
In India if u r at very high post then its ok but in lower and average level evenif people r getting jobs but they r not satisfied either coz of less money ,exploitiation,and in private company there is no as such laws to protect employees.
with the introduction of this callcenter kinda stuff unemployment rate is very much fall down but.the people working, their life neither belongs to west nor to east:-) just hangs in between the internet wires that connects both:-).

My suggestions for this prob
1Go to search jobs in websites normally in current situation it will take severl years but if u hav luck then u can get tomorrowemoticon
2 If u know some good friend in D then ask him so that he can search the job for u.
3 If u can travel to D the go there on visitor visa search the job come back apply for jobvisa for that company(in this case good german knowledge is must).
4I think instead of choosing a tough country like D u should see the job oppurtnities in other countries like Aus,Canada,Nz...(except muslims countries)usw...and from there u hav better chance to work in D.
Even if u know deutsch it donst help too much when u r sitting in I:-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Jobs in Germany ?
02.01.06 14:36 als Antwort auf kiran prasad.

Even if u know deutsch it donst help too much when u r sitting in I emoticon

I don't get your point here. Why do you think it doesn't? There are a lot of Indian GC and IT engineers in Germany. Generally, did they have German skills before coming to Germany or not?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Jobs in Germany ?
02.01.06 15:04 als Antwort auf kiran prasad.
"Generally, did they have German skills before coming to Germany or not?"

I know more than 15 Indian GCs personally and none of them could speak (good) German before coming to Germany.. German is not a popular foreign language to learn in India, I guess.. My fellow Indian friends can correct me, if this statement is wrong..


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Jobs in Germany ?
02.01.06 15:57 als Antwort auf kiran prasad.

Hummm Its like someone is asking u to help him find a Beautiful,Rich,Sxxx,Single women for him and we like have no other work help him find her without even knowing why ?
You have given good reasons but have u ever bothered to ask Mr.kiran WHY ? or may be he must have explained you by email ( then we I can understand you emoticon ).
Nothing personal my friend just a thought,
I hope we stop discussing on this is`nt it.

Have a lot of fun ...

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Jobs in Germany ?
02.01.06 19:52 als Antwort auf kiran prasad.
Hummm Its like someone is asking u to help him find a Beautiful,Rich,Sxxx,Single women for him and we like have no other work help him find her without even knowing why ?

If ur brain is good enough to think then u must be knowing the reason why he has posted his message here.I didnt ask him but its natural to understand dear:-) if he is satisfied with his job(either searching it) in I then he wont be posting his message for job here ok.and i think he also knows these days in india we dont hav too mcuh job prob.
I dont think indian engineers commin to D they hav good german skills.
U r right german is not very popular in I and gernally if someone is learning german language fulltime then he choose his carrier in german language.But engineers comming to germany they come only on the basis of their technical skills not on the basis of german skills.
but german is definately a plus point.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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