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marriage in germany

marriage in germany
09.03.06 09:25
hello there ,
i want please your expereince about what i will say later ,
i've applied to residencey permit to marry my fiancee (german nationality) in germany , i apply with a marriage certificate from the standesmat from germany + invitation from her from the auslandermat + my valid passport + health insurance ,,they tell me it take 6 to 8 weeks , ok i apply in 19/2/2006 and i call back to know that it was sent to berlin in 22/2/2006 and it suppose the papers go to the offenburg auslandermat but till now 9/3/2006 no response , any one advice me what to do that we don't late ,or is it normal to be late , ok thanks you all ,,, bye

if any one can share me in my mail sse1978@hotmail.com
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Re: marriage in germany
09.03.06 12:33 als Antwort auf TAD ESK.

Somethings in your mail above are not clear. You wrote that you want to marry her in Germany but how could you submit marriage certificate before marriage. May be you mean Marriagability Certificate. It is normal in Ausländeramt that the case needs 4-6 weeks for clearance in the case of Marriage. For the spped up may be your German fiancee can ask in the offenburg Ausländeramt. The paper from Embassy are normally takes two weeks till they reach the destination.(snail mail ..)
I would recommend you to wait Patiently and ask your fiancee to keep in contact with Ausländeramt.

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Re: marriage in germany
09.03.06 13:47 als Antwort auf TAD ESK.
yeah peacy ,,
thanks for your answer , yes this is what i mean a certificate that ( me and her ) valid to marry and tou know it's expired after six months ( july 2006),, so exactly as you say that it take 2 weeks , because the embassy say to me that my fiancee must check up after 2 weeks ,, so she will check up after 2 hours from now ,,i wish these papers come more fast ,, and my question is when it come to the auslandermat how long it take till the visa is isuued ,,, i mean how many weeks i must count when i have this glad new that the papers come to the auslandermat ,,
i called berlin now and they say that they transfer all the papers directly without keep it in berlin ,, it means 2 weeks from berlin to offenburg ,,, ok i will be patient as you told me but for any patient sure must be limits ,,

thanks again ,,,,,,,,,
i will inform you with the details ,,
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Re: marriage in germany
19.03.06 13:11 als Antwort auf TAD ESK.
hello again <<
ok exactly as you said the papers is recieved in 8/3/2006 and my fiancee call at 9/3/2006 and the auslandermat say it come yestrday and it need max 4 weeks to be finished ok now we are in 19/3/2006 and the 4weeks end at (9/4/2006) ,, my question is i hear alot about so much late than this time( i wish not ) and i have fear about this , also i read that may be there is interview for me in the embassy and her in the auslandermat in the same time that they check if we know us very well by a lot of questions ,, is it right ? ok i am not afraid but all i care the time ,, and onther question if it must that the auslandermat send her for prove the income and the flat or becouse it's alredy done in the invitation she send to me so no more interviews for her ,,,

ok my situation is i am egyptian and work in kuwait and christian and never have any criminal recored or disease in my life , she have big flat and good work and german born ,,, we in fact want marry and make our furure together ,,, so the question here is it sure that we have the visa or still i have to worry till i catch it in my hands ,,ok i trust your answer before and i am waiting for this letter answer please ,,,,

thanks you very much ,,,,,
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Re: marriage in germany
20.03.06 15:00 als Antwort auf TAD ESK.
please ,, any one answer my questions ,, i am in worry ,,

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Re: marriage in germany
20.03.06 15:14 als Antwort auf TAD ESK.
You have to be patient. That is what you learn in germany. The Auslanderbehörde got papers on 9/3 2006 and they said 4 weeks meaning it will take them until 7/4/2006 to make a decision. You ask your german gf to call the Auslanderbehörde and see if it can be done faster.
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Re: marriage in germany
20.03.06 18:57 als Antwort auf TAD ESK.
Be prepared to wait for a long f**kin time.btw its not about weeks its about months.most of the time in these case they think this marriage is for settlement so if there is tru lov then also u hav to suffer.
my meaning is if they hav some doubt then they will arrange interview and the whole process will take perhaps two months(u will be lucky if u get the early date) then they will ask the german embassy in ur home country for the varification of ur submited documents and only this process will take approx 12 weeks so now u can imagine the total time..
aha calling by ur gf to abh will not make too much effect.but somehow if u able to make ur gf preagnent then this will perhaps fasten ur case:-)
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Re: marriage in germany
21.03.06 09:31 als Antwort auf TAD ESK.
ok i read now the comments ,,, i thanks for all share me .. but let us consider it a normal case i mean that there is no doubt from them about the marriage itself ..espically kuwait which i live now one of the most high income countries in the world , so i think the opssite is right that when european come and work here so they get high income , so in fact what i more care that i stay with my wife , she came before and visit kuwait she feel so good for the high standered of life style , but it's not the same free as europe sure , so it was that how can we stay together although she don't like kuwait (although i have good work here as engineer) so that i come to her and live together ,, it's normal that we live together in any where i mean it don't leave any doubts from the government about this .....
they afriad that we know us from the internet or so ,, but if they check her passport they know that we meet in septemeber in kuwait and in decemeber in egypt , so where is the doubt ?
i think that we are normal case and so it take max 10 weeks to be finished ...
ok this is my view , for more details i try to give but if you have onther opinion i am happy that we share it ,,,
i've important question too ,,, if (as the employer of the auslanderbehorde) finish in 4 weeks what the next setop after this will they check the criminal recored or they have already check it before ( and how long in range it take to finish it ) i mean from finish the papers from the auslanderbehorde to get the visa how long it take ,,,,

thanks you very much ,,,,,
bye .
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Re: marriage in germany
21.03.06 18:25 als Antwort auf TAD ESK.
hey guys ,, please any one share his(her expereience) for my questions pervious ,,

thanks friends ,,
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Re: marriage in germany
23.03.06 20:50 als Antwort auf TAD ESK.
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