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Elternzeit/Elterngeld period

Elternzeit/Elterngeld period
09.09.11 13:43
Hell0 to all,

We have blessed a baby Girl on 17th July. My wife is having EG Visa (unlimited work permit) and i have DE citizenship. Since 2 years she is in Germany and never worked here.

1. I am planning to take 2 months Elternzeit (17.12.2011 to 16.02.2012) and the rest 12 months (17.07.2011 to 16.11.2011 and 17.02.2012 to 16.09.2012). Am i allowed to divide the Elternzeit as mentioned above? or i should take only at the beginning or at the end? Is anybody in this forum taken 1-2 months in the middle of elternzeit period?

2. Am i allowed stay in India during my Elternzeit?

Thank you
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Elternzeit/Elterngeld period
09.09.11 17:29 als Antwort auf ka sr.
y not. you can take elternzeit as u wish.
some of my colleagues did this way. it is also not obligatory to take 2 months elternzeit at a stretch. u can split that as well. but inform ur personal dept abt that.

u can also go to india.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Elternzeit/Elterngeld period
09.09.11 18:09 als Antwort auf ka sr.
My family resides in india, Is it possible for me to take Elternzeit. as intially my wife had been in germany only on visit visa and my baby was born on january in india.
when enquired with my HR personal dept , they told me that my family should be here in germany inorder to take Elternzeit.

what is the limited period can i apply for elternzeit after the baby born..

Now wife had applied for family visa.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Elternzeit/Elterngeld period
09.09.11 18:47 als Antwort auf ka sr.
Anmeldung for ur kid shld be done in germany.. this can happen only when ur kid is here.. if ur kid comes to germany and get registered before jan 2012 then you can take 2 months as elternzeit.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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