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NE Update
10.06.05 14:48
Hi All

For NE i checked in my city reinlandplatz region, They asked me to make sure following things

1, 5 years i had aufenthaltserlubnis
2, No problem with police
3, Have unlimited work permit from finanzamt
4, A job
5, A house to live
6, Deutch, They said i should be able to fill the forms and answer there question.

With respect to deutch , my deutch is BAD .
In the current situation can VPMK lawyer help,if i take there service.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: NE Update
10.06.05 15:16 als Antwort auf Du Pac.
1. "5 years I had AE", normal
2. "No problem with police", also normal
3. "Have unlimited work permit from Finanzamt", I surely missed something in Germany last time but since when is Finanzamt giving work permit?
4. "A job", normal
5. "A house to live", normal (even if an appartment will suffice :-))
6. "Deutsch, They said i should be able to fill the forms and answer there question", normal

And about VPMK, they can and will help.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: NE Update
10.06.05 15:24 als Antwort auf Du Pac.

I wanted to know following.

My german skills are zero. So in that regard if i go via VPMK lawyer . Can they get me NE even without deutch knowledge.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: NE Update
10.06.05 16:39 als Antwort auf Du Pac.
Even if you pass by a lawyer, you will still be facing them at a moment, at least to get your NE but as said to some1 else sometimes this week, if they call you to get it, they won't test you at that time.
But the question is, if you go thru a lawyer, as language skills are a requirement, how will they prove that you have enough skills for the NE? These are just questions, but you can try, and they will surely get it for you.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: NE Update
10.06.05 17:19 als Antwort auf Du Pac.

Here is the latest update. My friend got his NE last month (not §19 case).

1. Aufenthaltsdauer: 4 years 2 Months (Greencard)
2. Deutsch Kenntnisse : Null
3. NE processing time : 2 months
4. ABH : Düsseldorf-Benrath

In his case he got a letter from company asking him to procure unlimited residence or he would be replaced by someone who has. Looks like ABH has tailor-made packages for special customers.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: NE Update
10.06.05 19:17 als Antwort auf Du Pac.

Your friend has to be kinda special, not yet 5 years and he got it? People in Düsseldorf are quite good then.

Did he made the application himself? because they didn't checked if he was eligible then.

And see that's what brings sometimes problems: sometimes Beamter do a good job, but sometimes, they too ignorant and sometimes, one just got luck, like your friend.

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Re: NE Update
10.06.05 19:29 als Antwort auf Du Pac.
"In his case he got a letter from company asking him to procure unlimited residence or he would be replaced by someone who has"

That's really funny:-).
This can only happen in NRW. With such a letter in Bayern, they will put you in the next flight to your country telling you:" Why are you still here when your company can replace you by a german citizen or someone having NE".

But as NoBody said, it is matter of luck!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: NE Update
10.06.05 19:30 als Antwort auf Du Pac.

Did he made the application himself? because they didn't checked if he was eligible then.

-> No way! He doesnt speak/read/write any german, one of his arbeitskollege went with him to ABH and explained to beamter that if he doesnt get NE then he will lose his job and has to go back to India with his wife and 2 kids. Touchy :-)

The only thing close to checking they did was a call to his Chef, just to varify if he is working there and why he is so important to the Firma (e.g. if he arrives at 08:00am leaves at 10:00pm without asking for overtime :-) )
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: NE Update
10.06.05 19:31 als Antwort auf Du Pac.
I supose ABH just reacted on this ultimatum that guy received and gave him NE so that guy does not loses his job. That is really nice from ABH.

Deutsch is according to §104 AufenthG not neccessery, but you should understan a litle.
If lawyer does everything for you, ABH will not have a chance to check your deutsch.
(2) Bei Ausländern, die vor dem 1. Januar 2005 im Besitz einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis oder Aufenthaltsbefugnis sind, ist es bei der Entscheidung über die Erteilung einer Niederlassungserlaubnis hinsichtlich der sprachlichen Kenntnisse nur erforderlich, dass sie sich auf einfache Art in deutscher Sprache mündlich verständigen können. § 9 Abs. 2 Nr. 3 und 8 findet keine Anwendung.

This last sentence is NoBody's favorite one
emoticon emoticon emoticon
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Re: NE Update
10.06.05 20:13 als Antwort auf Du Pac.


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