Our forum is the right place for exchanging infos, searching for help or helping others. Meanwhile there are many thousand posts, so please use our 'Search' function if you are looking for a special topic. 

Because the forum is used more often for unauthorized advertising, we have decided to close it for new posts.

Who still wants to browse the old posts can do this with pleasure.




Thank you - Manuel

Thank you - Manuel
10.11.04 19:20
Hi GCs,

our new website is almost ready. There will be some improvements within the next days and we will have a new service starting next week.

But now I want to thank Manuel for his work. I know that he did not sleep much the last 2 days, but I think he did a great job.

I hope you will like it, too.

Muchas gracias Manuel
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
10.11.04 20:08 als Antwort auf trust7.
Indeed a great job. Our Trust7 portal with a new look.

Something which ran thru my mind. There is soo much information I have shared over Trust7.com, without ever having to pay anything.

Detlef, Manuel have been shelling effort/money from their own pocket for this.

There is a very little contribution which I would like to make as well, for that I request Detlef to put the Trust7 account details here.

I would be the first one to put my contribution into that account. And I would encourage everyone to contribute their part. It doesnt matter how big/small it is, bcos small drops can make an ocean emoticon

I look forward to Trust7 account details.. and other suggestions/feedback from my fellow Trust7'ers...

Nitin Malhotra.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
10.11.04 21:35 als Antwort auf trust7.
Dear Nitin,

thank you very much for your friendly feedback. You are absolutely right with what you have written, but Manuel and I try our best to keep this website free of charge. As you know we now have our 'Visa Service' and next week we will start another service, which will be free for applicants, but which will bring some money - hopefully - from companies.

But there is a chance to support trust7 and to get closer to the inner circle of users: Our trust7 club


I invite everybody to join, we are only 22 members at the moment.

Danke nochmals
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
11.11.04 00:44 als Antwort auf trust7.
New website looks great.And I would like thank you again for your efforts.

A suggestion...
how about using opensource http://www.phpbb.com/ BB which really rocks?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
11.11.04 03:27 als Antwort auf trust7.
I was just about to go to sleep and I wanted to check if our site was back since I missed it a lot these last days and it really is, and I can say, REALLY IS.

Thumbs up and hate down for the work that have been done Manuel, this is really an improvement and I can't really think of all the improvements made, I will surely get to see them in the coming days.

As they say in my country, may peace abide in you through the storm.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
11.11.04 11:05 als Antwort auf trust7.
It was a nightmare with both trust7 and info4alien down for the last two days.

Excellent Work!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
11.11.04 13:39 als Antwort auf trust7.
That's a great job! each time you guys update this site it gets better and better. But do you think you could have included some info regarding changes you made between each versions. I meant new features etc. as compared to old sites so that we will catch up using this site effectively.

thanks once again!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
11.11.04 14:17 als Antwort auf trust7.
Hi again,

and thanks a lot for your positive feedback :-)

I think it is also high time to say thanks or muchas gracias to Fran (Francisca) a nice, young spanish lady, who helps Manuel a lot. Gracias Fran!

@ Nitin

You are absolutely right with your suggestion, even I myself do not know all the improvements and there are some more coming up the next days, so Manuel told me.

One thing I know already, and I beg you ;-) to use it. After logging in, you can see a button 'My profile'. There you can edit your login data and you can ad a picture of yourself.

Please do this, I am curious how you look like.

A last word... I guess we will have some bugs in these first days and I ask for your patience and understanding. Manuel and Fran will solve all problems.

Thanks again
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
11.11.04 15:39 als Antwort auf trust7.
Great looks - great content.

Great to have you there, Detlef and Manuel. A big thumbs-up from Derbyshire!

Diego aka Sudaca.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
11.11.04 16:12 als Antwort auf trust7.
Hi Diego - Sudaca!

Thanks for your compliments :-)

It is always good to hear (read) from you. When I see the many different places where your messages come from, I think of Johnny Cash and his song: 'Home is where I hang my hat'

Alles Gute für Dich
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
11.11.04 17:44 als Antwort auf trust7.
Hi Detlef and Trust7 team,

The site is really good. Infact the colour combination is pretty nice. Its quite soothing. I also felt that the site has become faster. I am not sure if technology has been changed or its just psychlogical.

Keep it up !!!

I was browsing through the site and a good point struck my mind. I thought of sharing it with you. This "http://www.trust7.com/index.php/en/forums/integration" looks quite good with an icon for every message and seperation of topics through alternative colours.
On frontpage, the recent messages(and messages with new replies) are displayed. This results is repeatition of heading and if some message becomes hot for discussion, then other messages scrolls down quickly and soon vanishes. And if someone is visiting this site after a gap of 2-3 days, then he/she will miss many discussed messages.

One solution for this which I can think is to display message thread heading only one time with last updated date and time. This way many messages will get accomodated on frontpage. Colour seperation or icon can be good visually. As soon as somebody replies, that heading moves on the top. Non-discussed headings scrolls down and then get to next page, so that someone visiting after somedays can go to next pages and see what all has been discussed.

I appreciate efforts of Trust7. This site has become a part of our life to live in deutschland. It has integrated all of us GCs and others. It has been a great source of information for all of us. Hats off to you Detlef.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: For detlef...
11.11.04 17:55 als Antwort auf trust7.
Hi Detlef and Trust7 team,

The site is really good. Infact the colour combination is pretty nice. Its quite soothing. I also felt that the site has become faster. I am not sure if technology has been changed or its just psychlogical.

Keep it up !!!

I was browsing through the site and a good point struck my mind. I thought of sharing it with you. This "http://www.trust7.com/index.php/en/forums/integration" looks quite good with an icon for every message and seperation of topics through alternative colours.
On frontpage, the recent messages(and messages with new replies) are displayed. This results is repeatition of heading and if some message becomes hot for discussion, then other messages scrolls down quickly and soon vanishes. And if someone is visiting this site after a gap of 2-3 days, then he/she will miss many discussed messages.

One solution for this which I can think is to display message thread heading only one time with last updated date and time. This way many messages will get accomodated on frontpage. Colour seperation or icon can be good visually. As soon as somebody replies, that heading moves on the top. Non-discussed headings scrolls down and then get to next page, so that someone visiting after somedays can go to next pages and see what all has been discussed.

I appreciate efforts of Trust7. This site has become a part of our life to live in deutschland. It has integrated all of us GCs and others. It has been a great source of information for all of us. Hats off to you Detlef.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
11.11.04 17:58 als Antwort auf trust7.
sorry for posting 2 times. i could not see my posted message after posting for first time. So I thought, that it got lost while on the way.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
12.11.04 11:27 als Antwort auf trust7.
It would be useful to strech white area over whole width or 95% of width. That way would post text be wider. At the moment is litle bit narow.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
12.11.04 11:43 als Antwort auf trust7.

I find the layout of the old page was somewhat better then the new one, since it was using the whole screen. Now, everything is placed in the middle and I see a lot of unused space on both, left and right side. Beside of that, the old topics appear on the top (like this one) and there is no overview of the most recent posts, which we had in the old version placed on the left side.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
12.11.04 12:44 als Antwort auf trust7.
Good morning,

@ DvD

our website is visited in the whole world, and in some countries a 15 inch monitor is more common then a 17 or 20 inch one, like here.

I changed the size of the fonts in my browser, made it smaller, and I love the layout like it is :-)

@ James

same answer and additional... the most recent messages are displayed on the frontpage.

@ GM

your suggestion with not repeating the message heading in order to see more actual messages is really good! I will discuss it with Manuel. Please do not feel disapointed, if we need some time to do this, because we are very short of time and we are not finnished with the update.

@ all

thanks a lot for your remarks and suggestions. Even if we do not agree always, I apreciate, that you take the time to think about improvements. At least one has to decide, you will never find a solution which is liked by everyone.

Viele Grüße aus Berlin and a nice weekend to all of you
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
12.11.04 14:33 als Antwort auf trust7.
Hats off to Manuel & Detlef and other trust7 guys!!

The new layout looks cool, changes are always welcome.

I feel that GM has reflected my throughts, that messages get lost/hidden if one doesnt visit the forum for a few days. Making the text column a little wider (as DvD suggested) will surely look better. I feel the font is a bit too large in size. I know that I can decrease the size in my browser, but then all other sites will look tiny! :-)

Is it able to edit his/her posted messages?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
12.11.04 15:02 als Antwort auf trust7.
Hello Detlef,
Thanks for the good work and this nice site. I have also small request from you. As DvD said, readable text area is very narrow. I have to torture myself to read the whole text properly and I think a web site's most important concern should be, whether it is easily readable or not.
I am sorry but with this new design, the readibility of the web site is disturbed. Please take my critic as coming from a friend who wants the best for Trust7 and dont get me wrong.

Best Regards

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
12.11.04 15:51 als Antwort auf trust7.
Hi lacrima,

how r u doing - looks like your reading has got too much disturbed :-) :-) don't worry, you will get used to it. :-)

It seems, one major change on which we are not able to shift our views is the white column in centre of site and empty space on both side of screen. I think in last design, this white column was on extreme right and on left side we had some links + links to recent updated messages. In this design, left side has been removed and is kept only on frontpage and this white column has been moved to centre. check this www.trust7.de

your name is very tempting. it seems its an italian icecream laacrimmaaaa :-) hope you don't mind me joking.....
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
12.11.04 16:33 als Antwort auf trust7.

Check out the Links section:
Was it always there, or is it something new? Well, am seeing it only today.


Arent members allowed to add links?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thank you - Manuel
12.11.04 16:45 als Antwort auf trust7.
Hi Fred, hi *,

well these links had been there all the time. And yes, you will have the possibility to add links. But for this feature and for all the other suggestions (thanks!), we need some time.

Manuel and I, we have some other duties, too. So please give us some time, to improve everything. We will also ad a new feature and I guess, at the end everybody will be satisfied.

I wish all of you a nice weekend :-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

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