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Visa Questions

Thesis Defense, ex-matriculation and work permit

Hi All,

This question must have been answered many a times but i am really confused with the pressure from thesis defense , ex-matriculation and work permit. So i request you for your guidance.

I am going to defend my thesis this friday,19th may. that means my university will ex matriculate me on monday. Currently i am doing a praktikum in a company which is ready to hire me once i finish my course.

my current student visa expires on june 30th. I am registered in dusseldorf where my company is, and my university is in leipzig.

I am really confused what shall i do next, like going to which auslanderbehore(leipzig or dusseldorf). when i am exmatirculated(my visa expires) what shall i do.

kindly suggest me what to do?

thanks for giving some time to read this...i will be more thankful when you reply emoticon

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Re: Thesis Defense, ex-matriculation and work permit
16.05.06 02:04 als Antwort auf Rohit kumar.
The process is very simple for you:

Ask your company to give you the job contract as soon as possible. Go to the Ausländerbehoerde in Duesseldorf to change your visa status from student to work. It may take around 1 month to get your new visa from Auslanderbehoerde (for the apporval from Arbeitsamt).

Just go ahead and things should be done easily. Don't panic for all the unnecessary stuffs!

Good luck!


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Re: Thesis Defense, ex-matriculation and work permit
16.05.06 02:20 als Antwort auf Rohit kumar.
Hi mk,

thank you for replying...can i have your private email id or contact number...

i m really tensed and a personal talk can definitely bring some ease...

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thesis Defense, ex-matriculation and work permit
16.05.06 12:40 als Antwort auf Rohit kumar.
@ Rohit

Until you are registered in Leipzig, you could ask for an extension in your local auslanderamt. The Auslanderamt in Düsseldorf will process only when they have your complete file. ( The file is transfered only when you make an abmeldung in your local town)

Meanwhile, no one can force you to exmatriculate the next day after you got your thesis. Normally,You have time until the end of your current semester

Good luck to your thesis

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Re: Thesis Defense, ex-matriculation and work permit
16.05.06 13:33 als Antwort auf Rohit kumar.

Thanx for replying. The problem is Last year I did a praktikum in Munich. and I registered myself there(hauptanmeldung) on september 10th. Then I moved to Dusseldorf in April 2006 and again registered myself in Dusseldorf on april 27th.

So i am really confused where to go...Do i have to report to auslanderamt in Leipzig atleast once. Because I am going to finish everything there this time...or do i have to go to Munich...I want to keep the travelling as low as possible...because i dont want to take too many leaves...

thanx again
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Thesis Defense, ex-matriculation and work permit
16.05.06 16:38 als Antwort auf Rohit kumar.

If you were registered in Munich before 26th April, then all of your immigration file is there. After you registered in Duesseldorf, your file will come to Duesseldorf in some weeks. So whenever you want to process for visa you need to go to Duesseldorf. There is not need to go to Munich or Leipzig as they don't have your immigration file anymore.

When you are ready with Job contract, go to Duesseldorf and get things done smoothly.

As Akshay says, generally you are ematriculated untitl the end of current semester i.e. until the end of September 06. Don't panic with unnecessary issues.

If you need further quesries, you can call me to my mobile: 0179-9457230.

Please calm down. Remember - when you have a job contract you have everything!

good luck!

0 (0 Stimmen)

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