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Help needed!

Employment Visa equals Blue Card?_Applying from Japan

I may need to work in Germnay due to Company's internal Job transfer soon. I am a Chinese citizen but working and living in Japan ( long term resident). 

From the Gemany embassy in Tokyo's website, there is no description about Blue Card. Only the information about working visa. 

1) After getting the working visa from the embassy, can I get Blue Card directly? Or I need to apply for Blue Card again after entering Germany? The material above for visa application is enough for Blue Card? And how much time does it take to obtaining one after entering Germany. 

2) If it is needed to file Blue Card application after getting the working visa, what if I failed Blue Card application? Can I just have normal residence permit?
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RE: Employment Visa equals Blue Card?_Applying from Japan
17.02.16 19:55 als Antwort auf kyran.
this is the right visa to get the Blue Card. You will get a 3 month visa first, which you have to extend when you are in Germany. With the extension you get the Blue Card.

Please use the search function for additional questions! This topic had been discussed many times.
Good luck

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RE: Employment Visa equals Blue Card?_Applying from Japan
18.02.16 03:08 als Antwort auf trust7.
Hello Trust7,
Thanks for the reply. I checked the threads and getting better understanding now.
But still, I am still confused about the question below.

Will German government check and decide which residence permit( blue card or normal work permit?) I'm eligible before issuing employment visa? 

I'm just worried that what if I get employment visa first but then get rejected by residence permit( eg. They check education fir blue card right?) after entering Germany?
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Employment Visa equals Blue Card?_Applying from Japan
18.02.16 10:10 als Antwort auf kyran.
Hi Kyran,

Don't need worry about that. The blue card will be issued if:
1. Your education - If you can find your university from anabin.de with H+, usually that means your education is enough.
2. The annual income - Currently it's 49,600 EURO/year or 38,688 for special majors

If you reached the requirements above, they will issue you the blue card. Otherwise you will get a work permit.

The (main) difference between blue card and work permit is - you can change your blue card to permanent resident in 21 months if your German skill passed B2 level, or in 33 months for German skill in A1 level. But for work permit, you need 60 months.

If they had issued you the entrance visa (3 months), you will get either blue card or work permit, they won't do such fool thing that allow you enter and reject you of getting a working visa
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RE: Employment Visa equals Blue Card?_Applying from Japan
18.02.16 10:58 als Antwort auf Kang Liu.
Thanks a lot for the reply. It helps!! well, still some questions...

Do you know where I can find needed documents for Blue Card application when you go to foreigners' office, after entering the Germany? I am supposed to go to City Lindau in Bavaria. I checked their auslaenderbehoerde website.... nothing mentioned about documents needed for Blue Card. ( is it different for different cities? )

And it is already decided when you get the employment visa whether it is for work permit or Blue Card? ( will they mark it on the visa?)
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RE: Employment Visa equals Blue Card?_Applying from Japan
18.02.16 17:25 als Antwort auf kyran.
My advice, focus on getting work permit first with well documentation. Once you arrive, respective auslaenderbehoerde will let you know which documents they further need. There is no website, which can list out the documents for you, however the list of the documents are to the maximum extent are same. There could be little variations based on the officer who is handling your case.

Irrespective of what you got before your arrive here, if you meet all the requirements mentioned by KANG LIU, you will be given BC. Good luck and keep us updated.
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RE: Employment Visa equals Blue Card?_Applying from Japan
18.02.16 23:05 als Antwort auf kyran.
Totally agree HPRJ said.

Below message are in Chinese as I'm afraid I may not be able to describe clearly in English emoticon If you can't read it, let me know and I'll repost this in English.

1. 你的所有学历学位和毕业证书,如果这些证书不是英文或德文的,一定要附有英文或德文翻译(不需要认证翻译,但是你自己要对翻译内容负责,不正确后果自负)
2. 工作合同。这个最重要,而且需要上面明确标识出你的年收入达到49600或38688欧元(紧缺行业)
3. 你所在的城市的注册文件。你到了就马上要找房子,因为德国房子通常很难租,租好房子以后拿着这个地址和租房合同还有房东确认书(Wohnungsgeberbestätigung,交接房子的时候房东会准备好给你)到市政厅(Rathhaus)注册(Anmeldung),他们会给你一份注册确认(Meldebestätigung),说明你已经成为当地市民,这是去外管局办蓝卡的前提。
4. 拿着这些东西到当地外管局预约Termin,他们会给你发邮件列出所有需要的文件,你需要寄给他们,他们审核结束之后会告诉你是否还需要补充。如果材料充分,到你预约的那天你去就直接可以领到临时工作签证。蓝卡制作需要一个月,一个月之后你再去,他们会把蓝卡给你,同时作废你的临时工作签证。
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Employment Visa equals Blue Card?_Applying from Japan
18.02.16 23:10 als Antwort auf kyran.
And I would strongly recommend you to find an agency for help, for example, Trust7, owner of this website.

An agency will help you a lot when you firstly arrive, they usually have their own channel working with Rathaus so that you don't need to wait for booking appointment, and if you cannot speak German, it will be a nightmare facing the officer. The agency service is not free, but it really worth the price.
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RE: Employment Visa equals Blue Card?_Applying from Japan
20.02.16 00:45 als Antwort auf Kang Liu.
Thanks a lot guys! 
@Kang Liu


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RE: Employment Visa equals Blue Card?_Applying from Japan
21.02.16 20:55 als Antwort auf kyran.
1. 有英文证明就不需要公证了。但是最好带着原件去签证,有时候他们还是要看一眼原件的。
2. 资料不完整的话外管局会给你发邮件要求补交的
3. 因为那张塑料卡片的身份证需要一个月才能做好,这之前他们得给你发一个工作签证,否则你这一个月不就成了黑工了。你就当成是你的临时身份证就好了。等你的正式身份证做好了,你去取的时候他们会在你的临时签证上盖上失效章。


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RE: Employment Visa equals Blue Card?_Applying from Japan
23.02.16 08:19 als Antwort auf Kang Liu.
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RE: Employment Visa equals Blue Card?_Applying from Japan
23.02.16 10:24 als Antwort auf kyran.
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RE: Employment Visa equals Blue Card?_Applying from Japan
23.02.16 10:43 als Antwort auf Kang Liu.
Can one of you summarize what you have discussed in your language? That would also help others!
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RE: Employment Visa equals Blue Card?_Applying from Japan
23.02.16 11:13 als Antwort auf hprj.

Let me summary as below: 

What documents are needed by auslaenderbehoerder? 
-> It may differ from palce to place. And the
auslaenderbehoerder will give you the list of documents which shall be sent to them when you go there for the appointment
-> Normally the documents shall be prepared as below, 
     1) the original copy of the graduation/degree certificate  
     2) for the case the language of the certificate is not in German or English, you need to prepare translation( better notarized version, but translation from yourself may also work )    
     3) the registeration document from the city hall. ( after you settle down your housing)
     4) Working contract satisfying the salary requirement
It takes about 1 months to issue the Blue Card. 
When you get the Blue Card, they will stamp the previous working visa as invalid. 
Basically if you get the working visa already before entering Germany, you don't have to worry about the Blue Card or Normal Residence Permit after entering Germany. 

And, it is suggested to get relocation service, so that you don't have to deal with the officer after entering Germany... It is not easy if you cannot speak German.

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RE: Employment Visa equals Blue Card?_Applying from Japan
24.02.16 14:46 als Antwort auf hprj.
and sorry forgot to mention, if you're married, remember certify and translate the marriage certification. It would make easier for the process in the future when your spouse come and apply for reunion visa.
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