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Ausläanderbehorde giv no NE after 5 years

I call ABH,(as they told me to call them today morning)and ask if I can do it after 5 years....
Answer was: 'No! You are IT green card and have right only 5 years to stay.For you are diferent law wich say that can only stay 5 years.If you want NE, you can make application but I do not know, I believe you will not get NE.

Then.....'arbeitserlaubnis' for my wife....
according:BeschVerfV - § 9 Beschäftigung bei Vorbeschäftigungszeiten oder längerfristigem Voraufenthalt...

2.sich seit vier Jahren im Bundesgebiet ununterbrochen erlaubt oder geduldet aufhalten; Unterbrechungszeiten werden entsprechend § 51 Abs. 1 Nr. 7 des Aufenthaltsgesetzes berücksichtigt...

Answer from ABH - : NO! No chanche.You are IT Green Card and for you and your wife are other law.When and if you get NE, that your wife get right for job.I ask Arbeitsamt, they say that is not possible.I can not give you that according that law.

I ask again...which LAW, and how that yet no NE yet if I get and when I get...
He say: Law for IT green cards.
I told him, that there is no Green Card more according new law...
Answer: But you have Green Card according the LAW for Green Cards and you see that LAW is valid for you.
Ok, you can get after 5 years other erlaubnis, but we must see, we have to see...but I think no.
My question: Which law Sir, what to do...
Folow the short answer:
...OK,OK...you can come 3-4 months before you visum endet and then we shall see, but if you can get NE, I belive it is not possible.Arbeitsamt say no, and ...donot come before 3-4 month when your visum is ending...

Afther this I got a cup of coffie and two cigarettes...
Oh Goad this is some bad MOVIE.
But I swear it is all truth ,the truth and nothing but the truth so help me Goad!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Ausläanderbehorde giv no NE after 5 years
04.02.05 12:28 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Looks like you couldnt bring up the right arguments to this false arguments.

Why didnt point him to the transition rules for the old "greencard law", BeschV §49 (2) then he would have his answer to the question of how to handle the greencarders after new immigration law.

You may take a lawyer if you want to be on the safe side.


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Ausläanderbehorde giv no NE after 5 years
04.02.05 12:37 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Which city r u based in?
Definitely this guy/lady whom you dealt with had a fight in the morning with his wife / girl friend emoticon Otherwise he should have given you more detailed and concrete replies rather than just saying ..NO..NO...OK...OK..

Another point I want to make is that whats the use of going to ABH now? i.e. if your Green Card is expiring next year or at the end of this year. Then visit them only during your last 3 months.

Even if they say 'YES' now they can say you 'NO' then or vice-versa. So its better to get the final answer/reply from them only during your vist in last 3 months period. Then if they say something wrong or not according to new law, you can handle them through a lawyer or yourself.

Remember, you should never give an untimely visit to police station, court and doctors AND in germany to ABH or Arbeitsamt offices ;)

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Ausläanderbehorde giv no NE after 5 years
04.02.05 12:39 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Hey Max or Johnny

Save you a bad experience. Hire the lawyers of Detlef please!

Surely the solve you the problem with a simple telefone call and maybe you can get a "Combo price" for your wife work permit + your NE ;)

The proposition of the most vinegar Beamte is still running. If you continues that way the ABH/AA of your area will defeat my Beamter!

Good luck and make this d...d telefone call now!

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Ausläanderbehorde giv no NE after 5 years
04.02.05 12:39 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Before you use lawyers, perhaps it is worth a try to write a letter in German pointing out your rights according to specific law (with source and date). This way you have time to think in advance. And of course all the T7nies would scrutinize all ur arguments beforehand.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Ausläanderbehorde giv no NE after 5 years
04.02.05 12:51 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Max, keep it cool and don't allow these ignorant people to push you down. You will get your NE after 5 years this way or another. If it is really important for you then do not discuss this topic anymore with ignorant officers, just take a lawyer to solve this for you and in the meantime live your life.

This is simply scandalous, from A bis Z. What they have said demonstrates total lack of the knowledge about job that they are doing, but not only that - the person also needs integration course for the german law system, at least.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Ausläanderbehorde giv no NE after 5 years
04.02.05 13:22 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Euh... just understand, it's Friday dude, even I on Fridays have bad mood, until I finish my job :-)

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Ausläanderbehorde giv no NE after 5 years
04.02.05 15:15 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Thank you all ...
I will get a lawer and see what happened.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Ausläanderbehorde giv no NE after 5 years
04.02.05 15:57 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Max ,
It is a waste of time to approach the Aliens office ( especially for Greencarders and especially nowadays ) without Lawyers !!!.
My self started the consultation with VPMK lawyers .
Cosider it as an investment and it should return back !!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Ausläanderbehorde giv no NE after 5 years
04.02.05 17:36 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
problem is this sentence in GC law that says that GC can not be extended.
that does not mean that GCler can not get another visa after it or NE.
law that says that after 5 years one have right to NE is valid for GCler also because GCler is man as everybody else and law is valid for everybody.
so this bullshit: "it is not for GClers"
could be true only if guy can prove that we are not humans.

for that problem with your wife WP why didn't you copy cort decision from internet in similar case where one judge gave some GCler ArbBer for his wife. I used it to get ArgBer for my wife. I first came onto one idiot which did not get it allthough I explained everything, but after Widerspruch his boss decided to give ArbBer.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Ausläanderbehorde giv no NE after 5 years
04.02.05 20:57 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Probably he even doesn't understand the law or hasn't got his hantierung anweisung :-)

Just knew a little during chat in Mittagpause.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Ausläanderbehorde giv no NE after 5 years
05.02.05 21:34 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Lets be honest....
Who wants alliens in own land? Who want every year milions new 'ausländer' comming from Goad knows where?
Especialy in Germany?!
No matter which law is actual and what the law say, it is just one LAW above all.
Get read of those people in any way.....
I am one of those and I am searching 'the right' hier in Germany!
Am I not right?
Lets some of you, my dear collegues GCler be honest and say if he/she had not problem in just simple walking on street and speaking diferent language then german?
Comme one, I am starting for one simple old lady walking with her dog, she heard that I do not speak german and she cross the street, even stepping on her dog shit just not to be on the same side with some 'ausländer'....
Sure, afcourse, there are maybe 5 in milion examples, but non all of us have same feelings , unfortenately?! I am one of them.
I ask, I say and I do something according THE LAW wich is given from those who must according THET LAW give to me that what THEY has wrote there for me...for ausländer.
Why ..I do not know, maybe, we shall see, but there is paragraph according paragraph and head over heals.....
If we GCler are GCler and have came according the ITArgv paragraps §6 and then afterwards Gilt Überregelung von Paragraph §46 satz 2 von BeschV from 01.01.2005 and after 5 years and all others paragraps von AuslG paragraph §9 for NE are valid for 'as any other normal person'.....
Then why all this shit...
Get lawer, pay this, pay thet, we do not know, you do not have this, you must make this....
Have I wrong understand this all paragraps and laws?
And ... why I want so badly to stay in Germany?
I got to work every day from 09.00 till 19.00 with 3-4 times per week staying till 22.00 and every Saturday staying in 'contact' and working for 'better helth' and free...
They get 'sie sind mude-gehen sie nac hause, nehmen sie urlaub 2-3 tagen' I get....'Ist nicht fertig? Wie kanst du nür...mach weitter...Aber das ist ihre arbeit...es is mir würcht..machen sie es...'
I have change 4 comanies and every time no one has saw that I am existing in the sam office as 'they', no one even say to me 'gut morgen'...but they have received...applause because of saying..'ich denke....'-that is creativity....flowers for 'alles gute am anfang' and ... oh schade sie gehen für immer....
I never get it...never feel it....I have never say nothing even they have put me on table and force me to sign the paper that I want my self to go out from first job...I have not say nothing...couse I was ..I am ausländer....
And know, I want this what is valid for me...
Paragraph §9 for NE as for all other normal people wich I have over paragraph §46 wich has give me the right as GCler from ItArgV from paragraph §6.
Finaly I got nice company, nice boss, nice understanding, support and I have my 'Cristmass' in my company,I have learn German language and I fell a part of this people...I do not shit care what they are thinking and mining, I just see what I see...and it is nice.
Thats why I want to stay more and make my life with my family hier...An I obey to all other law and regualtions and I was doing and I am doing what is written in all other LAW...
Why so much problems then arround that §9 for NE wich is yet also valid for all GCler when all other LAWS are valid and we are doing according them....
Thank you ...
I hope that I have not been missunderstand...
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