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Visa Questions

Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss

Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss ping pong 05.08.09 02:17
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss Rajesh Krishnadoss 05.08.09 03:06
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss Ram Pandey 05.08.09 03:13
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss Prakash Bonu 05.08.09 12:56
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss ping pong 05.08.09 13:02
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss Rajendra K 05.08.09 13:33
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss ping pong 05.08.09 14:03
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss Rajendra K 05.08.09 14:09
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss Rajendra K 05.08.09 14:09
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss ping pong 05.08.09 14:13
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss Rajendra K 05.08.09 14:18
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss ping pong 05.08.09 14:24
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss baba shankar 05.08.09 14:50
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss ping pong 05.08.09 14:59
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss ping pong 05.08.09 17:07
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss R V 05.08.09 17:20
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss ping pong 05.08.09 18:03
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss Rajesh Krishnadoss 05.08.09 18:38
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss ping pong 05.08.09 19:03
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss Rajendra K 05.08.09 19:07
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss Mikhail Korobeinik 05.08.09 19:35
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss Mikhail Korobeinik 05.08.09 20:05
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss ping pong 05.08.09 21:52
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss Ram Pandey 05.08.09 22:06
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss Rajesh Krishnadoss 05.08.09 22:16
Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss Mikhail Korobeinik 06.08.09 23:17
Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 02:17
I applied for NE last oct 2008 and they asked me to collect it in Aug 2009. I was working at that time of application of NE.
However while my NE was being processed global recession hit me as well and I lost my job in April 2008. This means that in Aug 2009 I do not posses salary slips of last three months. I have all the other documents with me except the salary slips. I even have a guest contract at MPI but it does not pay anything. I have more than 5K in my savings account. My AFA expires in Sept 2009.
What should I do to get the NE or at least get my regular AFA exended.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 03:06 als Antwort auf ping pong.
Were you already eligible for NE when u applied in Okt 08?
Why did they ask you to come in Aug 09?

Are you getting ALG now?

What is AFA? Do u mean aufenthalserlaubnis?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 03:13 als Antwort auf ping pong.
Do you get abeitslosgeld? show them the slip.Ask also MPI what they can do. Why is contract not paying? Can they write letter that they need you as as instructor in their instution?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 12:56 als Antwort auf ping pong.
Hi ,
There are 2 points to clarify
1. how you got eligibility in oct 2008 i.e. 5 yrs of work or 60 months pension or student + work?
2. if 1. in oct 2008 it would have taken max of 3-4 months to process NE , why they told you to come in aug 2009 for NE?

When you already applied as you said , go and ask or collect your NE, because no documents needed while collecting .

do we need to show any documents while collecting the NE?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 13:02 als Antwort auf ping pong.
My present visa is AFA( Aufenhaltherlaubnis) which was issued to work in the company which layed me off. Since the name of that company was written in my AFA the arbeitsamt told me that I cannot work anywhere else so they cannot give me arbeitlos.
I am Indian by nationality.
But the arbietsamt told me that if the name of my previous company is removed they will give me the arbietlosgeld.
Coming back to NE, ausländeramt asked me to come in Aug for three reasons.
1.Because they needed time to do the background checking.
2.I had to give a German language test.
2.During the NE processing the ausländeramt had initially given me Fiktionbeschinigung (or FB which is two slips of paper hanging out precariously from the passport) . Since I had to travel in europe a lot for my company relate work, my company wanted me to have something stamped on my visa instead of the two slips, so that I am not held up at the airport. At that point ( in Nov 2008) I visited the ausländeramt and they took away the FB and gave a regular AFA valid till sept and asked me to come in Aug.

This is the background.
I also have a self employment contract which can give an income of 70K Euros perannum. However I can only do selfemployment if and only if I have the NE and NE needs the salary slips.
What is the best course of action now.
Thanks in advance..

Documents that they need now are.

1. Three salary slips of last three months. ( I dont have it)
2. A wohnbeschied from my land lord. ( I have it)
3. Proof of language test. ( I have it)

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 13:33 als Antwort auf ping pong.
You might now apply for a BE showing your self employment contract. That is the safest thing you can do right now.
for NE, a self employment contract is not considered I guess..experts can say more on this.

but to have a valid visa after september u must apply for BE with selbstaendig and later think of another one.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 14:03 als Antwort auf ping pong.
Thanks for the suggestion..But what is BE.
Secondly during my last visit to the aüslaenderamt they told me that they can remove the statement saying that this visa is only for working in xyz company. If they do that I would be able to claim arbeitlosgeld starting july till the time of my visa.
Is the arbeitlosgeld any replacement of the salary slips they are looking for in my NE
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 14:09 als Antwort auf ping pong.
BE is the one without company name on it.. I think u should get it otherwise without arbeistlosgeld you cannot get the next extension
so first change the visa to independent of company and then apply for arbeitslosgeld so that u can extend the visa in September.
for NE without support proof(job) I am not sure one can get it..
The best bet would be to get an extension with selbstaendig for now.. for NE you can apply later when you fulfill the requirements.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 14:09 als Antwort auf ping pong.
or just ask ABH if they are friendly enough the best possibility to do in your situation. Then it makes life much easier..
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 14:13 als Antwort auf ping pong.
Thanks again ...what is ABH....sorry too poor in this
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 14:18 als Antwort auf ping pong.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 14:24 als Antwort auf ping pong.
Thanks !!!
I try that
have a nice day
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 14:50 als Antwort auf ping pong.
I do not know to which ABH you will go.
But in Bayern and specially in munich even for BE ABH is asking 3 payslips and also arbeitgeberbestätigung. So when you go for BE get prepared well for answers.
As you said you have a freelance contract, Convince ABH that you have good salary.

If you have already paid Unemployment Insurance for 1 year, arbeitsamt should (will) also give a letter to ABH that you are eligible for ALG1.

All the best
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 14:59 als Antwort auf ping pong.
I go to the ausländeramt in Dieburg ( Hessen )
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 17:07 als Antwort auf ping pong.

Hi ,
There are 2 points to clarify
1. how you got eligibility in oct 2008 i.e. 5 yrs of work or 60 months pension or student + work?
2. if 1. in oct 2008 it would have taken max of 3-4 months to process NE , why they told you to come in aug 2009 for NE?

When you already applied as you said , go and ask or collect your NE, because no documents needed while collecting .


1.I got my eligibitly by combining student+work
2. I see your point as well. I would also mention that....actually my documents as of Feb were complete and I should have got the NE in Feb if my company would not have asked me to get to exchange the Fiktionbeschinigun for the AFA .
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 17:20 als Antwort auf ping pong.
but you cannot get salary on FB, for that you need AFA
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 18:03 als Antwort auf ping pong.
The FB was given only for the timethe NE was processed. In the FB it was written that I am allowed to work in the company and that my NE was under process
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 18:38 als Antwort auf ping pong.
>>actually my documents as of Feb were complete and I should have got the NE in Feb if my company would not have asked me to get to exchange the Fiktionbeschinigun for the AFA .

If the process for NE was complete in February, who said you have to wait till the end of AE or FB to convert into NE?? One can convert a visa to a better one anytime they want if eligible. Looks like you have been screwed loyally.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 19:03 als Antwort auf ping pong.
At that time I had only to give the German exam and it is still not clear to me why this date for Aug was given when they replaced the FB with AFA again.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 19:07 als Antwort auf ping pong.
so they gave you a 6 month FB so that you can fulfill the German exam requirement? If so, why didn't you go after having the exam result?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 19:35 als Antwort auf ping pong.
AFAIK german test is required for NE if you arrived to Germany after 01.01.2005. According to your history you came here before that, why were you supposed to take this test to begin with?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 20:05 als Antwort auf ping pong.
Well, anyway, if your request is granted and you got a date to have your visa changed you just have to come and get it stamped, at least that was so in my case. I didn't have to bring any extra proof, but it took only about 1 month in Cologne to process my request so it was not logical to ask me to bring the updated evidence after just one month. Cologne was very efficient, actually, hard to believe, but I even got a confirmation e-mail from ABH regarding NE appointment.
What do you mean to come again in Aug 2009? Your application was not accepted at that moment (Oct.2008), although you were eligible based on work and study time/pension payments and you had to make a new one in Aug 2009 based on the fact you had to take a german test in the meantime? I hope someone clarifies that but german test, to my knowledge, is not required for those who came to Germany before 01.01.05. If you work in a german company and speak german to clerks that usually serves as a proof of your language skills.
I would check the previously posted info regarding BE/ALG I and contact the lawyer, according to the algorithm given in that post. It used to be that as a rule of thumb, proof than you can receive ALG I for 6 month+ used to serve as a confirmation, that you have enough means to support yourself and equivalent to having 3 months slips in case of NE. Looks like you were screwed by both ABH and Arbeitsamt.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 21:52 als Antwort auf ping pong.
@ mkorobeinik1
Thanks for the info. I came to germany in Nov 2003. Do you think I don't have to write the Germany language test for NE. I think this point can really work in my favour because the main reason of me not going to ABH in the months while I was in job, was that I was sharpening my german.
So can you please give me the relevent text regarding the language, in the rule book, which I can sight during my conversation at the ABH.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 22:06 als Antwort auf ping pong.
do we need to show any documents while collecting the NE?

I think for ABH it matters that you meet conditons not in past but at time of issue. So they ask for slips now. but ALG will help.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
05.08.09 22:16 als Antwort auf ping pong.
>>because the main reason of me not going to ABH in the months while I was in job, was that I was sharpening my german.

Dude the exam is B1. If you are here from 2003, it is actually "kinderspiel", got my drift :-) and i wonder why you were sharpening your german instead of spending 100 euros and attending the exam which would have saved you from the position what u were in. What u needed was just a pass mark.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis and job loss
06.08.09 23:17 als Antwort auf ping pong.
I was told about the rule 01.01.2005 by Beamterin in Ausländeramt Köln when I applied for NE. She meant that if you came to Germany after 01.01.05 german test is required, otherwise it's clerks decision. Sorry can't provide you with direct reference, could be internal rules. I think the law says you have to possess sufficient german skills but does not specify the proof of those.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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