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Interruptions of residence §12b StAG

Interruptions of residence §12b StAG
09.07.15 16:56
Dear Friends

I have some question regarding Citizenship with Interruption on Residency.

I work in Germany as software engineer from May.2008 till March.2010
and again back in Sep.2010 till now.

I need to revoke my Citizenship application (suggested by the officer, as I will get half of the amount what I have paid), on account of Interrupiton of residency permit.

During the time of Interuption (where I went to my home land) I possed a valid visa till Oct.2010 from my previous employer. From my Rentnerversicherung it will be clear this for 5 months there will not be any payment.

I read the §12b StAG Absatz 2:

(2) Hat der Ausländer sich aus einem seiner Natur nach nicht vorübergehenden Grund länger als sechs Monate im Ausland aufgehalten, kann die frühere Aufenthaltszeit im Inland bis zu fünf Jahren auf die für die Einbürgerung erforderliche Aufenthaltsdauer angerechnet werden.

From my understanding 

When a Foriner goes out of Germany on Permenent basis for more than 6 months his/her previous stay could be taken till 5 years.

Now the Officer say I am eligible to apply on Sep.2017 and my previous stay could not be consider for Citizenship.

Kindly throw your Ideas on my situation.
Detlef I need really suggestion from you.

Thank you all in Advance
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Interruptions of residence §12b StAG
09.07.15 17:39 als Antwort auf Brain Teaser.
Dear Friends

I have some question regarding Citizenship with Interruption on Residency.

I work in Germany as software engineer from May.2008 till March.2010
and again back in Sep.2010 till now.

Which visa/workpermit did u use to come back to Germany again in Sep2010 ?
Did you stay more than 6 months outside Germany?

I need to revoke my Citizenship application (suggested by the officer, as I will get half of the amount what I have paid), on account of Interrupiton of residency permit.

During the time of Interuption (where I went to my home land) I possed a valid visa till Oct.2010 from my previous employer. From my Rentnerversicherung it will be clear this for 5 months there will not be any payment.

I read the §12b StAG Absatz 2:

(2) Hat der Ausländer sich aus einem seiner Natur nach nicht vorübergehenden Grund länger als sechs Monate im Ausland aufgehalten, kann die frühere Aufenthaltszeit im Inland bis zu fünf Jahren auf die für die Einbürgerung erforderliche Aufenthaltsdauer angerechnet werden.

From my understanding 

When a Foriner goes out of Germany on Permenent basis for more than 6 months his/her previous stay could be taken till 5 years.

Absatz 3:
(3) Unterbrechungen der Rechtmäßigkeit des Aufenthalts bleiben außer Betracht, wenn sie darauf beruhen, dass der Ausländer nicht rechtzeitig die erstmals erforderliche Erteilung oder die Verlängerung des Aufenthaltstitels beantragt hat.

if you have not applied for the new permit or extension in the specified time, the officer has all the rights not to count your previous stays.

It's imp to know whom did u inform before leaving Germany (Abmeldung, Ausländerbehörde) and how did u come back on which type of visa (new or existing old permit which you supposed as valid..)

Now the Officer say I am eligible to apply on Sep.2017 and my previous stay could not be consider for Citizenship.

It's better to ask the officer according to which rule, is he rejecting your application.

Kindly throw your Ideas on my situation.
Detlef I need really suggestion from you.

Thank you all in Advance
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Interruptions of residence §12b StAG
09.07.15 18:02 als Antwort auf coolguy munich.
Hallo Detlef,

Here are the answers to your questions:

1. Which visa/workpermit did u use to come back to Germany again in Sep2010 ?

I came back with D-Type Visa, then extended the workpermit at right time.
After a long discussion the Ausländer Officier had agree to give me a workpermit without company tie-up, by considering my previous stay. I even mentioned this to the Citizenship Officer but she say it was on the base of Beschv. and now they look to StAG paragraph.

2. Did you stay more than 6 months outside Germany? 

I stayed from 12.03.2010 till 01.09.2010 in my home land, during this time I worked there and resigned my job. Parallely I applied for new visa at German Embassy.

3. if you have not applied for the new permit or extension in the specified time, the officer has all the rights not to count your previous stays.

No, I have applied my extension well a head in time.

4. It's imp to know whom did u inform before leaving Germany (Abmeldung, Ausländerbehörde)
No I haven't informed the Ausländerbehörde and I have abgemeldet.
5. And how did u come back on which type of visa (new or existing old permit which you supposed as valid..)
I freshly applied for D-type visa which could be extended to work permit (§ 18 Abs.4 before bluecard)with in 3 months of time

6. It's better to ask the officer according to which rule, is he rejecting your application

The officer told me that my application could not be consider from " rechtmäßig seinen gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt" für 7 Jahre
StAG § 10 Abs. 1 as I have shifted my Lebensmittlepunkt to my home land.

So I said here to consider §12b Abs.1, the officer said she will consider this only if I went on Holiday or Business visit or if I have informed the Visa officer that I will not be in Germany for 5 months.

As I haven't met the above category my previous stay will not be considered.

As I was little bit confussed I didn't asked her about §12b Abs.2, because the appointment letter which I received from the officer states that I need to sign Loyalitätserklärung, but she tells me that my application cannot be considered.

Thank you in Advance
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Interruptions of residence §12b StAG
09.07.15 19:40 als Antwort auf coolguy munich.
Hallo Detlef,

If possible kindly provide your opinion for the explanation of §12b Abs.2
I have taken this from:
Vorläufige Anwendungshinweise des Bundesministeriums des Innern
 zum Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz in der Fassung des Gesetzes zur Änderung des Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetzes vom 5. Februar 2009 (BGBl. I S. 158) 

Here is the explanation:

12.b.2 Zu Absatz 2 (Anrechnung früherer Aufenthalte im Inland bei Aufenthaltsunterbrechungen)

In Einbürgerungsverfahren ist bei der Ermessensabwägung, inwieweit ein früherer rechtmäßiger
Aufenthalt im Inland nach einer Unterbrechung des Aufenthalts anrechenbar ist, zu prüfen, ob dem früheren Inlandsaufenthalt trotz der Unterbrechung integrierende Wirkung zuerkannt werden kann. Bei

Personen, denen nach § 37 des Aufenthaltsgesetzes eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis erteilt worden ist, ist der gesamte rechtmäßige frühere Inlandsaufenthalt bis zur gesetzlichen Höchstdauer von fünf Jahren anzurechnen.

Thank you in Advance
0 (0 Stimmen)

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