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Instead NE I got first anouncment for 'get lost'

I was no long time hier in forum...
So, this last two months I am going over real hell and today finaly I got mesage from my employer (after 2 years working in firma and only 2 months before applying for NE) that I have to finish soon what I have to do as my job and thinking if I want to stay more in the firma.
Smply I have undrstand it as kicking off as I was assuming and I was having visions before that he will exactly do to me this only 15 minutes before taking the train.
Having no choiche I have explain him that I need more 2 months and I am with family (2 year and 9 year kids and wife) and I need only bit more time till I get NE and then I will go and 'kundige' on my own wish, just to get NE after 5 years.
The blackmail was/is that I have to work till then from 08.30 till 19.00 every day even in Saturday and Sunday which having no other choiche I have take it.
But that was not enought and final answer was that he will se what will happened and maybe he will left beside all that two months more.
From law side I have no rights and from other side I have no choiche....
Silly from me, I have trust him before and I was thinking that all shall be OK, but...
I have not apply for normal aufenthalt althow I send the documents before 2 months (they have come back to me couse I was havin 1€ stamp, and was needed 1.50€) , and I have take it as sign that I have to wait...
Today I have send the documents searching new aufenthalt (to use this time that I have - if I have)and try my luck.
I am totaly at break out and will no use of my work morning till down couse of over sterss and fiar I will be not able to do all he want and at the end he find me self guilty.
I have overlive the war in Balkan and have not kill anyone, but if he push me more....I loose my mind.Simply I can not in every morning shouthing that I am not qualified and that over me he loose money and time,althow I was his best friend till he realize that soon I am free man with visum not binded to his company and visum that he control any time.
Unfortenately I have no one from other family back and no place to go if I go from hier.
I know that maybe many are in same situation or maybe it is only my destany to pay with my nerves but I feel like I will do something.
All this GC program has become as ARBEIT MACHT FREI and at the end I got tush with cianid over me.
Any ideas what to do or....
I was thinking to kill him if he kik me off becaue in anuway I will die if I go back in neverland - ha,ha,ha...(I still got my sence for humor)
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Re: Instead NE I got first anouncment for 'get lost'
12.05.05 11:28 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Hi Max,

dont worry about these evil forces!! just carry on with cool tempo!! I think you dont have to worry as you the right to get NE after 5 years of work. Try to find some alternative or stick with your evil employer till you make your NE application. If really your employer blackmails you, approach a lawyer who could solve your trouble !!

Do you have a Arbeitsvertrag only for 5 years??

Good luck!!

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Instead NE I got first anouncment for 'get lost'
12.05.05 11:38 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Thanks for your help,
No, I have unbefristet arbeits vertrag.
I will keep going on till my brain keeps me in order.
Seems like a bad dream.
As loong as I can handle I will stay cool (as much as I can).
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Instead NE I got first anouncment for 'get lost'
12.05.05 11:40 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Hi, Max,

What you explain sounds very-very familiar to me. I don't know would it help you or not, but I, and many other people were in such or similar, difficult situations. For example, I'm on my 4th job now - since August 2001... Dont ask me!

You mistake is, that you didn't try to search for another job until now. Now it's late, I think, you are under preasure and so on.

Just accept, that it's a matter of time - as you said, you need around two months more. It's a game, just play it.

I read somewhere the sentence: When you don't know what to do, do what you can.
And, this one: Do what you have to, let's happen what will happen.

Sometimes the solutions just come, the time puts everything on its place.

Good luck,
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Instead NE I got first anouncment for 'get lost'
12.05.05 11:41 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Well... Well...

I cannot know all details of your story; but please consider this:

1. If he kicks you out of the company, you will get Arbeitslosenheld for 3 + 3 Months, most probably. Ok, it is not sure, but take my example I have got it for 20 days and could have for 3 Months - for sure. Just do not sign anything that you agree with your Kündigung !!!!!!!!!!

2. If you get NE after 5 Years, you do not want to work there anymore anyway - so you have to search for new job in any case. So why don't you look for new job now - immediately? Just if you find new job all of your problems are gone !!! You can stay with your family and you have all prerequisites for NE.
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Re: Instead NE I got first anouncment for 'get lost'
12.05.05 18:32 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Thank you all for all your support.
I hope can handel till end.
You know,...he is right what he is doing....
I have came hier and I have ask to stay and I want to stay and I was hoping and trusting and believing....
I was hearing for Germany and watching cataloguse with fancy things and happy people....for hell.
They have killed 9 milions people and now what will left for 1 or 2 as me....in my catalogues and fancy living dream land.
I go out for coffe and zigars...I am sick.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Instead NE I got first anouncment for 'get lost'
13.05.05 13:41 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
You did not get BE yet?

If not, get it immidiatelly. With BE they must give you AE extension for year, even if you do not have a job. And than you will find something in one year.

BTW I also have one child age 2 and one age 9.
And I also got fired recently.

In what city are you?
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Re: Instead NE I got first anouncment for 'get lost'
13.05.05 23:12 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
I read about you today...sorry.I wish I could help you, really.
I am in one small vilage in the granzen between DDR and west germany....there I have found this job 4-th one coming from Bremerhaven where I have worked out only 6 months (he fired me out exactly last day before probezeit ending and when I have finish all projekt), before that is same storry but much more dificult.
I have send the documents yesterday to ABH exactly with the text from your email that I had it.
I am in force now and I am working all day from 08.30 till 18.30 every day...tomorrow I am again and Sunday also...no pause no mercy.
He did not told me he fired me exactly, but told me that he do not want to see me any more, and he want this projekt I am working on soon finished and then he will see...but I know he wait the last mont before I apply for NE (I have termin and the end of August).
I just do not understand why...we where friends...
How stuped from me...friends...
I do not know how to handle and what to do, althow I now that will put me in much more mess for one month more.
I have wrote about it, I was telling to all....that many will be abused and kiked off only several months before they get chance for NE.
I soud send the papers to ABH before, but I have not...I was believing will all be OK...
I am just comming at home to sleep then I just wake up next day and go till evening...every fucking day......
Ihave no time to see my children and my son was crying yesterday cous he want me to take him at swimming pool...
Fucking life...I really do not know what to do...I really do not know.
If I survive this..if I just survive...
I wait yet the answer from ABH I hope some positiv one...

Dont you thik that is right for asking or informing BMI for this cases and chanches?!
Might can help.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Instead NE I got first anouncment for 'get lost'
15.05.05 11:33 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Hello Max,

If I am in your position, I will ask myself if the NE is worth enough for this kind of treatment.
We are all still young enough to start another job. So let your employer finish the project himself emoticon good luck
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