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experience with freenet DSL?

experience with freenet DSL?
14.02.05 14:52

Currently I am thinking to change to freenet DSL because of an interesting offer package from them.
Do any of you has experience witht his provider?

In the beginning I used the DSL Tiscali, it was bad and very slow. I use currently 1&1, it is good, but I think freenet offer is better.

Would you please share your experience with freenet? thanks in advanced.
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Re: experience with freenet DSL?
14.02.05 14:59 als Antwort auf vijay raud.

I have Freenet. Speed is quite good, two or three times I had problems with connection but the technical service told me that were "general problems with the Telekom DSL network" and nothing happened.

I´m still unable to connect with Trust 7 from home. I started a technical Issue and they told me they had changed some IP numbers in the DNS servers and there are still some gateways/routers don´t recognize them and this would be solved as soon as possible (but 4 months are passed and we are still in the same point)

Good thing is cheap and you have full control over the use of the internet and you can monitor your traffic volume online.


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: experience with freenet DSL?
14.02.05 16:58 als Antwort auf vijay raud.
thanks man YO. have you compared the freenet with other provider?
When did they promise to fix the problem?

anybody else with the same experience?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: experience with freenet DSL?
14.02.05 17:14 als Antwort auf vijay raud.

They´ll solve my problem on 31th february. I don´t really know, but if they don´t solve my problem they´ll start loosing clients. I´ve just sent them another complain, let´s see.

Yes. I found it a little bit faster than T-DSL and also a little bit faster than Tiscali, but the think is a little bit subjective because I didn´t proved at the same time with the same computer. Also I´m not german, I don´t use to navigate in the "standart german navigating time" and maybe the bandwith on peak time is not so good.

Another question?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: experience with freenet DSL?
14.02.05 18:25 als Antwort auf vijay raud.
I am using the Freenet DSL since last 4 months and I can only say that I have not faced any serious problem till now. The speed and connection is good. I compared all other offers at that time and I felt that Freenet was the best one at that time, if you want to stick to Deutsche Telekom for call by call telephone service. Otheriwse at that time Arcor provided Flat DSL in 40 Eur complete with ISDN connection. Presently I am using Freenet DSL with 2GB data package(Eur 22,90 for freenet + DT basis price Eur 15.xx) and it is quite enough for my Internet usage. You should decide according to your internet usage.

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Re: experience with freenet DSL?
14.02.05 19:24 als Antwort auf vijay raud.
Hello Peacy,

can you access trust7 from your home?
I meant YO has problem to access.

One things is I saw in www.freenet.de they offer the 2 GB volume traffice for 6,99 euro.
why yours is 22 euro?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: experience with freenet DSL?
15.02.05 11:04 als Antwort auf vijay raud.

Yes, it is true that I can not access Trust7 from home and the Price for freenet for me is (Eur 5,90 for 2GB + DSL basis charges Eur 16,9x for 2MB connection + Eur 15,xx for DT for the land line). I donot know what are the current charges going on but it worth to compare.


May be this info is helpful to you.

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Re: experience with freenet DSL?
01.03.05 02:08 als Antwort auf vijay raud.

today is the deadline.
do you get the connection to trust7 with freenet?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: experience with freenet DSL?
01.03.05 11:20 als Antwort auf vijay raud.
Hi VP*

Well the answer is no/yes.

I started with Freenet about october, I had connection till december and after my little poll here I started bombing Freenet with emails and requests.

At the beggining, they answered me in quite logic way, then I started to receive solutions for fools ("reset your computer" or "reset the configuration to the fabric default in the router"), these answers bothered me a little bit because I´m not Bill Gates but also not so fool.

I know by "spy sources" the problem now is near the end (I hope) and I guess the problem soon will be solved.

But if it helps, in my > 5 Gb/month navigating experience, I found just two sites with no access. The rest is quite OK (also not so fantastic).

I hope this is the answer you waited for
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: experience with freenet DSL?
01.03.05 16:58 als Antwort auf vijay raud.

I am using T-DSL since 2 months. I have fanced no problems till now and it's fast and easy to set up.

I have T-DSL 2Mbit + 1500MB limit = 25 euro

My contract is a little bit cheaper as usual because they have a discount for Cologne.

My first choice would be NetCologne (only in Köln) but they don't give service where I live in Köln so I decided to use the last offer from T-Com. Anyway, it works fine and satisfies my needs.

Viel Glück ...

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