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Visa Questions

Questions about NE

Questions about NE
16.03.06 12:14
Hi @All,

I am since 2001 in DE and I am about to get NE (§9).I have approval by ABH and now the lady in Auslaenderamt give me "Antrag zur Erteilung eines NE", which I have to fill in and to attach some papers like :
- last 3 Gehaltsabrechnung
- Schufa-Nachweis
- Krankenversicherungsnachweis
- Kontoauszug
- Mietvertrag & Quittung

Now my first question :

Is it possible to have approval by ABH , but to get rejected from Auslaenderamt?

Second Question :

I am quite confused about this "Quittung".
Any ideas what does this mean?

Many thanks in advance
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Questions about NE
16.03.06 13:10 als Antwort auf Allex Popov.
Now that's some kinda World Première: they need some Schufa papers to give you NE? If that was the case for me, I think I wouldn't have got it.

Ausländeramt and ABH (Ausländerbehörde) are one and a same thing, so you can't get accepted and denied by the same people.

The Quittung means that you have to show you paid that rent money, so the best thing is to just take an account statement where the rent is shown been paid, that's what I did and I added to it a letter from the Vermieter saying that I have no unpaid rent.
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Re: Questions about NE
16.03.06 13:14 als Antwort auf Allex Popov.
Didnt know about the shufa angle, got my NE without hustling with shufa. But them rednecks demanded for Gehaltsabrechnung for the last 12 months plus proof that I have a wohnung with enough space, as if I was gonna invite someone. I guess it depends on where in germany you are. Now I am gunning for the 2003/109/EG NE and nobody at the ausländeramt seems to even have a shimmering idea wot it is.
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Re: Questions about NE
16.03.06 13:40 als Antwort auf Allex Popov.
Thanks for your competent answers.
I have make mistake, I mean that I have approval by the Arbeitsamt.
So the question is :

Is it possible to have approval by Arbeitsamt , but to get rejected by the Auslaenderamt?

The whole situation is a little but strange for me too (after all postings that I have read here).
I am GC-Holder and my Arbeitserlaubnis is valid till 31.03.2006.
So at the begining of februar I went to ABH (I am in Cologne).
The lady give me one formular (yellow) and said that I have to fill in it and then come back.She said that the whole procedure takes 5-6 weeks.I should also attach some papers (I cannot remember now all of them).
Few days later I went to ABH and I give her all the papers that she wants.Then I asked about NE and she answer that she will resend my wish to the Arbeitsamt (?) and they will check if I am eligible to get NE.
Last week I recieve a letter from Arbeitsamt which says that "die erforderliche Zustimmung der Agentur für Arbeit ist eingegangen" and I have to call ABH for more information.
Yesterday I went to ABH and the lady said to my that I have approval by the Arbeitsamt about my "Antrag für NE".Then she give me a second form (a blue one, which is quite similar to the yellow one) "Antrag zur Erteilung eines NE" and then she said that I have to fill in, to attach the following papers :
- last 3 Gehaltsabrechnung
- Schufa-Nachweis
- Krankenversicherungsnachweis
- Kontoauszug
- Mietvertrag & Quittung

and then to send all things to her.
After that she give me a new Aufenthalsttitel (in my Passport) for 3 years (till 2008)(???)
This was also quite strange.
Now I am confused about :
- my NE (have I got or not?????)
- What does "Quittung" mean?
I think it is something about my Mietvertrag (Mietvertrag & Quittung are on the same row in this form), but I am not sure

Many thanks

Excuse me my bad english :-(
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Questions about NE
18.03.06 21:02 als Antwort auf Allex Popov.
"Quittung" is a piece of paper that proves that someone has got from you some amount of money in cash. It is quite strange that they ask GC for something like that as well as for "Schufa-Nachweis", means that they have suspicions about your identity or about rightness of the information provided by you. Could be as well that your name is on some US-list of terrorists ...
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Questions about NE
19.03.06 01:22 als Antwort auf Allex Popov.
"... means that they have suspicions about your identity or about rightness of the information provided by you. Could be as well that your name is on some US-list of terrorists ..."


I dont think so ;-) , but anyway, thanks for your effort.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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