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Meeting the World!

Suggestions to Mr.Detlef and all Trust7 members.

In all this past months since I had my troubles I was thinking too much and rapidly repeat to my self the name of the film with Bread Pit - 7 Years in Tibet.
I have 5 years in Germany and I was think of my 5 years in Germany.
Any of us has its own storry and own problems.
I am activ (as many other) in this forum and in Trust7 and I have chance to meet Mr.Detlef personally and all of you in TRUST7 not personaly but with your spirit in this last 2 Months as personaly also.
I woul like to suggest that an activ membership to be started where each of us can support this membership and forum with personal contribut.
We are writting, we are giving our thinking, we are searching help and we somehow got it.
I have got support from you all and from DvD, NoBody,VC,Frred,Lacrima,....all of you I can not remember all of your NIC names.
I ask Mr.Detlef if something acording law or what ever that can be done wehere we the memebers of TRUST7 can freely contribute money support and make some TRUST7 money fund for support the members in hard and dificult cases.
I was thinking as free will support or regulated over Monthly membership with some simbolic money cost will give and hope to some of us where they can turn arround and use the money and lately return to that fond.
It can be use for law help, administration process, in any cases.
Over this membership and VPMK lawer we can request our help and search law rights.
No matter if some of us stay few days or are owners of NE or German residency, we can also help to the others and ourselvs and also support Mr.Detlef for futher security and....no frontier of the world.
Why not? I was thinking that near in the future over TRUST7 can me foundet and very strong Software company with GC and may other experience where we who have come (and those who have stay in Germany) can secure its own way.
This is only idea and I hope it will be supported from Mr.Detlef and all you my friends from TRUST7 community.
If I stay in Germany (I hope deeply that will stay) would give all my time for making it real.
No matter if I do not stay I will as soon as I get financialy on my feet first submit money contribute if Mr.Detlef agree and all you find some sence in this.
I learned my lesson.
Do not wait all of you to get your troubles and then cout your selv infront the mirror asking yourselv who are you, where are you and to whom to turn to.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Suggestions to Mr.Detlef and all Trust7 members.
30.10.05 09:43 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Hi Max,

good to know, that things have started to improve! And thanks for your suggestion of contributing some money to us, but this will not work and it is no need.

Some years ago (3 years I guess) Plamen from Munich had the same idea and we founded the trust7 club. But the result was disappointing and I do not want to try this again.

On the other hand, trust7 is a company with some services and after years of earning nothing, we do earn some money again. So we do not need contributions, just recommend us to your friends and this will help us to grow.


We have already more than 3000 registered users and there are more eyery day.

Again, thanks for your suggestion :-)

I hope your problems will be solved completely very soon!

Viele Grüsse
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Suggestions to Mr.Detlef and all Trust7 members.
30.10.05 12:16 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Hi !
I do agree that some level of monetary contribution or non monetary contribution should be made my members. I however do think that charging based on subscription is a VERY VERY bad idea that will keep off the large no of GC who do not have joined yet.

A better model will be
1) Sponsorship (from sites like JobPilot etc)
2) Services (that Trust7 already have)
3) IT Service (like small Projects etc)
4) Exclusive Advertisements (household appliances)
5) Voluntary contribution option
6) Some level of mailing-campaign

Above all I think what is most needed is to improve the quality of this forum in following ways before we think of other things
1) Better functionality like search service,
defining specific topics for discussion, track an entire thread of, visual layouts etc.
2) Speed (currently its still slow)
3) Administration especially - prevent "hijacking" of the thread. Defining topics, archiving, maintaing FAQ etc.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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