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Visa Questions

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card

Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card Sanjay Dwivedi 27.11.13 12:57
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card Arianne 29.11.13 14:56
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card Sanjay Dwivedi 29.11.13 15:04
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card Arianne 29.11.13 15:14
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card Sanjay Dwivedi 29.11.13 16:04
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card Sanjay Dwivedi 03.12.13 15:33
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card Brijesh Chhabra 08.01.14 23:26
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card Sanjay Dwivedi 09.01.14 14:07
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card sarath 25.01.14 12:52
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card Sanjay Dwivedi 31.01.14 17:19
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card mas 18.02.14 13:44
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card Sanjay Dwivedi 18.02.14 13:53
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card mas 18.02.14 14:03
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card Sanjay Dwivedi 18.02.14 14:15
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card mas 18.02.14 14:20
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card Sanjay Dwivedi 18.02.14 14:27
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card mas 01.04.14 21:57
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card ashok kumar jha 30.11.14 16:10
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card Sanjay Dwivedi 03.12.14 10:18
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card aishwarya s 03.12.14 22:45
RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card Sanjay Dwivedi 04.12.14 09:21
Hi All
I am working here for an Indian firm and I am in Germany on Onsite assignment since Jun 2013. I have valid Blue Card, which is valid till Jun 2015. Blue card is granted to me for 2 years.

Now, I have another job offer and I want to join this company.

The new employment contract says - The employment is limited to the validity of the residence tile (blue card) of the employee until June 17, 2015. After this the employment ends without the necessity to give any notice of termination.

I was told by ABH that I can change employers within 2 years only with the prior approval of the ABH. But they said it is only a formality check to ensure that your new employment contract still satisfies the pre-requisites of BC, namely gross salary and duration. After 2 years I don't even have to do this check.

I have a question as below:

I guess I can switch the jobs, but want to know what will happen June 17, 2015? How the Blue card will be further extended? What documents I need to get the blue card extended? I think, I need some documents from this new employer to extend the blue card. Would there be any issues in this job transfer. Please help ASAP.

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
29.11.13 14:56 als Antwort auf Sanjay Dwivedi.
You are not allowed to start the new job until you have a new permit; the ABH will probably issue you a permit valid until 3 months after your contract expires.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
29.11.13 15:04 als Antwort auf Arianne.
Hi Arianne

Thanks very much for the reply. Are you saying that I can't take up the new job?

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
29.11.13 15:14 als Antwort auf Sanjay Dwivedi.
No, I'm saying that you can't start before you apply for and receive a new permit.

As long as the new position meets all the Blue Card requirements it is not difficult to change employers, it is just important to apply for the work permit first. If done properly, it can be done rather quickly.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
29.11.13 16:04 als Antwort auf Arianne.
Hi Arianne

Thanks again for your reply.

Do I need to ask my new employer about an open ended job contract as the new employment contract says - The employment is limited to the validity of the residence tile (blue card) of the employee until June 17, 2015. After this the employment ends without the necessity to give any notice of termination.

What I think is, I need some documents (job contract) from this new employer to extend the blue card and as per contract the employer can also deny on giving that?

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
03.12.13 15:33 als Antwort auf Arianne.
Hi Arianne/All

Please help me.

I have a job offer for a new employer which has a start date of Jan 15 2014. I visited ABH for my employer change request and Employer change ABH appointment is coming as 23-Jan-2014.

Also, ABH confirmed me that I can't start the new job until I am done with my appointment with ABH on 23-Jan-2013.

I have few questions:
1. Is it really I can't start the new job starting 15 Jan 2014 without the ABH employer change process?
2. What are the different activities to be done as a part of ABH employer change appointment?
3. Can I start working for my new employer from 1-Feb-2014 after the ABH employer change appointment is done?
4. Is there any chance that ABH employer change appoinment will be unsuccessful or I will not be given the permission for the new employer.

Please help.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
08.01.14 23:26 als Antwort auf Sanjay Dwivedi.

I had the similar situation, for sure you need the new work permit before start the new job.

I am not aware on the other side of same concern as once you change your work permit, still are you allowed to work with your current employer if yes than how long, assuming your new contract starts after 3 months.

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
09.01.14 14:07 als Antwort auf Brijesh Chhabra.
Hi Ironman

I am all set to switch to new employer and have schedule appointment with ABH on 23-Jan-2013. I will be able to answer your queries then.

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
25.01.14 12:52 als Antwort auf Sanjay Dwivedi.
Hi Sanjay,

did you joined new employer before changing employer in work permit. how did you managed?
Is it possible to join new emplyer and apply for new employer change in work permit after that?
i am also having same situation. mine is normal work permit. 

in your case if it approved now, what will be your effective date of employment in your new company.
is it date when ABH approved. or it is date when you joined( considering you joined before approval from ABH )

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
31.01.14 17:19 als Antwort auf sarath.
Hi Chandra

One can't join  new employer before changing the employer in work permit at all.

After your ABH appearance, you can work whatever date is mentioned in your joining letter. 

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
18.02.14 13:44 als Antwort auf Sanjay Dwivedi.

I have similar problem and a short question. I appreciate your reply:

-Except documts which I mentioned below, what other documents do I need to submit to change my Work Permit?
- My New Contract (Meets Blue Card requirements)
- My Registered Address
- Filling some forms
( Health Insurance? Crime Statement? Financial statement?)

This is important for me because I have to travel from Munich to Berlin, and hopefully I want to finish all the steps in 1 day i.e. Register my Address and then Apply for new Work Permit. I don't want to miss any document while I am moving to Berlin to apply.
Also, I will appreciate if you recomment me how to finish the submision fast? Do I need to make an appointment online? Or anyother recommendation?

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
18.02.14 13:53 als Antwort auf mas.
Hi Mas
Your case is very much different from my case. I switched job using Blue Card, hence no new WP creation required.

Hope, someone else will reply to your query.

+1 (1 Stimme)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
18.02.14 14:03 als Antwort auf Sanjay Dwivedi.
Hi Mas
Your case is very much different from my case. I switched job using Blue Card, hence no new WP creation required.

Hope, someone else will reply to your query.


Hi Sanjayd,

I also hold a BlueCard and just want to change my work permit since I am swtihing my employer (my new job meets the BlueCard requirements to).
Do you remember what kind of documents they asked for when you were applying to change your Work Permit? And how long did it take?

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
18.02.14 14:15 als Antwort auf mas.
Hi Mas
When you change a job in Blue card and you new job also fulfil Blue card requirement, Then, only your new job contract letter is required. ABH doesn't even ask any question on why you want to change your employer. You also need to take your passport. Blue card remains the same, only the green leaf of your passport is replaced with a new employer details.

Its a 10 minute task at ABH, but you need to take an appointment for this activity. So, ideally you will be vising ABH twice, once for taking appointment and then on appointment date. Check if you can take appointment by phone. The appointment date can be 15 days to 2 months from the day u take the appointment. Good Luck.

+1 (1 Stimme)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
18.02.14 14:20 als Antwort auf Sanjay Dwivedi.
Hi Mas
When you change a job in Blue card and you new job also fulfil Blue card requirement, Then, only your new job contract letter is required. ABH doesn't even ask any question on why you want to change your employer. You also need to take your passport. Blue card remains the same, only the green leaf of your passport is replaced with a new employer details.

Its a 10 minute task at ABH, but you need to take an appointment for this activity. So, ideally you will be vising ABH twice, once for taking appointment and then on appointment date. Check if you can take appointment by phone. The appointment date can be 15 days to 2 months from the day u take the appointment. Good Luck.


Many thanks. And do you have any idea how long does it take to receive the new Work Permit?

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
18.02.14 14:27 als Antwort auf mas.
Hi Mas
There is no concept of new Work permit for Blue Card. Once you visit ABH, they will take the old green leaf from the passport and give you a new employer leaf and change your employer details in the Blue card chip.....Thats It....Done..Done...and done...You can directly visit your new employer to work...If you wish....
+1 (1 Stimme)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
01.04.14 21:57 als Antwort auf mas.

Finally I changed my employer.
First I want to make 1 point clear. I've read in some frums that if you hold a Blue Card in Germany, you "can not" change your employer within the first year. It is absolutely wrong. You can (if your new contract meets the Blue Card requirements) and I did it without any problem.

Changing employer (compnay) within Germany for Blue Card holder:
If you have a valid blue card, and want to change your employer in Germany (in the same city or across cities), you just need to change your work permit (the green paper) and update your chip in your Blue card and nothing else.
To do that, you need to make an appointment at ABH and go there and show your new contract (certainly your new job should meet the Blue Card requirements).
Please be aware that ABH staffs don"t know much about Blue Card yet! They made a mistake on my case and asked me to apply for a new Blue Card which was totally waste of 3 weeks of time and paper works etc.

If your company has a responsible person at ABH (some of them have), ask from your HR to contact that person and make an appoinment as soon as possible for you. In my case, I received an appointment in 3 days, and changing the title of my employer took 15 min. The responsible people are sitting in Building B, room number 160-166.
Once again, you dont have to apply or pay for anything if you want to change your employer in Germany. That is what probably ABH staffs might ask you to do but ignore them.

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
15.07.14 15:30 als Antwort auf Arun Omkaram.

I dont think, you can change employer with blue card under process. 

But your case is special, let some expert answer you.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
30.11.14 16:10 als Antwort auf mas.
Hello All,

I have shifted to Germany 5 month before and have Blue card as well.
Now I have got a better opportunity, so I would like to switch my employer.

As I am in probation period in my current organization, therefore my new employer wants me to join in 2 weeks, which is possible as per my contract with my current employer.
My new contract also full fill all the requirements of Blue card.

My new employer is in different city than the current one.
Hence I have following questions.

1) Which city I have to apply for new Blue card.
2) Is it mandatory to first change the Blue card and then join the other company.
3)Can any one of you please write me steps to be taken to get the new blue card.

Thanks in advance!
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
03.12.14 10:18 als Antwort auf ashok kumar jha.
[quote=Hi There
Below are my answers.

1) Which city I have to apply for new Blue card.You don't have to apply for a new Blue Card, only take the appointment and visit ABH along with new offer letter, and they will change the employer for you in your Blue Card.
2) Is it mandatory to first change the Blue card and then join the other company.yes, its mandatory to first change the employer in Blue card and then join the new company.
3)Can any one of you please write me steps to be taken to get the new blue card.Not required.
Hope you got the answers. Good Luck.

alu_comp23]Hello All,

I have shifted to Germany 5 month before and have Blue card as well.
Now I have got a better opportunity, so I would like to switch my employer.

As I am in probation period in my current organization, therefore my new employer wants me to join in 2 weeks, which is possible as per my contract with my current employer.
My new contract also full fill all the requirements of Blue card.

My new employer is in different city than the current one.
Hence I have following questions.

1) Which city I have to apply for new Blue card.
2) Is it mandatory to first change the Blue card and then join the other company.
3)Can any one of you please write me steps to be taken to get the new blue card.

Thanks in advance!
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
03.12.14 22:45 als Antwort auf Sanjay Dwivedi.

I have a blue card and my current job contract ends end of december, and it will also be 21 months for me. From beginning of january I am starting a new job in a new city. So when I contacted my ABH regarding the same, she told me my visa is valid till March so we will make meet in febraury. But, when I asked about the change in the zusatzblatt, she sent me two forms to filled by the employer. She told me these forms are for the "Bundesargentur für Arbeit".  Since I am shifting jobs before the period of 24 months end (as a blue card holder), the immigration department needs to verify and give the OK for me to take the new job. 

I am still waiting to receive my contract, then I will try to contact them again. So did anyone have same situation, I mean with the forms to get their OKs to start new job??

Your help is very much appreciated.

Thank you in advance!
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
04.12.14 09:21 als Antwort auf aishwarya s.
Hi Aish
It would be a very easy step, once your new employer send the forms, ABH will approve it in 5 minutes.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Change of Employer in Germany - EU Blue card
12.01.15 11:56 als Antwort auf Brahmam T.
1. Change of employer will be done in Munchen, as you are currently working on Munchen and you need to change the employer in Blue card, before you join the new employer in Frankfurt by taking appointment.

2. ‘local registration’ will be done in Frankfurt as soon as you reach there and have an address.

How much time you complted in Blue card?

0 (0 Stimmen)

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