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Visa Questions

Spouse Reunion Visa

Spouse Reunion Visa
28.06.09 20:35
Hi everybody, i would really appreciate some help from anybody who has experience with the family reunion/dependant visa. At first i have read several topics in this forum, but still have doubts/questions. So this is a summary of my situation and concerns.
I come from non-EU country - Russia. Now I have 2 year contract in germany with company for which i previously worked in Russia. My contract runs from 01.04.2009 till 01.04.2011. I have no probezeit.
I have aufenthaltstitel only till 02.02.2010, which should be extended then. I desperately want to see my wife, but she has still to pass her exam in July to start visa application process.
Now come the questions:
1) Can my wife in Russia apply for dependent/FR visa? As far as i saw in the forum there is a requirement for me to have worked 2 years BEFORE my wife can apply - is that true??? And as i have no Probezeit does it change anything?
2) Can i apply for some pre-approve from local ABH to speed up process(Vorabzustimmung if i'm correct)? As far as ABH told me it is not possible anymore so she should apply in Russia -> documents are forwarded here and i'm requested to prove i earn enough money, have enough place to live etc.-> documents go back to consulate to permit/deny.
3) Is it possible to apply for dependent/FR visa staying here in germany with tourist visa? - so that she comes and then gets dependent visa. As far as i saw in this forum it is not possible.
4) What is minimal salary and flat requirements for 2 persons?
Thanks a lot for your effort, as i'm lost completely here and may even consider to go back if i have no chance to see my wife the whole 2 years.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Spouse Reunion Visa
29.06.09 11:51 als Antwort auf Denis Litvinov.
1. Yes, you can apply FR visa. 2 years of stay is not always required, it varies from place to place. Just apply FR visa after you wife has German language certificate.
2. No, Vorabzustimmung is not possible.
3. No, Tourist/Visit visa can not be converted into Residence permit (FR).

4. The minimum space required by law is 12 sqm per person.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Spouse Reunion Visa
01.07.09 03:13 als Antwort auf Denis Litvinov.
Thanks a lot! At least some light in the end of endless german law tunnel emoticon
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Spouse Reunion Visa
06.07.09 15:28 als Antwort auf Denis Litvinov.
Regarding Q1
If you are married before you apply for your work permit, the 2 years rule is void.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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