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Visa Questions

BE in 5 Minutes

BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 13:46
Got BE in 5 Minutes, I just turned up with my Passport and the following letter. However ich had to cough-up 30 € :-( :-(

Amt Für Öffentliche Ordnung
Bezirks XXXX

Beschränkungen im Rahmen der Arbeitsgenehmigung

Sehr geehrte Frau XXXXX,

ich freue mich für die Arbeitsgenehmigung, die ich von Ihnen am
XX.XX.05 erhalten habe. Die leider nach Beschäftigungsverfahrensverordnung
(Bundesgesetzblatt Jahrgang 2004 Teil I Nr.62, Seite 2935) § 9 Absatz 4
widersprechend ist. Ich bitte Sie um die Beschränkungen aufzuheben, die nach BeschVerfV(BGBl. I 2004 Nr.62, S.2936) § 13 Absatz 1 und 2, mit Großzügigkeit aber überflüssig erteilt sind. Vielen Dank.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 14:04 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
Well, congratulations Akshay!

But just so? So simple? No insults, no fights?. Boring isn´t it?

Jokes apart, in which Bundesland do you live, how many years you are in DE etc etc.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 14:40 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.

If I am not mistaken,You got your visa changed from that of Green card to a "Beshaeftigung Erlaubt" one.
I would like to know in case there are some specific advantages in doing the above..
Abt myself,I am working in Germany since 2001 on a Green card visa...
Would it be helpful in having this change in visa done for me...In terms of changing the employer for example....
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 15:01 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
I see you got some ArbE in year 2005 that was binded.
How long was this ArbE valid?
Did you got AufE Verlängerung at the same time for the same period of time?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 15:41 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
Hi YO1:

>But just so? So simple? No insults, no fights?. >Boring isn´t it?

I would have loved to have gotton messy with her, too bad didnt get a chance though :-P

>Jokes apart, in which Bundesland do you live, how >many years you are in DE etc etc.

NRW, 4 years and 5 months, etc etc. :-)

Hi tochetan:

>Would it be helpful in having this change in visa >done for me...In terms of changing the employer for >example....

you just answered yourself :-)

Hi DvD:

>How long was this ArbE valid?

My ArbE was valid until 11/05, which was also the limit of my 5 years green card.

>Did you got AufE Verlängerung at the same time
>for the same period of time?

No. My AufE was already valid till 11/05.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 16:58 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
Dear Akshay,

I am confused, your postings seem contradictory
to me. In your first posting you say:

Arbeitsgenehmigung, die ich von Ihnen am
XX.XX.05 erhalten habe.

then later

My ArbE was valid until 11/05, which was also the limit of my 5 years green card.

So what have you done, changed your job somewhere on beginning on 2005, and she give you limits ? How long was it between you have got your visa (xx.xx.05) and when you have "complained" ?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 17:05 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
Dear cedomir,

>So what have you done, changed your job somewhere on beginning on 2005, and she give you limits ?

Thats right, on 03.03.05 I got my new AE with Employer Name, Work Address,Work designation and on top of that validity until 11/05 written on it. Well.....shit happens.

> How long was it between you have got your visa (xx.xx.05) and when you have "complained"

Today. And, it wasn't really a "complaint", was it? :-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 19:38 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
"Thats right, on 03.03.05 I got my new AE with Employer Name, Work Address,Work designation and on top of that validity until 11/05 written on it. Well.....shit happens."

You got new visum but without any Verlängerung.
With same length as the old one. That is unusual!
Why didn't you ask for 3 or 5 years Verlängerung?
Is your new Vertrag befristet?
Maybe that is the reason?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 19:55 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
To be honest I didnt find this funny at all. I do have a lifelong contract(i.e. if I live to be 65). Trust me I had my fair share of argument with the Beamtin but to no avail, and what a pleasure it was to be told not to surface again near the ABH anytime before 4 weeks from the expiry of my ArbE/AufE.....
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 20:13 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
I am also in NRW.
But I hope not the same city.
Where are you?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 20:56 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
Hi There,

Feel relaxed to be your name begin with 'A' and march to Munich ABH. they knew now about the BeschVerfV 9 and I have received my AE with the zusatzblatt "unselbständige Beschäftigung gestattet. Selbständige Tätigkeit nicht gestattet".

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 21:31 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
"However ich had to cough-up 30 €"

You can get this money back next year in your steuererklaerung (of course, if you asked for a quittung).


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 21:36 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.

You told that your Arbeitsvertrag is unbefristet. Are you sure that you do not have a clause in your Arbeitsvertrag more or less like the one below ?
Aufenthaltsgenehmigung und Arbeitserlaubnis:

Die Wirksamkeit des Vertrages erfolgt unter der Voraussetzung, dass "Vorname Name" - sofern auf Grund gesetzlicher Vorschriften erforderlich - über eine gültige Aufenthaltsgenehmigung und Arbeitserlaubnis für Deutschland verfügt.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 22:03 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
anybody has already gotten BE in Stuttgart?

I´ll be on may de 1th in my first 4 years in DE and I already asked about my BE. It seems to be that it´s not going to be complicated (though my impression was that they weren´t sure how to handle it), but I have a concrete job offer in München, to begin at May the 2nd and I´m just thinking what is better, waiting in Stuttgart and do all here and change my starting day with the company or going to München and try to do all there with the option of beginning on may the 2nd while I handle the BE.


what do you think?


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 22:45 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.

How long did you work ? If more than 3 years, you can go and do it now.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
21.03.05 23:30 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
@Akshay ,
Congratulations for getting BE!

But i wish you had asked for extension of the GC Visa for some years , say 3 Years , and see what the Lady had to say emoticon

For me BE right now is not very important , what is important is the clause: gültig bis.......on my passport.

May be someone else can try to extend their Visa the next time they go to AB.

Me , i tried last Month and the Guy at AB told me No , but i was there because my passport had expired , i will try again in Two Months Time from now.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
22.03.05 00:44 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
"For me BE right now is not very important , what is important is the clause: gültig bis.......on my passport."

Sorry but i do not understand what you are trying to tell here.

Last month you tried to change what on your passport ? Since when you are working in Germany, since when do you have Aufenthaltserlaubnis ?

I assume you do not have a 5 years Aufenthaltserlaubnis. If you have a 5 years Aufenthaltserlaubnis, and try to extend it before you complete 5 years, that is not much possible.

Other than that if one GC loses his/her job, the "gültig bis...." does not help much. But if you have 'BE' things are different.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
22.03.05 01:07 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
I applied for BE on the 3rd of january. My application was taken, but until today I haven't received any reply.

In the meantime my entire life changed.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
22.03.05 12:48 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
Well Alex

I hope whatever the changes were, the leave you to a positive direction.

Mucha suerte!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
22.03.05 14:02 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
Akshay what city are you in?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
22.03.05 17:56 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.

No, I still don´t have 3 years of paid Rentversicherung.

"In the meantime my entire life changed."

Hey!? be more explicit. Just curiuos. ;-)


Muchas gracias!!!!

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
22.03.05 18:04 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.

De nada!

But the message was not aimed to you. The message was for Aalvarez.

Do you also speak spanish?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: BE in 5 Minutes
22.03.05 22:53 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
Hi YO!

Well, I want to wait until I get the decision from the ABH, to comment on the topic. But I will explain when I get an answer.

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