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Visa Questions

Orientation Test without attending Course

Orientation Test without attending Course
niederlassungserlaubnis orientierungskurs
25.04.14 22:37
Hello all,

We were at ABH this week to apply for NE for my wife. Since she has a C1 + TestDAF language certificate, they exempted her from Integration course but asked for Orientation Test cerificate. They mentioned that they have no requirement from their side of taking part in a Orientation course and she could take the test directly. 

From the materials available online, it appears to be a very simple test. Our only problem is that we do not know if institutes allow writing the test without the course. Does anyone have experience directly apperaring for Orientation Test without course? 

Thanks in advance

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RE: Orientation Test without attending Course
26.04.14 19:53 als Antwort auf Nirmal Sasidharan.

What is the requirement for applying wife's NE? I am having NE already but my wife is here on a spouse visa § 30. Thanks.

Regarding Orientation Course, go to VHS and I guess its allowed to directly sit in the exam without attending the course.

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RE: Orientation Test without attending Course
27.04.14 07:25 als Antwort auf M S.
The exam is free but the orientation course is not. Hence I am wondering if they would allow "only exam". It is such a simple exam that my wife doesn't want to spend the time for the course. I will check with VHS.

The requirements in my case was

1. 5 years stay in Germany (for my wife)
2. Orientation test (no integration course required as she has C1 and TestDAF)
3. 5 years social insurance payment (since she doesn't have, mine will do)

I need to check if (2) is required as I have NE. I did not get it with the 5 years scheme however. Hence this document might be needed in her case. Will check this
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RE: Orientation Test without attending Course
27.04.14 20:23 als Antwort auf Nirmal Sasidharan.
Hello all,

We were at ABH this week to apply for NE for my wife. Since she has a C1 + TestDAF language certificate, they exempted her from Integration course but asked for Orientation Test cerificate. They mentioned that they have no requirement from their side of taking part in a Orientation course and she could take the test directly. 

From the materials available online, it appears to be a very simple test. Our only problem is that we do not know if institutes allow writing the test without the course. Does anyone have experience directly apperaring for Orientation Test without course? 

Thanks in advance

Hallo Nirmalts,

I faced the same situation like your wife's condition.
The orientation test is no more in DE, first the ABH want to update their old burocratic attitude.
Now the test is called "Leben in Deutschland", its the old "Einbürgerungstest", with 33 question, from a set of 300 questions and extra 10 questions from the Regional state you are from.

You can do the test private, it cost you €.25, @ VHS, you need to only catch the timing of the test.
This certificate also holds the Einbürgerungstest titel, hence when you apply for Citizenship I think so there is no need for you to attend Einbürgerungstest, thats the advantage.

In my case I didn't attended the Orientation course which is a 60 hrs course, I said the head of VHS I can appear for the exam directly and I got the green signal, I paid only €.25,

But I got the NE via bluecard, without Orientaion certificate, as I told the ABH people who work as engineers , for them its not necessary, she said, she needs to verfiy and get back to me that I don't need Orientation certificate (I write very briefly, but literally I made lot of arguments ).

So go to your near by VHS and register your wife for "Leben in Deutschland" test.

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RE: Orientation Test without attending Course
30.04.14 20:59 als Antwort auf Brain Teaser.
Thanks for the info. My wife registered with VHS for 25€. The exam schedule is also available online as PDF
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