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Visa Questions

RE: Getting job after internship!!

RE: Discontinue MS and start working
16.02.14 13:09 als Antwort auf raghuram kalyanam.
Your chances of getting a job visa with a German degree is 100%. There are chances that they may not recognise non-german degree and send it to another agency for checking whether it is equivalent to German degree, which may take months. I have heard of one case where the person was not allowed to switch to a jib by abort ing student visa. You will have to go back to India and apply for job visa. It is a risk. Which IIT are you from? What are you studying?
+2 (2 Stimmen)

RE: Discontinue MS and start working
16.02.14 18:20 als Antwort auf Wim Hannover.
Hi I did MSc 5 Year integrated Mathematics & Computing from ISM,Dhanbad .
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Discontinue MS and start working
16.02.14 21:05 als Antwort auf raghuram kalyanam.
for which company do you work?

btw, there is less competition to do masters in math. I have heard of 800 applications for a single MS program in engineering.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Discontinue MS and start working
16.02.14 21:53 als Antwort auf Wim Hannover.
I work for Ericsson. I will do MS in CS or related disciplines.Are u right now in Germany? I have few questions regarding future prospects of a CS student there.Are part time jobs,internships nd jobs easy to get for people like us?Because i heard a bad review froma VIT guy .He does nt know german,as well as no work ex but completed masters from RWTH Achen.He said finding a part job itself very difficult thing over there.Its hell for a software engineer to get  a job as per his perception.Isthe situation that bad!! I am taken aback after hearing this.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Discontinue MS and start working
17.02.14 18:51 als Antwort auf raghuram kalyanam.

I am not sure of CS. Mechanical has lots  of jobs.  German B1 level makes it easier. there are forums in facebook and search for jobs in CS - u get an idea.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Discontinue MS and start working
11.04.14 04:44 als Antwort auf Wim Hannover.
Hi , I have a doubt. If I get an internship over there in Germany, by the end of the internship if i can find a job,will i be able to work directly .Is bluecard given then? Or should i come back to India and apply for bluecard again?
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Discontinue MS and start working
11.04.14 10:42 als Antwort auf raghuram kalyanam.
Completing an MS is highly recommended since the Ministry of Labor allows a German university graduate the same access to the job market as a German citizen. It's called Vorrangsprinzip. If you don't have a German degree but do have a job offer from a company, the Ministry will ask the company to find German or EU nationals for the job. It is a route to be avoided. Suppose the company gets the approval but one or two years down the line you need to change jobs, you would have the same problem with the new company. This will not change as long as you have a non-EU passport. I think it is still the case even if you have a permanent visa (Niederlassungserlaubnis) but not a German degree.

The part-time job situation at RWTH is sometime difficult but only in certain courses. There are very few part time jobs for power engineering course for example. Software, IT, programming students receive part time job offers within months of arriving in Germany. If you work 10-12 hours a week, you can earn 400-450, get your CV strengthened and establish connections with the professor/institute.

I hear part-time job (hiwi) is much better at Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, Darmstadt etc.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Getting job after internship!!
12.04.14 12:08 als Antwort auf cicero.

What if i search job there,get the job contract and comeback to India and apply for bluecard??  I only want to do internship  so that I can learn better German staying there as a intern in college,earn some money for subsistence and can easily search a job. 

"If you don't have a German degree but do have a job offer from a company, the Ministry will ask the company to find German or EU nationals for the job. "

If this is how it works what is point in getting a blue card??
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Getting job after internship!!
13.04.14 13:09 als Antwort auf raghuram kalyanam.
There is a chance you can be shown red card instead of blue card. In some cases, they send the degree for verification. 

marry a German lady: you get everything in one package: residence permit, practice your language, companion, blue card., search a job.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Getting job after internship!!
13.04.14 13:40 als Antwort auf Wim Hannover.
What is red card? Why will I be shown red card?For your kind information I don't have  any intention of marrying a German lady. I only intend to work for few years and travel all over Europe and come back to my country. Please give reasons for what you have posted!
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Getting job after internship!!
14.04.14 06:45 als Antwort auf raghuram kalyanam.
Dude.. just because it is a free education in Germany please dont take unfair advantage to quit the program and take up a job. Dont use the student visa as an entry to look for job. There is a job search visa for this. 

There are many people who are every eager to take up admission and complete the masters. The university might get some grant for every student who graduates. Uni. will loose this grant possibly. More desibabas doing this will result in adverse consequences for the new applicants from the subcontinent.

I have heard in some EU countries(probably Sweden), they started introducing hefty tuition so that only serious candidates apply.

Another option is aupair. You can earn some money and you will be staying with the German family and look for a job.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Getting job after internship!!
14.04.14 07:52 als Antwort auf Wim Hannover.
Dude why dont you look at the Question properly? This is not about discontinuing Masters.This is about getting job after internship.If you dont know the solution please don't spam unnecessarily. 
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Getting job after internship!!
14.04.14 18:39 als Antwort auf raghuram kalyanam.
IIT Dude

Your thread heading is "Discontinue MS and start working"

Why dont you start another thread? People who respond to this thread are volunteers, you should try to grab their attention and try explain by being precise and concise. You can write the way you want.

People get jobs after internship is the short reply. 
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Discontinue MS and start working
15.04.14 14:12 als Antwort auf Wim Hannover.
Seconding @cebit absolutely.

No point in trying to game the system. The ways we learn in India/Pakistan to game the system (dau number/jugaaR) is going to create a lot of problems for you here in Germany. You want to get an admission in a German university, come here, find an internship and go straight for a work permit once you find a job. As far as I know, once you enter Germany on a student visa (16), you are not allowed to transition to a work permit (18) or a blue card without finishing the degree. A friend of mine couldn't find a job after her Masters here and so enrolled in a second Masters to stay in Germany. She got an offer 4 months after enrolling in the second Masters and wanted a Blue card. The Ausländerbehörde told her to go back and finish her second degree first.

If you research the procedure to get a Blue Card you will notice they always ask to see a degree. Now here you want to put up the degree you got in your country. The next document they will want to check will be your current visa which will be a student visa signifying you came to Germany to study. You see the problem? It will be immediately obvious that you tried to avoid the job search visa by entering on a student visa. You will have wasted a study place in the university, you will have abused the Studentenwerk system and you will have taken advantage of a student semester bus ticket. German civil servants don't look kindly on third world foreigners trying to be too smart by half. Believe me, they see stuff like this every day from all nationalities and are smarter than the average desibaba when it comes to German law emoticon

Please read this carefully:


Having a foreign degree and a Blue Card does not exempt you from Labour Ministry check. However it wouldn't strictly be Vorrangprüfung but a check whether you are earning at least 46.4k euro a year, or, at least 36.192k a year for IT/engineering or other shortage professions, AND the work conditions (hours/salary) are equivalent for a German employee.

In other words, it is still a kind of Vorrangprüfung to protect the German labor market. The only way out of it is to finish the degree you enter in for.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Discontinue MS and start working
15.04.14 19:20 als Antwort auf cicero.
Seems to be every one is confused by my two questions in the same thread .Apologies !!
My doubt regarding discontinuing MS was an old one and i donot intend to do such things at any cost and this question is cleared and ruled out long back.
What i mean to ask is ,here in a seperate thread.


Please go thru it and give your valuable suggestions.

@Cebit : Sorry I didn't know you got confused by two different questions ,thinking both are related.Anyway started a new thread.
@cicero: Thanks for ur valuable suggestion, but my question is different please give you valuble recommendations for the above posted thread.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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