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Visa Questions

Integration course - question

Integration course - question
13.09.11 19:34
Dear Trust 7 Members,

I have a question regarding Integration course completion. After regularly following this forum it was mentioned that completion of Integration course is compulsory inorder to get the visa extended.

My wife came here in feb 2008 and started her course. Due to some reasons this course got prolonged and now she has completed till B1/1. B1/2 and integration course exam is still left out for her. Now she is about to start her higher studies here in germany and it will be very difficult for her to get thru this left out part.

She also got it exempted from the FH as they require A1 and A2. FH is also offering B1 but it is clashing with other classes. We checked VHS evening course and it takes almost 4 months to finish it.

With no other option left out, is there a way to get rid of this without any problem from ABH for her next visa extension.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Integration course - question
13.09.11 19:44 als Antwort auf Macho.
nowadays ABHs are keen on integrationkurs completion or attendance for further visa extension of spouse. so better try to finish as it is already more than 2 yrs.

It seems, only one modul is still left. You can try the following.

Ask your current integration course provider whether they let your wife take up the final exams without doing B1/2? If the current provider doesn't accept, contact some one else who can accept it.
with the berechtigungschein(the document that let one take part in an integrationskurs), one can register with any course provider.

or you can register for the B1/2 course and try to attend as much as possible and skip the remaining. If you have done all of your moduls from a same course provider,they usually don't make a big deal on attendance to let you write the exams.. but better clarify with them..
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Integration course - question
13.09.11 20:11 als Antwort auf Macho.
Now days AB insist on integration course. If it is any consolation, she can take the tests directly by paying money. One part (Orientation Test) is easy. She has to go through 250 questions form BAMF website and take the test (20 Euros for the test). The other part B1/2 should also not be a problem if she is fluent in German. Better would be to call the BAMF and ask them directly……
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Integration course - question
14.09.11 12:52 als Antwort auf Macho.
Thanks for your info guys. After going thru BAMF, I found a note which might be true.

Important information

You cannot be obliged to attend the course·

* if you are training or are attending/have attended a comparable education programme (e.g. further education, continuing education) in Germany.
* if long-term attendance on the integration course is impossible or unreasonable, for example if you have to look after a member of your family.
* if you work and even attending a part-time course is not possible.

First 2 points is applicable for my wife.
Anyhow will go to the ausländerbehörde and clarify this doubt.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Integration course - question
14.09.11 13:11 als Antwort auf Macho.
* if you are training or are attending/have attended a comparable education programme (e.g. further education, continuing education) in Germany.
* if long-term attendance on the integration course is impossible or unreasonable, for example if you have to look after a member of your family.

First 2 points is applicable for my wife.
Anyhow will go to the ausländerbehörde and clarify this doubt.

I dont know how the points are applicable for your wife because of the following reasons
1. She is "going" to attend higher studies and not attending higher studies
2. Which family memeber was she looking after? I didnt see anywhere that you have children.

Well i dont know what she did for the 3.5 years in germany. The integration course takes a max of 6 months when doing full time and a year max when doing parttime.

Anyways, you just have to see what the ABH says. If they agree, then no problem. if they dont agree, there is no one else but to blame yourself.
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Re: Integration course - question
14.09.11 13:34 als Antwort auf Macho.
Hi raj,

i have to be blamed bcoz i lacked information on this.

1. From next month she will be doing her higher studies. she has her visa extension mid of next year.
2. we have a 2 yr old kid. we lacked info that there is kinderbetreung with the integration course.

circumstances r different for different person.

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Re: Integration course - question
14.09.11 14:31 als Antwort auf Macho.
ok, now it is clear. I think there should not be a problem.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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