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Visa Questions

RE: Spouse Visa

Spouse Visa
26.08.13 18:04
Hi everyone,

i have some questions need to be answers maybe these were asked before but not able to find any on this forum. So here i start:

i am a Phd scholor in Uni Dortmund, i get a monthly scholorship from Graduate School nearly 1500 (i have student visa number 16). Next month i am getting married. I would like to call my wife here.For that i have to apply for a family reunion visa (as heared from lots of scholors). The question is, if she comes as my wife whether she be allowed to study if she wants to or allowed to work like the normal student visa guy (20 hrs per week).

And just for the opinion what is better to do calling the wife on family reunion visa or as a student. She want to further study as her field is related to medicine that's why i personally don't want her to stay and do nothing at home. Lots of you might know how is the social life here in Germany :-)

Hope to hear your opinions on that. Thanks.

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RE: Spouse Visa
28.08.13 09:22 als Antwort auf Zia Rehman.
Hi Ziarehmann,

quick reply- unable to comment on ur status as student or stipend eligibility for spouse visa.

However for spouse visa..ur spouse will be allowed to study as well as work or even start something of her own. I confirmed it from ABH during the application process.

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