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Change from PKV to GKV and at the same time going ARBEITSLOS

Strange and a tricky situation and i have /hear different info from different persons and so i thought it would be good to get some expert thoughts from experienced and people with practical knowledge here from this forum,.

PS : I searched in this forum and couldnt find this kind of topic or a topic very close to this scenario.

Subject is as mentioned in the TITLE :
Change from PKV to GKV and at the same time going ARBEITSLOS

We ( Me , My Wife and the Kid) are Currently with the Private health Insurance and had been so for the past almost 9.5 Years. ( Kid joined us abt a year ago)

Soon , i would be going arbeitslos and at the same time i wanted to do a kundigung to my PKV.

It happens that the start of arbeitslos and also end of PKV, Start of New insurance starts the same day and this it seems is not allowed.
I approached TK with this question and they say that one would need to have a change in status ( Meaning a New Job) and going arbeitslos does not mean a change in Health Insurance.

Little more explaination in detail

Let us say i have 3 months notice period for my company and i inform them end of September, meaning first of Jan the following year onwards , i woud be arbeitslos.

I would also inform the arbeitsamt by end of september, i would be arbeitslos from 01.01.2011 and this is fine, i.e even if they have sperr-frist etc..

Now coming to the Health Insurance, here i have a notice period of 3 months too. So i inform them also that i want to cancel the contract and would not want to proceed with them anymore from 01.01.2011.

What i come to know through different channels is this kind of change is not allowed and no Government Health insurance would allow me ( Whole Family is Private Insured)to change and i would stil need to stick around with the private insurance and also i would need to pay the FULL PREMIUM for the whole family ( Approxiamtely 40% of ALG1).

Is this true?. that one does automatically be GKV versichert if one looses the Job.

Would you guys have any clue on how to overcome this situation ?.

Any experiences of this kind . ?. Any info would be great .

Thanks to all in advance for your answers !.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Change from PKV to GKV and at the same time going ARBEITSLOS
15.06.10 11:31 als Antwort auf K Kali.
Changing from PKV to GKV is possible only when your next salary drops below the income threshold for changing from GKV to PKV.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Change from PKV to GKV and at the same time going ARBEITSLOS
15.06.10 12:22 als Antwort auf K Kali.
What if i get a MiniJob or a job for 500 euros for a month or two. Would they still wait for the whole year and then calculate the Yearly salary or even a job for few months is good enough to change to GKV.

What i heard is , even if one is in PKV when arbeitslos, arbeitsamt still pays some money. I couldnt find anywhere on how much they would pay.

Any info would be great !.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Change from PKV to GKV and at the same time going ARBEITSLOS
15.06.10 13:17 als Antwort auf K Kali.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Change from PKV to GKV and at the same time going ARBEITSLOS
07.07.10 17:25 als Antwort auf K Kali.
Hello Issues,
When you become part of Arbeitsamt, they will pay for your insurance(even during sperrzeit, if applicable).
When TKK says that a change in job is required, going under Arbeitsamt's pay will be like a change in job for you.

Usually they put you with a GKV. You can choose any GKV in this case.

As far as i know, Arbeitsamt will not pay for PKV unless you specifically request them to pay for ur PKV. They have some clause that you have to stay with PKV for x number of yrs in order for them to pay. I m not too sure abt the number of yrs/months.

Pls check with ur nearest arbeitsamt/website.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Change from PKV to GKV and at the same time going ARBEITSLOS
07.07.10 17:37 als Antwort auf K Kali.
Hi ,

thanks for the info.

i checked a lot and i could not find anything for this in arbeitsamt website. What was told to me was that arbeitsamt would try to put you in GKV from the time you are arbeitslos, but with PKV there are still these kundinguns period etc.. so in essence for me everything almost goes together. based on the suggestion and outcome from arbeitsamt i would need to act coordingly.

any idea on what are the differences in services from GKV's ?.

TK , AOK .. and so on . I have no clue as i was always PKV insured.

Can we take addons to get treatments from chef arzt etc..

Suggestions welcome
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Change from PKV to GKV and at the same time going ARBEITSLOS
07.07.10 18:30 als Antwort auf K Kali.

Since you are in PKV more than 5 years, you have rights to continue stay in PKV. The arbeitsamt shoud pay thier part of the insurance, you part of insurance you should pay like before. (50:50)

The arbeitsamt might not pay if your PKV traiff is so high because of extra services you have included. In that case they may ask you to change.

As per new gesundheitsreform, PKV should offer you a traiff close to GKV.

in the below web page

read the section "Pflichtversicherung durch Arbeitslosigkeit"

Also at http://www.pkv.de/ you can find gesundheitsreform

I would suggest to you stay in PKV, after you have new job you can change to back to current traiff. So its stays cheaper.

As far as I know there are no chef doctor selection + single bed etc services are not available with standatd GKV or quite expensive to have once.

here are the links



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Re: Change from PKV to GKV and at the same time going ARBEITSLOS
07.07.10 19:55 als Antwort auf K Kali.
@ben : thanks for the info, that was great.

My question to you :

Remaining in PKV is what i see as a better option now. But for sure at a later point in time in life , it gets costly and out of question at or after the age of 55.

What i also learnt is , if you were PKVersichert before you left Germany and after some years you come back to germany - You have to take the Private Insurance only and no option to go for GKV.

but if you come back with a new job , you still end up in PKV, but if your income for 3 consecutive years is less than BeitragsBemessungsGrenze ( BBG) then you are forced into GKV.

So is it not worth thinking of it now.

personally , we are three now. 2 Adults and 1 Kid. and Premium is exactly or almost the same in both GKV and PKV. (Actually PKV has selbstbehalt of about 1500 euros for the whole family)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Change from PKV to GKV and at the same time going ARBEITSLOS
07.07.10 22:33 als Antwort auf K Kali.

AFAIK PKV is normally cheaper compare to GKV. Generally GKV provides very limited benfits and expensive. There are also PKV traifs without selbstbehalt(Basistarif).

But all those varies for each and every individual. I recommand you to compare the benfits of PKV & GKV very closely.

For start

In GKV every quarter you have to pay 10 euros Praxisgebühr and also some percentage of your medicine bills.

more here

May be you take a look your PKV contract conditions and compare it with the benfits of GKV and choose the one which fits you the best.
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