| OK.. first of all, let me tell you that I am coming from a so called Muslim-Country so I have an insider look. I read Kuran and I know what people really doing out there, so your polished words do not really effect me.
Local traditions of some people in some countries shouldn't be linked to Islam. As an example forbidding women from driving or voting has nothing to do with practices of Islam, one the other hand wearing a headscarf is a pure practice of Islam.
ok.. if local traditions are not acceptable from a human right point of view, let's try to change them and let's try not to show them acceptable by referencing other irrelavent good things. If there is a bad practice, the aim should be to avoid and change it. Nothing more.
Yes I am not a woman, my wife as woman wears a headscarf (by her complete will, same as millions of girls in my home country), she lives now in Germany for about of 4 years and I can feel how proud is she with the way she looks, she also finished her education as a pharmacist.
I respect that your wife wears a headscarf and thinks that this is the right thing to do but she should be then ready to accept that she can not serve the public(government jobs etc) with a religious symbol on her.
- Islam was the first (1400 years ago) to give women the right to have their own properties, completely separated from her hunband's.
Ok, does it change the fact of today ? does it change the fact that Kuran advices to beat the women, in case of necessity ? does it change the fact that treating women as a second class human-being has its roots in the religion ? (religion makes up the traditions) Let's honestly accept that Islam needs a reform like Christianity needed centuries ago.(I dont say here that Christianity is now perfect, neither I am a member of that religion) People madly refuse to see obvious truths and continue to accept dogmas just because it is written in some holy book. This is smt unacceptable for me.. come on guys, use your own brains to judge some cases, you dont need dogmas for each case.
- Islam considers that the most important practice after beleiving in one God is to be good for the mother (any mother is of course a woman)
Please do not force me to give exact references from the holy book to show how woman is considered. These polished words do not change the facts of today. If the woman deserves that much respect, I would like to see it also in the practice.
- A wife has always her own freedom to decide not to work, in both cases (working or not) her husband has the responsibility to financially support the family. This has nothing to do with considering a woman as a minor, in fact this is to show Islam's appreciation to her social role in taking care of the family and raising good childeren for the whole society.
Women at home, men at work. Hide the second-class human beings from the public eyes.
I think the Islamic culture and civilisation have a lot of good things to offer to the whole world, I just feel sorry that a very well organised media campain "not friendly as many can see" is preventing people from different countries to know more about islam. In fact Islame unlike other civilisation thinks that it is one of its duties is to transfer its knowledge and achievements to other nations and cultures.
so let's make the good things even more and let's start it by reforming the religion which seems to be the biggest obstacle of achieving other good things.
Take as an example when muslims lived in spain, Islam as leading civilisation at that time in science, geography, math, medicine, astronomy, etc. opened all of its doors to europe to use for their development. I feel very sorry when I see that very few people in Europe know that the main reason for europe to go away from the dark/middle ages was because of their contact with the Islamic civilisation.
You see, Europe got the idea and then reformed their religion which was a big obstacle in science and general development and then they achieved the success they have today, so why not doing the same for the Islam ? if we postpone these reforms, our children will suffer also from these dogmas. We should better hurry up and free ourselves from religion chains instead of trying to keep them.
There is no doubt that islam is under focus in those days, I think that good people will try to take the chance to know more about it.
No need for that, at least for me, I was born and grown up in that culture. Luckily not a fundemantalist interpretation of it.
Have a good day.
You too, but please try to understand what I am tying to say here and please do not try to introduce me the religion and give examples of what it is and what is not.. Believe me, I have enough of it and I know this religion maybe better than you do.
Lacrima |