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To Nobody

To Nobody
10.12.04 18:37
Hey boy

I´m just seen a thread in info4alien about the spouse work permit. The boys over there "recommend" to make the Antrag auf Arbeitsberechtigung before end of this year.

What does it means? We have to run men!

I´d like to ask you a couple of things:

1- In which office of AB should I present the papers?

2- There was a thread in this forum you started in which you asked (before today) for the documentation for make the petition:


In this thread appeared a very pollaid "Helen_" who sent you all the steps and documents to apply.

Do you think is a good idea to start with a note and as appendix of this note the sentence of the judge supporting the petition?.

I was not so sure about applying before end of year because my wife has a very very impressive background (better than mine), but I think I will do. So I ask you for your information/opinion.


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
10.12.04 19:00 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hey dude,

you really know how to dig old threads :-)

I just had a called from my wife who was back from the Arbeitsamt, I asked her to go get a form to fill before we go to the Ausländeramt monday morning.
She told me the lady she has seen gave her a list of documents she has to bring for that: our pass, anmelde bescheinigung, heiratsurkunde, and that when these papers will be submitted to her, she will have to send a request to the Ausländeramt and see if she can get a work permit.

That means we really need to get the mention removed from her passport first, this we will try to handle on Monday, God's willing.

One request I can make to you YO, is not to "send" the papers but deliver them by yourself, then you will know they had been received.

One thing I remember from my last job, when I submitted my dismissal letter, is that I could have sent it by post, but it's better to have it made as if you will sent it by post but bring it there yourself. Meaning, you make a good MS Word document for that, printi it, sign it, make 3 copies of it, bring it *yourself* at the Ausländeramt, gives the person in charge of your case 2 copies and hold one for your file.

He/She can then read it just there and give you an overview of what should be made and how it should be handled.

The most important thing is to try to get rid of that just there, or at least in the next 2 days and then directly make a letter to the Arbeitsamt, that you will submit in the same way.

As DvD said yesterday, the most important is not to have the work permit this year but to *submit the application this year* because even if the new year is reached without the WP, as you've done your request this year, before the law enters in force, then you will be dependant of the actual law and not the new one.

And in that case, if they refuse, you do as we don't fear to do since we got a Rechtschutz :-) You sue them :-)

But don't take the result of the court directly with you, keep it in your wallet when you are there, and if and only if the guy there seems to be negative enough, just tell him that you do have the right and that you can prove it by the court paper, but don't mention this on first go, you will look like putting a gun on his head and people really don't like that.

I hope I've answered you boy, and I already wish you a nice week-end. I will post the result of the journey to the Ausländeramt on monday.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
10.12.04 20:23 als Antwort auf YO 1.
-- And in that case, if they refuse, you do as we don't fear to do since we got a Rechtschutz You sue them

First you raise Widerspruch and if answer is still no, you sue them.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
13.12.04 12:01 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi YO,

just wanted to keep you updated, I'm back from the Ausländeramt, I could only get an appointment for tomorrow so things will be done tomorrow for the first step. In fact, I hhope it will because there's one paper which will cause me some problem. Nevermind.

Just after that, if it goes ok, I will directly go to the Arbeitsamt to do the second step and I will also let you updated on that.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
13.12.04 12:32 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi Nobody,
I am planning to go to the ABH tommorow as my wife is here ofr more than 3 years.
So should I take any other documents other than this.
1) Kopie des Ausweises von mir
2) Kopie des Ausweises von meine Frau
3) Kopie der Heiratsurkunde
4) Kopie der Anmeldebestätigung
5) Kopie des Arbeitserlaubnis von mir

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
13.12.04 12:57 als Antwort auf YO 1.

you should first get an appointment but here is the complete list of things that have been asked to me:
1. My pass
2. Her pass
3. Anmeldebestätigung
Nachweis über bestehenden Krankenversicherungsschutz
4. Mietvetrag
5. nachweis über aktuelle Miethöhe
6. Bearbeitungsgebühr
7. Arbeitsvetrag
8. Arbeitsbescheinigung
9. Gehaltsnachweise

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
13.12.04 13:05 als Antwort auf YO 1.
what is this
nachweis über aktuelle Miethöhe.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
13.12.04 13:09 als Antwort auf YO 1.
What you have in your Mietvetrag is not always what you pay for it, so you have to bring something like a Kontoauszug or a Zahlungsquittung where you show what has been transfered for your rent.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
15.12.04 12:06 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Here is an Update.
I was in the ABH yesterday with my wife.They said she has the same visa as me and so we just have to Arbeitsamt to apply for the AB
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
15.12.04 12:53 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Just an update for all.
Yesterday I was in the ABH with my wife.And there they checked and said she has nothing to be changed in the passport as she has the same visa as mine and she can apply at the Arbeitsamt for the AB.
When I was talking with the ABH person I asked about the NE. She told I should come one month before the end of my visa.I told that i am more than 5 years here in Germany and she gave me the same answer.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
16.12.04 16:29 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi All,
Today I got the AB for my wife without any problem. They didnot ask any of the documents except my wife's passport.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
16.12.04 17:21 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Lucky you, mine is still some weeks to wait because we have realize, I mean, the Ausländeramt of Berlin has realize that even if we moved, we were still dependant of the Ausländeramt Mainz (don't ask me why and how), so they have sent a request to get the Akte for this from the people of Mainz and it should be there in the next 14 days, but anyway, we decided to submit the application to the Arbeitsamt, as the most important is submitting it before 01.01.2005.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
16.12.04 17:44 als Antwort auf YO 1.
hey metro
I would like to get in touch with you. what is your email. I tried to get AB for my wife month ago but idiots turned it down, allthough I had a judge decision in same case. I raised Widerspruch and now idiots send me a letter that it will take a lot of time till they decide.

So I would like to see your papers to show them what the smart Beamters do and what they also should do. Instead of fooling people around.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
16.12.04 19:47 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi YO,

I have applied for my wife and the Arbeitsamt refused it because there is "Erwerbstatigkeit nicht gestattet" in her permit. I found many spuses have the same sentence in the permit, but others are better, they have a sentence that permits to work so long she/he has work permit.

You sent me a broschure from Arbeitsamt, I found the site now:-)


So now I'm fighting to get a change in my wife's permit. They have refused it many months a go, I want to try it again next week :-(

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
16.12.04 20:33 als Antwort auf YO 1.

First year you can not get rid of that Auflage.
But after one year they MUST do it.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Just an overview
17.12.04 11:49 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi all

Last two days I spent part of my time in the ABH.

Nice people isn´t it?

At last, I could get for my and for my family all the resting time for my GC in one tramit. All of this came after a short discussion about the duration of a GC (they wanted to give me one year more visa because GC can be in Germany only three years!!!!!!). Incredible, the GC program is dying and the Beamter haven´t learned yet about it.

The caos is big. In my hometown, started the 15.12.04 upgrading the EDV for the new law. I think they have a unified EDV for all the ABH (called OK Visa or something like that). 15.12 all day long close for "EDV Umstellung"

First EDV didn´t connect with the server, later worked perfectly but OF COURSE I made some fatal errors like carrying with me an Arbeitgeberbescheinigung with 30 days of age (of course, Umbefristete Arbeitsvertrag, 3 last pay slip never help - "What if you stop working on 1.12.04?" told me the clever man) and I had to went back work to beg my boss to make another fresh. When I returned, EDV worked but printers no, that´s why I had to go this morning again (of course unsuccsesfull) and again on monday.

They do not now anything about new law. They couldn´t told me a word about our (GC) future and so on.

But at least, I´m here for a couple of years more and monday tour to Arbeitsamt for my wife.


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
17.12.04 12:30 als Antwort auf YO 1.
hey DVD,
here is my email metro_gerATyahoo.com.
feel free to contact me.
Actually in my case the lady in the Arbeitsamt was very friendly and she was very happy to give that.It was just a metter of 2 minutes.
My wife's visa was exactly the same as mine.There was no Anlage or any thing like that.
But when I approached the ABH they were not friendly.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
17.12.04 13:54 als Antwort auf YO 1.
My wife's visa was exactly the same as mine.There was no Anlage or any thing like that.

what do you mean same as yours?
is she GC?
did they at ABH deleted only Auflage that she can not work?
or did they unbind her visa from your so that her visa is not dependant on your any more?

My wife had from beginning work allowed (by mistake) but her visa is not same as mine because:
- she can do everything not only IT,
- her visa is binded to my visa and that is written on Stempel near visa.

Same as me she can not do selbstständige Tätigkeit.

so these things could be very important:
is she GC?
did they at ABH deleted only Auflage that she can not work?
or did they unbind her visa from your so that her visa is not dependant on your any more?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
17.12.04 14:11 als Antwort auf YO 1.
what do you mean same as yours?
is she GC?
did they at ABH deleted only Auflage that she can not work?
ABH didnot do any thing.
or did they unbind her visa from your so that her visa is not dependant on your any more?
NO, her visa was not binded to mine.

What is in my visa is only the normal things like issue date, end date..(not binded to company or to IT job)
Additionally it is written that I cannot work without a valid Abreitserlaubnis(AE) and can not do selbstständige Tätigkeit.

In wife's visa , it is exact replica of mine except the Name(instead of my Name) and the issue date as she came here later.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody - To YO
17.12.04 14:18 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hey YO,

nothing about some integration courses? :-) You know what that means? ;-) Send me your email and I will send you my address for the laptop :-) Was waiting for that patiently :-)

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
17.12.04 14:39 als Antwort auf YO 1.
@YO & NoBody
I was first to claim laptop


Now I understand nothing.

Are you GC?
Did your wife came here with Familienzusammenführung to join you in De?
or did she from beginning had her own visa?
Does your wife works?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
17.12.04 14:45 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Are you GC?
Did your wife came here with Familienzusammenführung to join you in De?
or did she from beginning had her own visa?
Does your wife works?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
17.12.04 14:54 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Oops NoB!!

With this foto, just ask whatever you want!!

At least for me, no courses. You win. (I was forgotten).

About the notebook, I don´t want you and DVD fight for having the privilege to win it. DARUM I have decided to keep it ;-)))). Fair decision.

But in addition, I guess I deserve it, because due to my hard work to improve my german languge my friend the Beamter have not sent me to the courses!!!

Just a curious information: I found in the ABH a piece of paper full of nonsenses about the courses. There was written that "the courses was mandatory for all Ausländer" and they cost 1 EUR per hour!!!. The comic thing was the courses will be dictated idontknowwhere by a firm "XXXX. e.V"

Nice business isn´t it?


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: To Nobody
17.12.04 15:08 als Antwort auf YO 1.
OK metro
I supose that you as a GC, got visum without binding to IT jobs just by mistake.
And your wife visa was issued without binding to your visa also by mistake.
You are probably in some area where there is no GC at all so Beamter did those mistakes because he never saw GCler in his whole life and he did not know what to do.

I would say you are very, very lucky guy metro. emoticon emoticon emoticon
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