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Bye, Everyone
12.07.05 14:02
Hi all, i was away for few weeks, and during this period there were some changes in my career and got new job in NewZealand and moving there in two weeks time. It was nice experience here & with you all. Wish you all success.

@Asian - I wasnt able to reach your mobile for the past few days!! Gimme a call!!

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Bye, Everyone
12.07.05 14:19 als Antwort auf Indian the great.
I wish you good luck in New Zealand. I am sure it is much more beautiful there.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Bye, Everyone
12.07.05 16:38 als Antwort auf Indian the great.
Germany will miss you very much.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Bye, Everyone
12.07.05 16:55 als Antwort auf Indian the great.
Babloo, I do not know about that, but i will miss you!! I think i should still get some time to poke my nose in your discusssions :-)

Cheers, Indian
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Bye, Everyone
12.07.05 17:04 als Antwort auf Indian the great.
>>I think i should still get some time to poke my nose in your discusssions<<

Funny, why would you poke your nose? I thought you would want to leave Germany with respect.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Bye, Everyone
12.07.05 17:19 als Antwort auf Indian the great.
You always think wrong!!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Bye, Everyone
12.07.05 17:21 als Antwort auf Indian the great.
Dear Indian, My best wishes to you, my handy has been terminated since i am leaving next week. In the meantime i hv done the arrangements for you in Auckland. Will give you a call this evening.

Regards, Asian
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Bye, Everyone
12.07.05 17:32 als Antwort auf Indian the great.
Looks like Asian is getting people out of Germany :-)

All the best Indian, we'll be missing you but we'll be more than happy to know that you will be happy over there.

Let us know how it goes on there, and maybe we could sum up some NE from there :-)

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Bye, Everyone
12.07.05 20:23 als Antwort auf Indian the great.
Hi Indian,

I wish you well, that is the right decision.
I am leaving next week :-) ohhhh that feels good. I called the ABH today, just for fun and talked to a lady, who knew nothing. I am here for 5 years now and asked her about NE. Well after a while I told her to take my file to her boss and let him look at it and that I will call him in 30 minutes wanting correct answers to my questions :-)
Well, I called the guy and he was initially hostile, she had told him I guess about me :-) after a while I loosend him up. The point was that I asked that I wanted to apply for NE and that I will not be in Germany. Well, then came the famous words in germany "das geht nicht" :-)) Anyway after a long discussion her boss admitted that there is no law requiring me to be here while they are working on the case. I could tell he was happy when I said I am leaving germany and that I don't need NE. All of this is of course in Bavaria, the heart of germany's super proud people.

Enough said, I'll be watching when Stoiber and Merkel get this country in a worse shape.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Bye, Everyone
13.07.05 01:09 als Antwort auf Indian the great.
Hi Indian, wish you good luck with New Zealand.

Be careful with Mongrel Mob. Google it: "Mongrel Mob". An underground organization, which makes some illegal stuff..

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Bye, Everyone
13.07.05 14:12 als Antwort auf Indian the great.
@Indian : I think you've made a significant decision.New zealand would be certainly more open and English is spoken by almost 90% of the people.So your linguistic intelligence wouldn't have to degenerate.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Bye, Everyone
13.07.05 14:31 als Antwort auf Indian the great.
Hi Indian,

I wish you all the best for your future! You made a good choice. I have been in NewZealand several times and I can say...

It is a beautiful country with nice and friendly people. Of course, they have their probblems, too, but for me it is the favourite place to live.

But you do not have to say 'Good Bye' to trust7, because they have Internet over there ;-)

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Bye, Everyone
13.07.05 16:54 als Antwort auf Indian the great.
Thanks everyone for the wishes.

Newzealand is not really new to me, I have done a part of my education there. That was sometime back in Christchurch/Queenstown. As my dad was holiding a top position in the foreign affairs ministry, i had also a chance to live in Fiji!!! But now i will be based in Auckland.

I will be really happy to surf this site often and i really appreciate the efforts of Mr.Detlef.

Cheers, Indian
0 (0 Stimmen)

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