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Paying GEZ

Paying GEZ
14.09.09 22:29
I received a letter from GEZ with a form which i should fill and send them but i just ignored and now i got the 3rd reminder letter saying that if i don't get registered i may even have to pay bußgeld of up to €1000,so i have to fill this stupid form and send it even if i don't have any rundfunkgerät.
I don't have a TV or radio or anything.Now the only thing i have is a office laptop which i use at home and got Internet connection,also mobile phone with UMTS.Now why the hell i should make GEZ payment for Internet and mobile as i don't see any German channel or listen to radio.Don't you think this is just harassment.If they really should collect money then get it reduced from the tax which i pay to my telecom provider.
Does anyone knows when these GEZ guys come for checking so i don't open the door.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Paying GEZ
14.09.09 23:33 als Antwort auf prasadp kumar.
Hey prasadp,

Be cool man emoticon & don't worry at all & every thing would be allright.

If you have your own (tv or radio) then being a nice person we have to pay GEZ, because everyone pay that.

If you don't want to pay then nobody can force you that you have to pay & nobody have permission to come into your home. emoticon

>Extra Information:
As you said that you have filledout the form
and send it to them. Well if you filled out that means you yourself said that you have TV or Radio. I don't know which option you crossed on the form and from which date? I hope that you don't said that you are here from e.g 2000 here in Germany and you have radio or TV, otherwise it would be very costly for you, because you have to pay from 2000 till 2009.

Check carefully what you written in the form of GEZ, dates and etc. If you are sure that you have to pay just for 3 months then after 3 months just get abmeldeformular GEZ from any Bank, and just send them by reasoning that you don't have TV or Radio.

Be Happy..... emoticon
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Paying GEZ
15.09.09 02:37 als Antwort auf prasadp kumar.

//..If you don't want to pay then nobody can force you that you have to pay & nobody have permission to come into your home...//

Are you sure? i dont think that in germany someone/authority can send you mahnung/warning letter with no intention to act. I am sure GEZ have full authority to ask busgeld if found guilty.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Paying GEZ
15.09.09 10:42 als Antwort auf prasadp kumar.
GEZ is a quasi-government organization which funds public-TV & Radio channels. They are funded by viewers subscription. In India DD & AIR are funded directly by the govt. Here they do not want public channels to be funded by the govt., so that they are independent.

GEZ can come any time. They are experienced in barging into peoples house. You can stop them and refuse entry. Next time they can enter with a police warrant + they have evidence you have internet.

Better pay up and dont waste ur time in such things.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Paying GEZ
15.09.09 17:20 als Antwort auf prasadp kumar.
do we have to pay GEZ eventough for laptops without TV card?
for students also same rule?

thank you
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Paying GEZ
15.09.09 17:35 als Antwort auf prasadp kumar.
do u have a laptop without internet? then yes, you dont have to pay.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Paying GEZ
15.09.09 20:01 als Antwort auf prasadp kumar.

Thank you raj.

do they (students) have to register eventhough they dont need to pay?

if Wife is a student and Husband is a normal Job holder then?

thank you
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Paying GEZ
16.09.09 02:04 als Antwort auf prasadp kumar.
Let me clarify somethings:

1. If you have TV, you pay only for TV and nothing else. This price is about 17-18 per month and includes radio, PC etc

2. If you have one TV or 5, you pay for one

3. Students always pay for GEZ for TV etc except if they live with their parents (usually not the case of foreign students)

4. You have to pay for computer if it is 'internet ready'. If you have internet or not, it doesnt matter. Same holds true for mobile phones(like with UMTS)

Guys this is the correct information. So please dont talk about logic etc because this is how it is.


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Paying GEZ
16.09.09 02:06 als Antwort auf prasadp kumar.
Yes the prices are for the family. SO if you live with your husband together (doesnt matter if any one is a student) you have to pay once.

Also students who get BaFöG, they dont pay it. Usually only German students.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Paying GEZ
17.03.10 11:05 als Antwort auf prasadp kumar.
Due to job Im taking second appartment(near workplace) and make zweite anmeldung in that city.Perhaps I will buy TV in that appartment in future.Im paying already GEZ for my first appartment.

I asked my collegues ,they said just tear that letter ,dont let them inside hause.
Anyhow I when im paying already for 1 then i dont want to pay to second .

One said buy TV with rechnung address to ur old hause and use this TV for work(in second hause) or something like that.

If i dont let them inside ,my second appartment is on ground floor.and I guess they can see from window what is inside the hause .Can it be a problem?

Is there any way to avoide it second time when you already paying it?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Paying GEZ
17.03.10 15:09 als Antwort auf prasadp kumar.
Hi All,

Recently we changed our Internet on my husband's name but it's the same internet provider that we used before. After the first month, we got a letter from GEZ saying that we have to pay even if we have Internet or mobile with UMTS. We don't have TV and radio. We emailed to GEZ saying the same. They sent again one letter saying that we have to pay 6Euros or 5Euros per month.

The thing is if they come and find you have Internet conenction they charge you fine. That's it. That happened to one of our friends.

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Re: Paying GEZ
17.03.10 16:43 als Antwort auf prasadp kumar.
They can never find out.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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