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Spouse working permit

Spouse working permit
14.01.05 13:51

Today I was at Auslaenderbehoerde to discuss WP
rights of my wife.She has been here for around 6
months and me a little more than one year(I came
with green card ).

The official said she has the right to get a job
without Arbeitsmarktcheck,there will be no need for a confirmation or an acceptance from Arbeitsamt.The only limitation is that her WP
will depend on mine. He refused to write anything
on her Aufenthaltstitel and said after she
finds a job she should go there and they will
write that she has the right to work in that
company for that job.He made clear though that
this is not a confirmation process,i.e. there
is no risk that they refuse the application.
Its just the order of things... First find the
job then change the Aufenthaltstitel.

Spouse WP is determinted with § 29 abs.5 of Aufenthaltsgesetz

(5) Unbeschadet des § 4 Abs. 2 Satz 3 berechtigt die Aufenthaltserlaubnis zur Ausübung einer Erwerbstätigkeit, soweit der Ausländer, zu dem der Familiennachzug erfolgt, zur Ausübung einer Erwerbstätigkeit berechtigt ist ODER wenn die eheliche Lebensgemeinschaft seit mindestens zwei Jahren rechtmäßig im Bundesgebiet bestanden hat.

This paragraph makes it clear that Arbeitsamt
doesn't have anything to do with spouse working
permits.§ 4 Abs. 2 Satz 3 says WP can be issued
only with AA Zustimmung but for spouses §4
is not important.
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