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Visa Questions

Residence Permit - Help needed

Residence Permit - Help needed
20.01.05 18:19
Hi all,
I need some very basic information.
I am moving to germany in Feb and starting work on March 1. My company is giving me temporary accomodation for 1 month. But I need to get my residence permit stamped within 3 weeks of my landing there.
Is it possible that I get the residence permit stamped on the basis of my temporary accomadation(basically a hotel) and then change it once i find a house to live in?
Please let me know about this as this will help me plan my travel date to Germany.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residence Permit - Help needed
21.01.05 00:22 als Antwort auf Girish Kulkarni.

I stayed for the first 2 months in a hotel-appartment (30 m2). I got my first residence permit based on that accomodation, I was even able to get my wife joining me in Germany before I got a falt rented, they were just interested to see there is enough space for 2 persons in the hotel-appartment.

Good luck,

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Re: Residence Permit - Help needed
21.01.05 00:28 als Antwort auf Girish Kulkarni.
There should be no problem for visa extension,my visa extension was done same way while i was in hotle,next month I found flat and i have unregister hotle residence and register my new residence. Your visa will be attached with company not residence,so you can change residence any time.

Enjoy your journey.

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Re: Residence Permit - Help needed
21.01.05 14:06 als Antwort auf Girish Kulkarni.
Thanks a lot for the information. But one additional question from my side would be - Do I need health insurance to apply for a residence permit?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residence Permit - Help needed
21.01.05 14:28 als Antwort auf Girish Kulkarni.
you get health insur. automaticcaly with job.
You do not have to do anything about it.
Firma does everything
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residence Permit - Help needed
21.01.05 14:32 als Antwort auf Girish Kulkarni.
I don't think so that you need health insurance to apply for residence permit.

If your salary is lower that 42.300 Euro brutto / year or 3.525 Euro brutto / year you must be according to law included in compulsory medical insurance (gesetzliche krankenversicherung). For example "Techniker Krankenkasse". If your salary is above this limit you can choose yourself what do you want to do. Options are a) you decide to accept compulsory medical insurance (gesetzliche kv.) and you are "freiwillig" (on your own wish) insured. b) you choose "private" medical insurance, the advantage is that if you are alone, young and healthy your monthly payment for the medical insurance is somewhat lower, BUT afterwards you cannot go back to "gesetzliche" krankenversicherung, and when you are older you pay much more. Furthermore you have to pay separate amount for your wife and each child. Then it is becomes expensive. c) you decide not to have medical insurance at all, so you can get approx. 240 euro netto more, but then you have to pay yourself for every visit to doctor yourself, and this can be VERY expensive.

I hope I didn't confuse you :-). FYI I am four years "frewillig" insured and I have never regret this.
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Re: Residence Permit - Help needed
21.01.05 15:20 als Antwort auf Girish Kulkarni.
***I hope I didn't confuse you . FYI I am four years "frewillig" insured and I have never regret this...............****

Can you give me the Name and address/Phone number/email/ of ur insurance company?
(See my question "Medical insurance after Exmatriculation").

I too want to opt for this kind of medical insurance as AOK will be expensive when I lose my student status.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residence Permit - Help needed
21.01.05 16:01 als Antwort auf Girish Kulkarni.
I think you can return to gezetzliche krankenversicherung (from privat) under some circumstances - for example, if your salary gets below mentioned limit. There are cases like this if you've changed the company or simply contract -> some employers are flexible and you could specify less working hours monthly in your contract (i.e. because you have a new baby in house) and then you get paid less.

BUT! Nobody stops you from combining your health insurace. For example: you could have salary under that limit and "normal" insurance at AOK. But you could still go to private insurance company and get let's say additional dental insurance from them. This means that your dental bill will be payed by all three sides - one part pays aok, second part pays private insurance and third (if any) is your job. This additional dental plan costs about 15€ monthly maybe.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residence Permit - Help needed
21.01.05 16:28 als Antwort auf Girish Kulkarni.
Techniker Krankenkasse




Monday-Friday between 7 and 22 Uhr, Tel. 01802 - 85 85 85 (6 Cent pro minute)

Perhaps little bit better than AOK, since TK is little bit cheaper than AOK (TK-13.7 % at moment). TK is the same as AOK (gesetzliche Krankenversicherung).

Of course it is possible to get back to the gesetzliche krankenversicherung if your salary is lower. Actually, you *must* get back :-( . But to get paid less is normally not happy news, so I did not mentioned it :-).
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Residence Permit - Help needed
24.01.05 04:08 als Antwort auf Girish Kulkarni.
No, it's not good news, although it doesn't have to be that bad - it could be the part of the whole bonus deal (one receives a bit less money monthly, but gets company's car and some other stuff paid by the company directly => and then you get the same or even better deal) or, like I said, if one specifies less than 40 working hours per week.

But, I mentioned getting back to gesetzliche versiecherung because someone could misunderstand what you wrote Cedo about not being able to go back - someone might (falsly) assume that there are situations where one could not afford private insurance anymore and could not go back to i.e. AOK. So, nobody will be left without insurance in any case - that's the point.
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