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My Einbügerung experience

My Einbügerung experience
19.09.09 13:43
Hi All,

I am silent user on this site. This site has wonderful people with wonderful suggestions.
I am Indian (now foreigner), came to germany 9 years ago for working in IT Industry.

After 5 years of stay I got NE.
I passed German language B1 Test (60% needed to pass ).
I also attended Eingurgerung couse in VHS (also needed).
I passed Einburgerung Test (100%), 33 questions out of 300 available on net (www.bamf.de)

I never attendanded any german course, but
One should be very fluent in german.

Applied for Einbürgerung excatly after 8 years of stay. I am now german citizen, my 2 kids are germany born and they also became german citizen with me. my wife did not opt for german citizen, although the officials asked us to do so as family.

The Einbürgerung process took 6 weeks. no issues, I had all documents required by the office.

Later, I also got OCI card, simple process, did registration on the internet, went to Munich paid 240 EUR fee and got a OCI card in 4 weeks. It is valid for life-long.

I thank you all users for their valuable suggestions you had posted on your experiences.

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Re: My Einbügerung experience
19.09.09 16:58 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.
Congrats!! Good luck and best wishes.
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Re: My Einbügerung experience
20.09.09 09:24 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.
Dear BS,


Can you say us that whether NE is possible for the guys who came in March 2005 and apply after March 2010 based on only studies without job?


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Re: My Einbügerung experience
21.09.09 01:12 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.


Do you need to give your Indian passport to Ausländerbehörde or what procedure you have taken after the desicion that you will get German citizenship.

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Re: My Einbügerung experience
21.09.09 12:10 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.
Dear Akil,
No idea about your type of case. Because I have not studied in germany. But have heard / seen in this forum that certain states do not count study period.

Dear R.A.
The Ausländerbehorde keeps indian passport after Einbürgerurkunde is signed by you and authority. Ausländerbehorde then deals directly with Indian Embassy because dual citizenship is not allowed between India and Germany.

One will be without passport until german passport is arrived. During the transition period any travel should be avoided.

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Re: My Einbügerung experience
21.09.09 12:32 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.

Heartiest Congratulation !!!

I would like to know whether one can have OCI for Kids after one of the parents get German Citizenship and OCI.

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Re: My Einbürgerung experience
22.09.09 00:51 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.
Yes, kids can get OCI same time as of parents.

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Re: My Einbügerung experience
22.09.09 11:55 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.
Thank you BS !

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Re: My Einbügerung experience
22.09.09 13:43 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.
Hi bs3511,


Your description of the whole process up until getting EBUrkunde was a very interesting read. One important piece of information was however missing, the place where you live and where you applied for EB. This information would help people who are anticipating a reply from the authorities to make some educated guess when they might hear from them.
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Re: My Einbügerung experience
22.09.09 14:12 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.
Dear All ,

This is the question to all thoese who have applied for the Germany citizenship.
and specifically to those who are still thinking to go back to their home countries some day in their life.

Now what about your rente contribution. As far as indians are concerned ,they can claim it back once they leave germany (2 years) . If som eone has worked for 15 years then this amounts to approx 100000Euros.

Once you become german national I beleive that you cannot claim this thing back (but can get your pension).

What are the views , suggestions on this.

Isn't the german citizen ship is too expensive?

This is with all due repect to german nationality .But isn't it wise to live here if you have NE.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: My Einbügerung experience
22.09.09 14:32 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.
There are many different stories about pension.
It will be nice if experts(german passport holders) could share their views or even experiences about havehope's question.

is it possible to get your contribution pension money back after you (german citizen) leave germany(or do not live in all contracting states with germany). I mean is it possible to convince DRV bund that one want to stay in a non-contracting state.
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Re: My Einbügerung experience
22.09.09 14:57 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.
Sometime back there was a post by deathinc or someone saying that its possible but no details given then.
But a work around for Indian citizens/Ex would be to get Indian passport back when they go back to India (by fulfilling the 5 yr requirement for OCIs) and then apply for the pension money and then the German citizenship is anyway should be given up..But for sure there will be more laws coming in the future for dual citizenship and who knows the pension system might be compatible with Indian System and the money is put into Indian system.

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Re: My Einbügerung experience
23.09.09 13:48 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.
Hi Rohith,

I live in Augsburg, Bavaria.

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Re: My Einbügerung experience
23.09.09 18:12 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.
any more infomation regarding my question regarding rente.
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Re: My Einbügerung experience
24.09.09 14:58 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.

I also have one question. Did your wife also take the exam of B1 and Einburgerung ?

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Re: My Einbügerung experience
25.09.09 00:08 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.

She has B1 Zertikat, and holding Niederlassungserlaubnis. ABH asked that if we go does as complete family for Einbürgerung , then no need for Einbürgerung test or some other documents.

But if now, she decides to take German citizenship, she has to pass Einbürgerung test.

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Re: My Einbügerung experience
25.09.09 13:06 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.
If applied together or separately B1 certificate+ Einbürgerung test is needed for the spouses.See exceptions below...
Wer muss den Einbürgerungstest machen?
Wenn Sie die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit beantragen, müssen Sie seit dem 1. September 2008 auch Wissen über das Leben in Deutschland nachweisen.
* Sie haben einen deutschen Schulabschluss erworben.
* Sie können die Anforderungen wegen einer körperlichen, geistigen oder seelischen Krankheit, einer Behinderung oder altersbedingt nicht erfüllen.
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Re: My Einbügerung experience
25.09.09 21:28 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.
Dear BS

Congratulations on getting Einbürgerung, and thank you for sharing the info.
I have one question for you. You wrote you applied in Augsburg, Bayern. Did you ask the Augsburg Amt whether 6 weeks is normal time for them on Einbürgerung processing or were they in someway faster on your case ?
Because I know from my friends in Nürnberg that it takes 8-12 months there, and its also in Bayern emoticon
Thank you.
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Re: My Einbügerung experience
25.09.09 23:12 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.

I could comment it as per my opinion:

It depends on individual,. Though same state or same amt the process time might not be the same for all.

It might have affects like:
- what are the eligible creiteria of candidate
- if local german amt would like to get confrmation from their indian amts,

So, to generalise, it is very difficult. What we can say definately is, if one has following list then thing move definately fast enough:

- einbürgerungs test
- B1 results in hand
- 8 years completed
- may be clean sheet of banks,steuereklärungs,shufa etc..

I would expect if these minimum creiteria is satisfied, there are good chances that the process go smoothly.

Hope this information helps. Others pls correct me if I'm mistaken.

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Re: My Einbügerung experience
26.09.09 00:33 als Antwort auf Bahadur Singh.
++ RK Comments :
It might have affects like:
- what are the eligible creiteria of candidate
- if local german amt would like to get confrmation from their indian amts,

So, to generalise, it is very difficult. What we can say definately is, if one has following list then thing move definately fast enough:

- einbürgerungs test
- B1 results in hand
- 8 years completed
- may be clean sheet of banks,steuereklärungs,shufa etc..
-- RK Comments :

I fully agree to RK's comments.

++ Also depends how do get response / talk to beamter. polite & punctuality, understanding german (bavarian ..)
++ SCHUFA is very important
++ No gap in employement
++ Clean record, no fines; I heard Parking fines and black ticket travel also count..

In addition to this, I own a flat.

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