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Visa Questions

How and where to give up Indian nationality?


Few weeks ago I applied for German nationality. Yesterday, I recived a letter from the ABH which states that my application has been approved and I also recived an "Einbürgerungschein" along with it. It further says that I can be a German citizen if I give up my Indian nationality and produce the proof for the same to them. I have to keep them informed about it and write a letter every 3 months as the Einbürgerungsschein is valid for next 2 years. Now my question is:
- How to give up Indian nationality?
- How long a person waits for his/her OCI card after he/she has given up the nationality?

Sorry if giving up nationality sounds rude but nothing else came to my mind to search in forum. May be helpful to others when they search for similar question.

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RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
13.07.12 18:35 als Antwort auf Tony Gill.
@Tony Bhaiya

- How to give up Indian nationality?

Einbürgerungsamt will just confiscate your passport and with that your indian nationality is revoked. However, you will  be "stateless" for a couple of minutes until you receive your Einbürgerungsurkunde . You can only pray that nobody kidnaps you during your "stateless state", since german govt. is not going to pay any ransom.

- How long a person waits for his/her OCI card after he/she has given up the nationality?

As soon as your receive your red passport, you can apply for OCI. And, how long you have to wait depends on indian consulate, 3 to 6 months is a fair estimate.

Sorry if giving up nationality sounds rude but nothing else came to my mind to search in forum.

Never mind, I just searched the forum for you and copy-pasted my post. Don't we all love doing that? ;-)
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RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
13.07.12 20:22 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.

believe it or not, but I like it to see you back on stage emoticon

Have a nice weekend!

All of you
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
16.07.12 09:40 als Antwort auf Akshay Khanna.
Hi Akshay,

Thanks for replying.

"Einbürgerungsamt will just confiscate your passport and with that your indian nationality is revoked."
The letter that I received from ABH states that I got to surrender my Indian nationality and Einbürgerungszusicherung is actually for the responsible office / Auslandsvertretung(Indian embassy). Even I heard that Einbürgerungsamt would / could confiscate my passport, but the letter does not confirm that.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
16.07.12 11:01 als Antwort auf Tony Gill.
@Thread starter
you could also go to Indian consulate in your city to renounce your nationality..
Go with the letter you received from ABH which contains your new nationality information.
then the indian consulate will issue a renounciation certificate with which then you can secure your Einürgerungsurkunde.

For your second question:
you can apply for OCI after you get your German passport.
Reciving German PP would take a month after you apply for it...then you should apply for OCI which will then take 6 weeks at least.
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RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
16.07.12 13:40 als Antwort auf Varadharajan Rengaraju.

Do you know how long it takes to get acknowledgement Nr. for OCI application after sending it by post?
Thanks in advance
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RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
16.07.12 17:50 als Antwort auf kewl buddy.
Hi Tony,

Congratulations !
Could you please let us know your Einbürgerungs success story ? Would be interested to know when you started the process and which documents did you supply and any tips based on your experience.

Thanks in advance
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RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
16.07.12 17:55 als Antwort auf kewl buddy.
I don't know about it. you can call the consulate and ask for the same.
I hope you might have filled some online application form for OCI as first step.
you can also check your status with this
but better call the consulate to make sure that your application is received.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
17.07.12 08:36 als Antwort auf Varadharajan Rengaraju.
Thanks rvkvaradhu. I also called Indian embassy yesterday. I can even send them my passport by post along with form XXVII
It took less than 4 weeks from the submission of application. I think all ABH have tehir own requirements for papers to be submitted, but in general one needs the following:
- Renteversicherungsverlauf (most important, is easy to get. One can even submit a request online. Takes around 1 week as it comes per post)
- Bate of birth certificate (they do not entrtain you without it. So get one if you do not have it. The one whoch is issued by Indian embassy is not considered valid I have read in other forums)
- 3 months salary slips
- Mietvertrag
- CV
- Arbeitsbescheinigung
- Einbürgerungstest result
- Language test result
- Degree in case you studied in Germany

Make sure that you make copy of all the papers. Else they are not happy as it makes around 50-60 papers (in my case at least)

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RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
17.07.12 09:23 als Antwort auf Varadharajan Rengaraju.
I don't know about it. you can call the consulate and ask for the same.
I hope you might have filled some online application form for OCI as first step.
you can also check your status with this
but better call the consulate to make sure that your application is received.

Thanks for the reply
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
24.07.12 22:27 als Antwort auf Varadharajan Rengaraju.
Einbürgerungsamt will just confiscate your passport and with that your indian nationality is revoked. However, you will  be "stateless" for a couple of minutes until you receive your Einbürgerungsurkunde . You can only pray that nobody kidnaps you during your "stateless state", since german govt. is not going to pay any ransom.
After reading this thread, I am even more confused. Here the applicant first got the Einbürgerungsurkunde and then he surrendered his passport. In my case I first have to surrender my Indian passport and then will get the Urkunde. Does it mean that I will be stateless for few days? I am sending my passport to Embassy for cancellation via post.

My second question:
Where can I find more information about surrendering passport on Indian Embassy website. I tried but could find more and more about OCI/PCI but not the exact procedure about surrendering nationality.

Any help will help.

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RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
24.07.12 23:16 als Antwort auf Tony Gill.
 In my case I first have to surrender my Indian passport and then will get the Urkunde. Does it mean that I will be stateless for few days? I am sending my passport to Embassy for cancellation via post.

Surrending your passport means .. you handover to the officer .. and its done.
After surrending your indian passport only he will give you the "Certificate of Citizenship" or "Einbürgerungsurkunde".
After that, you have to apply for your ID card or "Ausweis" in the same office (make sure that u go with biometric passport photos). In 10 mins you will get your new German ID card. So, you will not wait for any time without any official documents.
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RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
25.07.12 09:24 als Antwort auf anbu kumar.
Agreed..but my only concern is that I have to send my passport to Indian Embassy. I have to leave Indian Citizenship before getting German citizenship. The letter that I have received from Einbürgerungsamt says:

"Die Einbürgerung kann jedoch erst vollzogen werden, wenn Sie den Verlust Ihrer seitherigen Staatangehörigkeit durch entlassung nachgewiesen haben. Die beegefügte Einbürgerungszusicherung ist deshalb zur Vorlage bei Ihrer zuständigen Auslandsvertretung bestimmt.

Die Einbürgerungszusicherung gilt unter dem Vorbehalt, daß sich die für Einbürgerung maßgebliche Sach- und Rechtslage, insbesondere Ihre persönlichen und Wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse, bis zu Einbürgerung nicht ändern."

So if I leave my Indian citizenship by surrendering my passport to Indian embassy and before I have received the certificate of surrender from them and made an appointment for Einbürgerungsurkunde with the Behörde (lets say at least 4 days), in between this time if I receive some kinda Anzeige against me for Unfall where I was at fault or something worse happens that changes Recht/Sachlage..what will then happen. I will neither be Indian nor I will get GC
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
25.07.12 11:16 als Antwort auf Tony Gill.
Atlest in KVR München, you dont need to do this passport surrender explicitly to Indian embassy.  Its taken care by KVR before giving Einbürgerung urkunde.
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RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
25.07.12 22:19 als Antwort auf Tony Gill.
Agreed..but my only concern is that I have to send my passport to Indian Embassy. I have to leave Indian Citizenship before getting German citizenship. The letter that I have received from Einbürgerungsamt says:

  As far as I know, you do not need to surrender your Passport to Indian Embassy ... just need to give up at your nearby Rathaus.
So, better you ask again why you need to do like that.
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RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
26.07.12 11:51 als Antwort auf anbu kumar.
Exactly..that is something creating confusion because even I have not heard of someone who has first given up Indian nationality by sending his/her passport to the embassy and then taken this letter to Einburgerungsamt for acquiring GC Urkunde. Anyhow, I do not feel convienient sending my passport via post to anyone and this case is extreme when I have to live without any nationality for couple of days.

Anyone with the same expereince please share it.
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RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
27.07.12 12:35 als Antwort auf Tony Gill.
For Information:

Not everywhere can one handover passport to the local authorities in order to get Einbürgerungsurkunde, but one has to give it to the the consulate which inturns confirms the cancellation of passport. In such case is the applicant for few days without passport, but there is no other way. Mean time one shall not leave Germany.
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RE: How and where to give up Indian nationality?
18.01.14 20:17 als Antwort auf Tony Gill.
does anybody know how long it takes to get the confirmation after submitting the passport at indian consulate in munich in person?  Not to sound it like I 'm in desperate hurry but I need to get the switch to new passport as quickly possible,  to be able to travel for work reasons.
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