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Where do we go from here ?

Where do we go from here ?
14.07.04 17:42

Now the much hyped immigration law is passed. There are lots of talkings in the forum and in the media about it. My question as a GC is where do we go from here ? Should I wait till January 1, 2005 and then contact a lawyer (I dont know which kind of lawyer should deal it) and then prepare necessary papers ?
Or should we discuss it with lawyers from now on ? Or should we talk to the ppl at Auslandersamt/Arbeitsamt now. From current situation, what should be the next actions for a GC to proceed to get the PR ?

I think a concrete guideline from Detlef could help us a lot.
What do u think Detlef ?


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Re: Where do we go from here ?
14.07.04 18:00 als Antwort auf Ahmed Ferdous.
Could anybody tell which type of lawyer we need. I think we have to do s.th as soon as possible. There is no time to wait.
We wait alot since years ago. And we've missed a lot of good opportunity. And It's a big pitty after too much wait we haven't gained anything.
I am so sorry for Germany.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Where do we go from here ?
14.07.04 18:11 als Antwort auf Ahmed Ferdous.
Hi Ahmed, hi *,

as I said many times before, I can understand that you want everything clear now! But I am afraid, that we all have to wait a little bit more time, before we can be sure about the process of changing your GC status into a 'Niederlassungserlaubnis', which will give you the unlimited right to stay and work in Germany, or to go and come back, as often as you want to.

I have read the new law in German and I did not find important changes to the draft, which you download and read in English (Immigration section).

We have to wait until we the officials tell us more about the 'How to' of the applications for Work Permits and Niederlassungserlaubnis. This can still last some weeks or, in the worth case, some month. trust7 is thinking about offering some services for GCs and/or their employers to do all the necessary work with the 'Arbeitsamt' and 'Ausländerbehörde', so that you can pay some Euros and leave the rest to us.

This could be very helpful, because we know how to talk to the officers at the Ausländerbehörde, in case there are some problems, we also know the right lawyer.

But we can not offer this, before we know about the process. But, and i did say this also many times before, I am very sure, that there will be a good solution for GCs.

Why am I so sure about this? Because Germany needs you :-)

Viele Grüße aus Berlin
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Where do we go from here ?
14.07.04 18:35 als Antwort auf Ahmed Ferdous.
Thanks Detlef,

We have waited for years now. Personally for me, a few more months wont make too much differences. But count me as one of your first "clients" when the service is started...:-))

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Where do we go from here ?
14.07.04 18:47 als Antwort auf Ahmed Ferdous.
Hi Detlef,

as you as you start the services, lemme know, wanna be the first, may be I can get a 10% discount as pionner :-)


PS I'm dead serious, about counting me in.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Where do we go from here ?
14.07.04 23:01 als Antwort auf Ahmed Ferdous.
Hi all,

Now, we have to clear once for all ... No one can tell you to go out from Germany if you have a job, you pay all your taxes, security, and the company wants you more.
The law is only to tell that exactly and make the regulations for that. I do not see any problems in that althow I have take a lawer (costed me 300 € for shot answer - NO CHANCHE TO STAY AFTHER 5 YEARS! I was wanted to cut my vens when I was paying that!) OR...in auslanderamt...they always say - afther 5 years YOU HAVE TO GO OUT!
They are programmed to say that! If you ask them between they will tell you that the pause time has come and you have to make new schedule!
I have that answer when I have ask - what afther 5 years.
So, I want to give a bit positive energy,....it is very clear that IF all law and regulations are valid for GC as normaly during our stay, why the law for getting Niderlasungerlaubnis, is not valid...or the present law §24 AuslG...to get visum after 5 years?
Are we so extremly special group?
If someone, when the time comes, from GC search or request a unbefristete visum, and if they refused him...then the germany bring and have the laws that self not respect.
Like I invite you to come to eat in my house and when you come I tell you - surprise I was joking - no eat!
I just want to say that unnecesary hier are many pressure abouth the new law and GC future.
I am reading the answers from Detlef and I respect and like his stabile answers. Thaks Detlef!
Other things...the GC is active till 2008....so why prolonging this if someone want you out after 5 years? For relaxation and turism?
We are already hier with jobs and nolidgmente and past and future with familys with children.
Then that with the payment more then 80.000 bruto per year?
Are you normal...which company will give you 6000-7000 euro bruto per month?
I can kill my self but no one will give me so much money not even if I am so perfect programmer!
Not even Schroder personal secretary has a payment like that and not even one GC.
Then ...at the all web sites and the official letter from BMA it is clearly written that afther 5 years anyone from GC can apply for unbefristete (niederlasung) visum according the present law.
So...make your self unnecessary problems with it.

We are more then 40.000 GC in Germany...we can all come in Berlin and stand in front the Bundestag and clearly say that we want to go on in Germany with our life and work...is it dificult that?
I have change so many jobs and places I was taking - I am taking work from 9 till 19 every day even during weekend....I was paying moving...I sleep on flor...my children are having same live, I beleive that I am not the only one!
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