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can i find job in Germany.

can i find job in Germany.
24.08.04 19:07
i live in Turkey and my job in IT sector.i am Oracle DBA.my graduate is trade school(fachochschule) but education time is 2 years in Turkey. i dont know that my diploma is agree in Germany or same fachochschule diploma.
i have Oracle DBA ceriticate and i work on Oracle,Unix about five years,java two years.i know Engilish,little Germany.i tring learn Germany.
now ..
can i find job in Germany this state.How?What are you advise?
tanks for help.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: can i find job in Germany.
24.08.04 19:15 als Antwort auf Hasan UCAK.
It can be hard nowadays as you don't speak German, but it's not impossible (impossible is indeed impossible).

Most of the companies nowadays search for people who can interact from the start with others, being colleagues or customers and thus, a good command of German will be an asset.

But some other companies also employ people who speak only English but this, you really have to search hard to find.

I can only recommand you to search this kind of positions to usual job searching websites, like Monster.de, Computerfutures.co.uk (it's an English one but they have a lot of positions in Germany), Jobpilot.de and others. But most of these ending-with-de websites are in German, so, sit tight and get on translator. But normally when the job spec is in English, it's always easy to check.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: can i find job in Germany.
24.08.04 19:18 als Antwort auf Hasan UCAK.
Turkiye'den buraya gelip pisman olanlarda var.. bu ingilizce ve olmayan Almanca ile zor tabi.. ilk once bu iki dilde ozgecmis hazirlayabilecek + telefon mulakatlarini kaldirabilecek duzeyde bu dilleri bilmek lazim.. IT piyasasinin durumu da pek ic acici degil..
ama yine de tavsiye dersen, asagida iki link veriyorum..



Kolay gelsin

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Re: can i find job in Germany.
24.08.04 19:24 als Antwort auf Hasan UCAK.
Lemme guess Lacrima, you speak about some Turkish thing, there's also something about phone (he should call you or you will call him or he's gonna handle phone interivews) and there's also something about the IT market today, or you got pissed with it ("piyasasinin") or difficult or something like that... ok, I give up, just translate :-)

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Re: can i find job in Germany.
24.08.04 19:39 als Antwort auf Hasan UCAK.
Hey Nobody,
not a bad guess indeed.. :-) here comes the translation:

"I know people who came here from Turkey and some of them regret doing so.. on the other hand, you need fluency in English and/or German.. you have to be able to "at least" prepare your CVs in one of those languages and be able to handle telephone interviews in those languages.. IT Sector looks like also not that well for job opportunities.. but if you insist for an advice, I would give you the following links.."

ehe.. I also like to play this "guessing" game.. especially with the latin-originating languages..(Spanish, Italian etc) Languages are fun though.. I love to learn new languages.. :-)

Take Care

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Re: can i find job in Germany.
24.08.04 19:44 als Antwort auf Hasan UCAK.
:-) This word "ingilizce" means "English" ? :-) I would have never thought of that, but giving it a second thought, yeah it looks like :-)

It's good the guessing game, but try once to guess something written in Chinese (no offense if there are some on the forum), and if you can get one word correct, I offer you a bear :-D Word!

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