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Problems with German Neighbors

Problems with German Neighbors
23.03.04 17:38
Any Germans that happen to read this, please give me some insight into what my neighbors are thinking. Thanks!

I am having major problems with my German neighbors. We live in an apartment building and they live beneath us. They have complained since we moved in that we are too loud with regards to closing doors, climbing the stair well, music, tv, etc. anything that makes noise. They are in their mid 30s we are in our mid 20s.

We have honestly gotten better at all the things previously mentioned. We escort our guests to the front door so that it does not close too loudly, and have generally just paid attention to the level of noise coming out of our apartment. Especially after 10pm during the weekdays.

Last night at 1:30am (Sunday night) our neighbor started banging on his ceiling (our floor) because we were too loud. This woke me up. If that was not bad enough, I looked over at my boyfriend and he was in bed too! I had no idea why the neighbor was banging on the ceiling. About 5 minutes later, I hear the neighbor running up the stairs and banging on our front door. Turns out he was upset because my boyfriend was walking in the dining room at 1:30am and he could hear it and could not sleep.

He then went on to complain that we WALK around the apartment too loudly and that by boyfriend has been coughing too loudly. Boyfriend is coughing because he is sick. He has been to the doctor last week and got antibiotics for the cough. Other than that there is nothing to do but wait for the cough to go away.

I am really at my wits end. This is not the first time this neighbor has banged on our ceiling or harassed (yelled) at us. We have offered to give him our telephone number so that he could call us if we were being too loud, but he refuses to take the number prefering to bang on the ceiling. We have only been living there since January.

I have the feeling that he perhaps dislikes foreigners and anyone he terms 'young'. He has repeatedly made comments about our age, and never having lived in anything other than a 'studentenwohenheim'. Which is not true.

I realize that I am american and young (23) by German standards, but I've been living on my own since I was 18 and have NEVER had problems like this with my neighbors.

Does anyone think that calling the Poliezi or the Ordnungsamt would do any good?

Thoughts please! emoticon

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Problems with German Neighbors
23.03.04 17:56 als Antwort auf Auggie Chin.

I really did notwant to post a message today, because I am very busy, but your case hit my heart!

Believe me, your problems have nothing to do with your nationality, that you are no Germans. It is just bad luck, that you got such a neighbour. These kind of people are the worst what can happen in an apartment house. I really do not have a good advice, I just want to tell you, that I feel sympathy for you.

I am German, and some years ago I had the same problems, with some other Germans. They moved some day and this was our luck :-)

May be it is useful to talk to your landlord and in case he will disturb you again in the middle of the night, you can call the police.

Sorry, that I do not have better solutions!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Problems with German Neighbors
23.03.04 18:57 als Antwort auf Auggie Chin.
best solution would be call police or move from the apartment. If you call police, first time it is okay but this kind of people are very crazy people, before you give report to police they will call police and will give report on you. So I would suggest you to move to another apartment. Ofcourse this is very nasty decision, but it will work. Next time try to be in top floor, so no one will disturb you.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Problems with German Neighbors
23.03.04 19:22 als Antwort auf Auggie Chin.

Sorry to hear this kind of Problem and that too from not toooo old people.

I have a neighbour who is in 80's and all i listen is music, in my house and sometimes i myself believe it is loud, but i never had complains from her.

Well whatever it is, It has nothing to do with the Nationality and i
pity your Situation.

Regards// Sudeep
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Problems with German Neighbors
23.03.04 19:26 als Antwort auf Auggie Chin.
i agree with vsrikanth9. the best way is to move out from that apartment. your story make me recall similar experience i had in singapore when i worked there 2 years ago. believe me no matter how much effort you pay, you won't change the situation. your neighbor just likes to make trouble! probably, this is the reason why the previous tenant left the apartment. call police can make thing worse, it won't stop them from harassing you, such people will make revenge after that for sure, anyway policeman can do nothing abt it unless you want to sue them up to the court, will u?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Problems with German Neighbors
24.03.04 16:54 als Antwort auf Auggie Chin.
First get some Rechtschutzversicherung. The next time he knocks don't be friendly, and don't feel like you have done anything wrong, the minimum you should be able to do is to walk in your appartment. Tell him that this situation can not continue and offer to call the police and clear the situation once and for all. When the police come, ask them to clear a meeting with an arbitrator (Schiedsrichter), and to write down that your neighbor came at xx hours in the morning and knocked in your door, and that you don't want this to happen anymore in the future.

Or move.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Problems with German Neighbors
24.03.04 17:05 als Antwort auf Auggie Chin.
Uncomfortable neighbours are common problem everywhere in the world and nothing to do specifically with u as u mentioned.

My suggestion is that running away from it won't help u in anyway. What is the gurantee that u won't get the same type of person in ur new place.

So my suggestion is to live in the same place and try to tackle it there itself.

Afterall U cannot choose ur neighbours ;)
0 (0 Stimmen)

24.03.04 17:59 als Antwort auf Auggie Chin.
Hello All,

can some one help me out finding a Attorney who is familiar with Greencard issues or Arbeitsrecht.
may be some GH have comeacross with legal issues
your cooperation is very much appriciated.
0 (0 Stimmen)

24.03.04 19:51 als Antwort auf Auggie Chin.
hi there,,

i think its better if you open a new thread for this attorney stuff.. Moreover, you can always search for an attoney from gelbeseiten.de . There they are classified. I am not sure if it really make sense to have an attoney in a different place than where you live.. Ofcourse, it makes sense to approach one whom you know before..

0 (0 Stimmen)

25.03.04 14:04 als Antwort auf Auggie Chin.
Mr Reddy,

you are correct but i never been to any Attorney before
so i dont have my personal legal adviser.i do find lot of
Attorneys but my case is quiet complicated, i need some
one who is familiar with visas & green card permits.
from past few weeks i am trying to find one but still......
i thought may be i can find some one with this forum help..
some one might approacehd a Attorney before who dealed with
GC stuff..
0 (0 Stimmen)

25.03.04 17:42 als Antwort auf Auggie Chin.
May be you should also mention the place you live, then some one can help you.. I am sure its of no use for you if you live in Berlin, and some one suggest you a Stuttgart based lawyer.. May be open a new thread.. That might help..


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Problems with German Neighbours
25.03.04 18:00 als Antwort auf Auggie Chin.
ha ha! very disappointing! might be you should relocate yourself nd find a new appartment with a cement flooring so that the guy beneath you needs to bring in bulldozer to knock your floor! I 2 have problems with my neighbours who are living on top of my floor who bang bang my ceiling just because it is an wooden floor but I never complained because it was my mistake choosing this kind of appartment as there was no choice left. I think you should start looking for a concrete floor appartment rather than a wooden floor appartment! try to record a video in the night when they appraoch you and threaten them. good luck!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Problems with German Neighbors
26.03.04 05:44 als Antwort auf Auggie Chin.
"i need someone who is familiar with visas & green card permits."

what Arbeitsrecht has to do with it *lol*? if you have an issue regarding visa, it's Ausländerrecht and Verwaltungsgerichte, in case you have a problem with green card work permit, it's Sozialrecht and Sozialgerichte *lol* ;)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Problems with German Neighbors
27.03.04 10:14 als Antwort auf Auggie Chin.
Thak you all for your wonderful replies and suggestions. Sometimes a girl just needs a place to vent about the 'establishment'! emoticon We spoke with our landlady (vermieterin) Thursday night and turns out that she thinks they are a bit strange too. She has even asked them if they think perhaps the apartment is too small for them and should move. Anyways, no problems with the landlady and since Monday, so more banging on the ceiling. I believe the landlady spoke with them on Friday night.

One suggestion that I think that I am going to do is get Rechtsschutzversicherung. That way the next time my neighbor decides to pay me a night time visit I can call the Police and ask for a mediation.

I don"t want to have to move again. I really do like this apartment. Besides, it is in the perfect location for us and housing is generally a pain in the a$$ to find in a large city, not to mention expensive.

Thank you all again!!! emoticon

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